children & families

the raic girls


This is one of those “I can’t believe it’s you” stories. Mom and I were really good friends back in elementary school (K-3rd grade until I moved) and I saw her name on another completely unrelated friend’s Facebook page. So I messaged her…and well, the rest is photographic history.

I tried to find a picture of she and I from way back in the day, but the photo album is at my mom’s somewhere and I couldn’t find it in time to post the pictures. So if I do dig it up, I’ll post it in January when things calm down.

Her girls are the cutest, most outgoing, sweet, polite kids. Like ever. I loved every minute of taking their pictures. They were game for everything and anything I suggested and were just plain old fun!



Not to mention gorgeous. All 3 of them.




Loved all the colors and textures during this shoot. They just made me happy.




It was the crazy windiest day that day and everyone’s hair was going everywhere. I tried to keep us out of the wind, but sometimes it just didn’t work out. Still made the pix look good though!




Thanks H for messaging me back on FB. So glad to renew our friendship from Plaza Elementary! Looking forward to lots more fun times ahead!!

To see all the images from this session, please click HERE.