disney 2013
Been putting off blogging these cause I figured they’d just make me pissed that I’m not there right this minute. And you know what? I was so right. And now I’m hungry too. Dammit.
And by the way, where the hell is spring???
The pictures are pretty self explanatory. Took my iPhone and the little camera. And that’s it. And that was totally fine.
Meeting Wreck It Ralph and Vanellope. Disappointed cause Ralph doesn’t sign autographs. Couldn’t they get him a stamp or something?
Stare down with dad in Epcot.
With Olivia, Gavin & Jack at Jedi Training Academy.
The Land at Epcot (but it really looks like Hemingford Home from The Stand). <first picture below
Twins like you. I have to find the older pictures of this where they were up to Chip & Dale’s elbows in height.
Ariel’s (or really Prince Eric’s) castle in the new Fantasyland.
The Beast’s castle. (in the new part of Fantasyland). Where the amazing Be Our Guest restaurant is.
It snows outside of the castle. Snow!!! (yeah, I don’t mind snow at all when it’s 70 degrees outside).
The “west wing” of the restaurant/castle. It’s like you walked into the movie. Amazing!
Thanking the “master” for dinner.
One more of the enchanted rose.
Timmy with Frozone & Uncle George (uh, I mean Mr. Incredible). And Nate, Colleen & their girls (ones a little camera shy) and us. As you can see, we didn’t have the best weather this trip (quite a few cold days, 2 with rain) but it was still a great time anyway!
Not sure when our next trip back will be which is a big bummer (with the big boys starting high school next year at Regis, they probably won’t be too keen on them missing school for Disney. And the lines this year were long as hell some days of the trip- they’ve never been like that for us before. I really don’t like going during the break when the rest of the world is there too. So we’ll have to play it by ear for next year.). Thanks to all of you who followed me on Instagram and already saw most of these pictures and didn’t kill me for posting all the time.
p.s. you can still follow me on Instagram. There’s a link on the top of the blog.
the last of disney 2012 (really, i swear…)
This has been going on for entirely too long with the Disney posts, so I promise this is the last of our trip from February. Or in my world, “alright already with the Disney”. Now you’ll just have to wait until Feb 2013 for the next installment.
Our last night in the MK- got prime viewing for Wishes. My favorite. Can’t wait for the construction to be done so that bump out building on the right is gone. Totally in my way.
Regardless, Disney has the best fireworks. Ever.
Our last day in the MK before catching our night time flight home. Of course we start and end with Breakfast at the Crystal Palace.
Best part of the day was meeting up with Timmy’s BFF Jack and his family. They couldn’t have been happier riding all the rides together.
And I got to hang with one of my besties in our nations capital too. Awesome way to end the trip!!
disney 2012 (part 7,963…)
A little more of the Disney trip still to go, sorry if you’re totally sick of it already.
We’re gearing up for Eastover here at the Beyrer’s. (Eastover= Easter + Passover, since we celebrate both.) Off to dye eggs with the boys and then get ready for the traditional Matzah & tuna fish sandwiches while watching The Ten Commandments on TV tomorrow night. Then my inlaws for Eastover dinner on Sunday.
But back to Disney in the meantime. This is the day we met up with my parents at Magic Kingdom. And this is my most favorite seat in all of the Magic Kingdom.
So as we were waiting on line for Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin, I was busy trying to convince my mom to ride Splash Mountain. She was adamant about NOT riding so she offered a challenge. Post it on Facebook and find 25 friends to say she should go on in 15 minutes and she would She figured that there was no way I’d ever get that many people in 15 min, but it was more like 40+ people in 10 min who said to go. So she was pretty much screwed. (What my mother failed to realize is that I have a LOT of Facebook friends and everyone has FB on their phones, and they knew good pictures would come of this adventure!) Off to Splash Mountain we went!
And here’s the resulting photo. Which of COURSE we paid top dollar for.
Cheers to the fact that we got Grandma on!
The next day at breakfast at Ohana. We always book this breakfast and ALWAYS cancel last minute. But we finally made it this year.
And I got to meet up with Camie (my college roommate who lives about 10 minutes from Disney)!
More from MK coming soon.
disney 2012
Still haven’t finished posting these pictures so since I’m caught up on blogging all my clients photos, we’re headed back to Disney. Well, on the blog anyway.
Animal Kingdom (I loathe that park. It’s been 10 years since we were last at AK and it’ll be 10 years until we go back there again.) and some fun by the main pool at Old Key West Resort where we stayed.
We did get to see lots of animals on the safari though, that part was good.
Watching the rhino take a mud bath was cute.
Big boys at the top of the waterslide/sandcastle.
More Disney still to come.
disney days 2012 – part 4
Moving along with the Disney trip, we spent a day at Hollywood Studios with Nate & Colleen and their girls before they had to leave to get back home that afternoon. We did the divide and conquer as usual for Hollywood Studios, John heading over to Toy Story Mania to get fast passes, and Timmy & I headed over to sign him up for the Jedi Training Academy. Rode the new Star Tours a few times- so much fun and so much better than before. With something like 54 different “trips”, the ride is different each time. Muppets were great, visited some characters for autographs for Timmy. And by the time our Fast Passes were ready for Toy Story Mania, there was a 2+ hour wait standby, and all the fast passes were sold out. Crazy!
For Christine. Totally thought of you with these.
Jedi Training Academy. They made it much bigger and added Darth Maul. He’s creepy as hell and Timmy was so psyched to fight him!!
Can you see Timmy formulating his plan of attack in the background?
We had my favorite Jedi Master again this year- he’s the one who called Timmy “25 pounds of unbridled fury” a few years ago.
John trying to get the paper.
Not quite dirty enough for the real NYC, but close. Except in Disney it smells good.
Phineas and Ferb. Or as Timmy says- Vinneus.
Last picture of all the kids together. And somehow I got Nate to admit that Disney wasn’t SO bad. I think having the boys around to keep the girls company and happy was a big help. Hoping they’ll be brave enough to meet us again next year. I was just thankful we made it thru Disney without Nate punching anyone (I know my Miami friends will remember the elevator in Pearson). I considered it a successful trip based on that alone.