disney days 2012 {part 3}
On our 3rd day of our very busy Disney trip, we headed over to Epcot (known in our family as Efcot) with Nate, Colleen & the girls. It was a rainy on and off kinda day so the fun was a little limited. Although we were treated to 2 very cute little girls and their Karate moves- complete with yelling. Adorable!!
We grabbed our fast passes for Soarin, rode Nemo, Test Track, Mission: Space, Spaceship Earth- all the front of the park rides. We never made it over to the World Showcase this year. John’s parents came over for the day to hang out, but they aren’t much for the rides (I think it’s probably cause I ruined them on Big Thunder last year!!) so they did a lot of the “bench ride” with John. I didn’t really take out the camera at all that day, but just snapped a few with the iphone.
More Disney to come.
disney days 2012 {part 2}
So not only did we have a great time at Disney as usual, but this year we got to meet up with a bunch of friends and family to make the trip even better. First up, our friends Nate & Colleen and their little girls. Nate & I went to Miami together and have stayed in touch ever since. He is so totally the anti Disney so it was a little worrisome meeting up with him there. But all was well- well, relatively.
You can just barely see Colleen behind Nate. I think we were both a little worried about Nate at Disney.
Gorgeous girl!
Both of the girls looooved the big boys and didn’t leave their sides much at all.
So we ended up on the Tomorrowland speedway together and as I was trying to get a shot of us from the iphone, the guy behind our car hit us and Nate’s face changed to this with a quick comment of “nice job a**hole”. Yeah, he can only tolerate so much Disney.
And a cool shot from the iphone tilt shift app of the Electrical Parade. More fun with Nate, Colleen and the girls coming up on the blog.
disney days 2012 {part 1}
Being that I just booked our Disney trip for 2013 yesterday (yup, already) I figured it was time to start posting some of the shots from this year’s trip. They are all snapshots- nothing spectacular this year. I really needed to be on vacation and in the moment w the boys so I left the big guns home and just took the Fuji x100. Which is a fabulous camera and you can shoot amazing stuff with- but I just went the easy snapshot route this trip. That, and the iphone.
The first part of the trip included a really fun Jetblue guy (he was director of ground operations or something official like that) who came up to us in the airport and asked the boys if they wanted to be in charge of checking the boarding passes for the flight. Cool, right?
Then the flight- which is my least favorite part of the vacation, but getting to Disney on the Magical Express and breathing in the Disney air (yes, it is actually different air there) makes it all worthwhile.
Started our first full day at Magic Kingdom with breakfast at Crystal Palace. Yum. I wait all year for this breakfast- it’s the best!!
More tomorrow with pictures of our meetup with our good friends! Stay tuned!
the last of Disney 2011
Timmy’s home sick today (actually he came home sick yesterday after puking on the playground at recess) I haven’t had time to edit more client shoots. I was too busy cleaning up vomit. So on that lovely note, I’m just posting the last of the Disney photos. Hopefully today will be puke free and I’ll edit while Timmy eats saltines and watches movies.
The view from high above on Dumbo.
And a little sneak peek of the construction happening on the Fantasyland expansion. Can’t wait to see what it’s going to look like!!
Splash Mountain before. Which we were all so happy to ride because it’s always closed for refurbishment when we are down there in February.
Uh huh.
And after.
John actually rode! This is is favorite ride and with his back he probably really shouldn’t ride it, but after being layed up for the whole Disney trip in the hotel room with strep, he decided he was riding anyway. And it’s not jarring so it worked out okay.
The 7 dopes.
And on that note, I’m going to edit.
more disney 2011 (magic kingdom)
On a day of bad weather (snow here in NY on 3/23- seriously?), bad news (bombs in Israel, earthquake/tsunami/nuclear meltdown in Japan, and all the regular bad news) and bad health (waiting for blood test results on the huge swollen lymphnode in my neck that’s been there for more than a week) today’s a perfect day to post some happy Disney pictures.
This sums up why I love going to Disney so much:
Had dinner at Chef Mickey’s with the Morins.
Hit the MK early for our breakfast reservations at Crystal Palace. Love the empty park in the morning but not the rain (although that kept the people away all the more which made all the ride lines short!) The castle looks better in the sun though.
Breakfast at Crystal Palace- best scrambled eggs and Mickey waffles ever.
The picture on the right is a good example of how NOT to take a picture (subjects in sun, bad shadows, squinty, raccoon eyes). Eh, I took it anyway. It just be’s that way sometimes.
Some Big Thunder fun! Our favorite ride in the MK. And although it’s still not easy to take pictures while riding a roller coaster, I’m getting better!
John finally made it back to the land of the living just in time for our last full day at Disney.
They boys went off to ride Space Mountain alone. How far they’ve come! Timmy still missed the height requirements by a few inches. Maybe next year.
And some teapups (yes, teapups, not teacups). Always good for a bunch of laughs.
One last bunch of pictures from Disney left.