the schm family
Definitely a favorite session for this year, just for the fun factor alone. So I know many of you were disappointed that Bob (our elf on the shelf) didn’t make a blog appearance this year, but here he is! Mom had a great idea for the session and wanted their elf in it but she forgot him at home so there was a last minute emergency run to my house to pick up Bob!
Such handsome boys…
Bob is always watching. So if you’re naughty…
…you better start being nice.
And we ended the shoot with a little dancing Gangnam style.
merry christmas {in nyc}
Cannot even believe it’s Christmas Eve. So much to do, so little time!!
Two weeks ago we went into the city for our annual Christmas traditions- seeing the tree, the Christmas Spectacular at Radio City, FAO Schwarz and dinner. A few of the photos from the day (all taken with my new Fujifilm x100- love my little point and shoot!)
Bob didn’t want to stay home alone, especially after he heard we were going into the city for Christmas adventures!
We ended up going to the tree much earlier in the day than normal but it was getting so crowded that we didn’t go back after the show.
A visit to FAO- after waiting on line to get in (!!!). Timmy was all about the Legos and chocolate. Jack has an issue with down escalators.
Which of these things is not like the others…
I could have left them just in the lego section for about a month and they would’ve been perfectly happy.
Some cool window displays. Anthropologie.
The Chrysler Building- my favorite.
Louis Vuitton. That red suitcase is amazing!
A dog in a ridic outfit.
And dinner at the midtown location of Peking Duck House. I had no idea there even WAS a midtown location, but it was delicious and exactly like the one in Chinatown. And a lot closer for boys who were exhausted after a long day.
Eagerly awaiting the duck.
It was the Christmas we were introduced to Chinese Turkey. It’s staring at me. Fa ra ra ra ra. (you better know what movie this is from!)
Can you find the little Christmas tree?
Hope all of you have a very merry Christmas tomorrow filled with love, family, friends, blessings, good times….and pictures. The blog will probably be quiet for a few days while I regroup and enjoy my long, long awaited vacation. I’ll be posting again before the end of the year, so come back and visit.
bob needs some aftercare
My favorite Bob to date I think. Hoarder Bob. Complete with Flat Dead Cat, and something that may or may not be Junior Mints.
bob says “mooooooo”
The pictures speak for themselves. However, the funniest part of shooting this was my friend and around the block neighbor driving by and seeing me do this and just laughing…
bob likes to draw
Bob got a hold of some markers and went to town on the wall of pictures in Timmy’s room. Timmy did not find this development amusing. At all.