baseball trip 2011- day 5 chicago-IV
Our ‘free day’ in Chicago, no baseball game until the evening. I took full advantage of the day off.
Bob enjoying a little breakfast (Elves like syrup. Just ask Buddy the Elf).
We all walked Michigan Ave and I was very excited to take my one and only goddaughter to the American Girl Store. Oh. My. I had no idea.
We got Katie and Julie some matching pj’s and matching Chicago AG shirts. And some outfits and accessories for Julie. What a racket that place is. And overwhelming. And fun! It was so nice to do something girly for once, but I’m kinda glad I don’t have to do that on a regular basis. It’s a whole ‘nother world that girl thing.
Stopped by the Hershey store too.
Timmy was in his element. As was I.
Ok, who remembers these lipglosses from their childhood?
Bob didn’t realize there was glass over the cupcakes and brownies.
While Katie, Maureen and I were in the AG store, they stopped in the Lego store. And got just a few guys.
This was my next stop. I shopped by myself for a little while, and picked up a new pair of pretty Tiffany sunglasses. Almost bought a gorgeous Tiffany blue purse but just barely managed to restrain myself. (ignore the wonky color below on the bag, I didn’t set my white balance before taking it.) I figured John and the boys like looking at baseball diamonds, I like looking at diamonds too. Just the sparkly kind.
Then Ken & I went out walking and headed over to the Chicago Art Museum. Shades of ER.
I think this one was my favorite that we saw.
And then we embarked on the Ferris Bueller portion of the museum tour. Can you hear the Smiths “let me let me let me get what I want, this time” instrumental version playing in the background? Couldn’t get that song out of my head the rest of the day!
Loved the lighting in the one on the left.
You know we love the movie The Ten Commandments, right? Ok, cmon you know the shot on the right is totally right out of that movie at the end when the Pharoh’s (yul brenner’s) son dies and they put him on the altar.
American Gothic. And Bob.
Totally filmed episodes of ER here.
Bob makes friends everywhere he goes.
And then the fun was all over. Back to baseball for the White Sox this time.
It was fireworks night. At least I had more time to hang out with Maureen. And the nachos in this park were really good. More on the baseball trip still to come.
baseball trip 2011- day 3 Chicago II
So the start of our second day in Chicago found us driving a pretty good distance to Hot Doug’s restaurant for “the best” hotdogs ever. At 11:45am I wasn’t really in the mood for any ‘encased meat’, but thought the sign was pretty funny.
Then it was back to the hotel and then some MORE shopping for hats and tshirts on the way to the park. Let me tell you that my boys (including John) are never allowed to say that they hate shopping. They stopped in every. single. store that sold baseball crap. Sometimes twice.
Since we weren’t running late, I finally got around to the front of the stadium for the ‘official’ wrigley photos.
And then we went on the Wrigley tour. That was Wednesday’s surprise for the boys.
We learned all kinds of interesting things about the stadium, scoreboard, team history and surrounding neighborhood. It was a good tour (I like the baseball history, just not the actual game) and the boys all really liked it a lot.
Even Bob enjoyed the tour.
It’s all about the bricks and ivy. Then we stayed for the game. I didn’t take any more pictures cause this was our second of three Cubs games at Wrigley and I was done already. We also met up with John’s friend from Fordham, Maureen and her daughter who stayed at the game with us for a bit. Maureen told John that she couldn’t understand a few of the things he was saying because of his accent. Funny! And we saw Michael Jordan at the game (he was on the catwalk in front of the luxury boxes but it was too dark up there to get a picture).
baseball trip 2011- day 2 Chicago I
We left early Tuesday morning for the 7+ hour drive to Chicago. It was pretty and the first farm was exciting. After that it was naps, DS’s, snacks and tons of “how much longers”. We stopped for a bathroom/lunch break somewhere in Wisconsin which just so happened to be across the street from a US Military Base. There were a ton of soldiers in the restaurant and I decided I would buy whoever was on line at Subway their lunch for the day. You know how I have a real soft spot for all US soldiers. I mean, they put their lives on the line for us every day. I figured lunch was the least I could do. It was awesome!!
And they were nice enough to stop for a picture with the boys. And Bob.
The guys pictured above even gave each of the boys a “challenge coin” from their unit. They explained that you get them for doing something good for your unit and gave them to me with a handshake. It was pretty cool and quite an honor. Timmy can’t wait to bring it in for show and tell in first grade.
And we finally made it to Chicago.
With no time to spare, we took the subway over to Wrigley for the game.
Even though they spent most of their 12th birthday in the car, they still had a good day.
Grandpa Jack and Grandma Inez even flew in for the game (and left the next morning).
Looked up just in time to catch this. Love it!
Messing around with some sun flare. I was so bored.
Then it was time for Tuesday’s surprise. Birthday wishes on the scoreboard at Wrigley!
And Bob. Tried to find him a elf sized birthday hat but didn’t have much luck. He celebrated the boys birthday anyway.
Well, at least he liked the game.
And I can’t go another day without props to my Pilates trainer Karen who suggested Bob come along on the baseball trip. I think a lot of people thank you, Karen!!
baseball trip 2011- day 1 minneapolis
So after taking “bob’s airline” to get here (Ok, it was actually Sun Country, but who the hell ever heard of that one either?!) and making it in one piece (and being really pissed off in the airport cause it took them over 30 min to check us in which then caused us to be late for the flight & the last ones on the plane and that was after they tried to make me check my carry on bag cause there wasn’t anymore room- but the nebulizers are in there along with all the meds and my camera- and I stood on the ramp to the plane emptying the bag but then they said they were sorry since it was medical equipment…so that wasn’t good! Won’t be flying them again.)
We landed in the Twin Cities in enough time to make it to the car rental counter, to the hotel and to a late lunch before heading to the game. I love the area we’re staying in- all old warehouses. Photographers dream. Hakka was upset as the restaurant he was dying to go to (Hells’ Kitchen) was closed for cleaning. Bummer.
Bob the Elf decided to come out of retirement and join us for the trip. I think everyone’s pretty happy to see him!
John’s really, really BAD hat.
Uh…Bob? You remember what happened last time you thought it was a good idea to drink. There was that whole drunk driving incident with imprisonment (via Lego mini figs) and community service. You might want to rethink the beer.
So instead, Bob made friends with the camera man. Good move, Bob!
Keeping score.
See, told you it was a good move schmoozing the camera man. Thanks, Bob!
Yup, that’s me and my camera in the background on the big screen.
And even Bob made his big screen debut. Not bad for his first day out of retirement.
Patrick modeling the BAD hat.
When you are all reading this on Tuesday, the boys will be celebrating their 12th birthday!! Happy Birthday boys! I love you so much and hope you are enjoying your baseball trip. More surprises to come this week for them. And pictures, of course!
bob takes a holiday
After working (or was that playing) very hard over Christmas, Bob snuck into our luggage (or muggage as per Timmy) and ended up on vacation in Florida.
Yay! Vacation!!!
Bob seemed to settle in very nicely with the local flora and fauna.
He even hitched a ride in the bag down to the pool.
Don’t forget your swimmies, bob! Although they are a bit big on you.
Contemplating a dip.
Getting in slowly.
Who knew elves were so buoyant? Swim, Bob, swim!
After a close call in the pool, Bob was rescued with the life ring.
Just chillin poolside.
It took a while, but Bob did eventually dry off. I think he had a nice relaxing vacation. He’s just going to stay out of the pool for a while.
Hope the further adventures of Bob brought a smile to your face on this very snowy day!