kieran’s christening- part 1
Usually I don’t post Christenings in two parts, but there was just so much picturey-goodness to share here! So here we go with a few from the getting ready and the ceremony parts of Kieran’s special day. He is a much loved little boy!
Lots of familiar family faces in this shot.
Someone only has eyes for mommy.
A very busy day at St. Agnes with 10 babies (!!!) being baptized.
More tomorrow…
eleana’s christening
After photographing this gorgeous little baby and her equally gorgeous big sister & parents several times, I was so happy and exited to shoot her christening day. The christening was held in the Greek Orthodox Church and I knew it was going to be awesome- and it SO was! I really love learning about different cultures and religions and their customs (I even got a special blessing on me from the priest at the church!) and photographing the rituals involved.
So total picture overload coming up.
A beautiful (but chilly) day in NJ.
The christening begins at the back of the church. The priest explained to me after the ceremony that it was done that way as a throwback to the old days when people were converting from idol worship or other religions so they were assumed to be possessed when they were coming to church for the first time. They had to be blessed/baptized by the doors so that the devil was left outside. (ok, so that’s not word for word, but that’s the general idea).
She was very interested in grabbing the prayer book.
This may be the last time she was happy for a while!
Getting totally undressed for the baptism.
Her expression is priceless. It’s either “what are they doing to me?” or “listen camera lady- are you going to just stand there and not help me?!?”
Even the very little guy is enjoying the scene.
I was very happy no one dropped the baby, but I can tell you it made me really nervous and I was so glad I wasn’t the one who had to hold her. She was covered in oil and then put in the water. Very slippery!
Lots more prayers, other oil applied, cutting of the hair and a change into her white communion gown.
Communion (the Greek Orthodox church does all 3 in one shot: Baptism, Communion and Confirmation.) Pretty efficient, no?
Proud parents & godparents. And as long as she was being held by Mommy, a happy baby!
And off to the reception.
This one cracks me up. Never thought a little baby could do such a “cheese” face!
Not being held by Mommy? No thank you.
Lots of familiar faces!
“My” Jake. You’ll remember him from his birth session. Since he’s literally been trained since birth (and even before) to take pictures, look how well he does for me!
Such pretty ladies. And sooooo nice!
Can’t even tell you what was going on here.
No party is complete without face painting.
Sisters in law.
And again, no mommy? No picture.
Congrats to all of you and thank you for holding me hostage and feeding me dinner before letting me leave. Much love to you on this day and all days!
ava’s christening
After photographing this gorgeous baby for her newborn session a few months ago, I was so pleased that her family asked me back to photograph her christening right before Christmas. A cold but beautiful day that was perfect for my last session of 2012.
I just love her smiles!
Getting all ready with her godmother.
Tell us how you really feel about your bonnet.
More tongue.
Love these pictures with her godfather.
A little nap before church.
2012 in numbers & a winner chosen
My annual end of the year wrap up for 2012. In the numbers. But first, two pictures of what I’ll be working on first when I get home from vacation.
Little Mr. Max’s 1st birthday portraits (big thanks to Shira at ShiraZ photography for the studio for the morning). I photographed Max’s newborn session earlier in the year after an unexpected delay to his real newborn session. And now he’s one. Crazy how fast this year went.
And as my very last session of the year (well, not counting the shoot I did for my own boys on the beach in Florida for our belated New Years cards that will be sent out…soon) was beautiful baby Ava’s Christening. You can see her newborn shoot here.
Ok, onto the year in numbers…
I photographed 133 sessions in 2012, including 10 newborns, 5 weddings, and one 50th wedding anniversary. No wonder I’m so tired!
Thank you all for your business, your friendship, your trust in me to capture the most important people to you. For the emails, the gifts, the support, the babysitting, reading the blog, commenting on facebook posts, and all the love you are always sending my way! Wouldn’t be here without all of you and I promise you I won’t ever forget that!!
I blogged 261 times. Thats a lot of words. Maybe I should shut up?
And sadly, I took hardly any personal photos in 2012 that weren’t from my iPhone. I’m going to try really hard to take more personal pictures in 2013 on the real camera (but the big boys are so not going to appreciate this goal- they are DONE with pictures unless there are BIG bribes involved or it’s of them playing baseball). But maybe with the new puppy and Timmy I’ll still have a few willing subjects. It’s kinda pathetic that the reason I don’t take more personal pictures is because I know I’ll just have to edit them and I’m always just editing clients. Gotta try harder to take my own pictures.
And finally, the winner for the free bsquared mini session(for reaching 1,000 fans on the bsquared facebook page- which is now up to 1100) is: DONNA FARRELL – OCTOBER 12, 2012 – 1:01 PM
I have never had a session but have had a photography lesson with you! You are so talented and so much fun! Would love to have a great picture of my family. I don’t have one nice shot of my husband and I with our beautiful son….who is 8!
Congrats to you Donna! Can’t wait to photograph your family. I’ll email you with details.
Don’t forget to nominate a friend or family member for a free bsquared mini “Sandy Session”. You can find the details here: Sandy Sessions. I’ll choose 2 winners from the nomiations for a session in Jan-Mar 2013.
Happy New Year!!! xoxo
gavin’s christening
I’m sure you will remember this adorable little guy from his awesome newborn session a few months back (and his parents maternity session before that). Well, Mr. Adorable himself got Christened a few weeks ago and I was there to capture it. (sorry for the short narrative today- had a long day yesterday which included driving 304 miles thru 3 states for two shoots)
The whole family is away camping right now, but I’m pretty sure they have access to a computer to check out their photos from Gavin’s special day.
Yay for me!- I got Christened today!