Oh look, yet another freezing day here in NY. So over it. Only 95 days until official opening day at the beach. Remember the beach? I for one cannot wait to complain how it’s too hot. Beach sessions are always a great place to capture your family- hopefully I’ll see you there soon!
Over the summer (see, so far behind on posting!) I went out to the hamptons to photograph this awesome crew before their oldest left for freshman year of college. I think they’re all going to really miss him! We had a lovely afternoon at the beach with some weird changeable weather (fog or haze and then clouds and then sun) but we made it work with all those crazy boys!
If you’ve been a longtime bsquared follower, you’ll definitely remember the “burberry princess”. I shot her first birthday party and I’ve been photographing her ever since- 16 years!!! Click here to see some of our old shoots. Always in burberry, until she grew out of her parents deciding her outfits. But then I still put her (with baaaaad photoshop) in burberry and begged her to bring anything burberry to her senior session. A bow, a bag, a sweater, anything. They were so good to me and Katie threw on a burberry scarf just for me/for old times. She’s grown up to be such a lovely, smart, amazing girl (I had no doubt she would be!) and I cannot wait to see what she chooses for college and beyond. She told me I definitely get to photograph her wedding someday. Could you even imagine? (do you think she’d wear a burberry wedding dress??)
Want to talk about dramatic skies?! Take a look at this session- we really, really lucked out! Somehow the rain avoided us but the skies all around us were so amazing. A perfect backdrop for this fun and loved up family! I wish I could custom order these skies for all of my sessions!
A brand new to me couple who I got to photograph for a really special evening. We really lucked out because the lighting was awesome and a huge storm was rolling in just as we were wrapping up. It made for a very windy shoot but with the awesome skies and light (not to mention the awesome couple!) we made some pretty pictures! It was crazy how one side of the sky was all blue and the other was like the end of the world was coming. Wishing them clear skies ahead and love to weather thru the storms together!