mikey’s coming of age party
I’m still here, just had a few sessions I wasn’t able to post so even though I’ve been busy you wouldn’t know it! So I’m back with this fabulous session– on a boat!! Mikey turned 13 and in lieu of a bar mitzvah or a confirmation (he’s part Jewish, part Catholic) the Unitarian Church he goes to has a “coming of age” ceremony combining some of the traditions from each religion and a few of their own. His party was on the Freeport Princess and was super fun (for me, too!)
Its hard to see, but Shari is inadvertently sitting on her son.
jack & patrick’s confirmation
Just a few shots from the day. We went to dinner afterwards with the whole family at Hempstead. It was a really nice day! (no pictures from inside the church- the rule was no photography and I’m a rule follower).
Jack’s sponsor was his Grandpa Jack, Patrick’s was his grandma Inez.
Our friend Father Bill. (who I went to graduate school with and who baptized all three boys)
The fabulous Sullivan family!
The boys with their buddy Robert and Father Bill.
My three boys. Love them!
emily’s confirmation
Even though we didn’t end up vacationing together this year, I did get to take some pictures of one of my favorite families for Emily’s Confirmation. Another day where we barely evaded the rain, but it was beautiful anyway.
Please excuse the lack of narrative, I’m totally in the weeds for the next few days. It’s been crazy here!