an organic bloom frame giveaway!
Hi bsquared people! So last week out of the blue, I got an email from Jason at Organic Bloom (he’s the owner/founder) saying he’d be in New York for the weekend and we should get together for coffee. I’ve never met Jason before, but had spoken with his lovely wife and co-owner Andrea via phone and email in the past for work, so I was looking forward to meeting him. We had a nice lunch and he let me know that I am the biggest seller of Organic Bloom frames in the NY/NJ area. How cool is that? So since I have you guys, my fabulous clients to thank for my “standing”, I figured it would be good to do a little giveaway as a thank you to you! The contest is open to anyone- you don’t have to be a bsquared client to win.
You can find all the Organic Bloom frame info on my blog here. Some samples:
I’ll be giving away to a randomly chosen person a 16×20 organic bloom single frame- style and color of the winner’s choice. And Jason & Andrea were super generous and have thrown in a pack of 6 assorted organic bloom ornament (2×3″) frames, too. So it’ll be kinda two giveaways instead of just one. One person will win the 16×20, and one will win the pack of 6 ornament frames.
Rules: all you have to do to enter, is shoot me an email at bethbeyrer@yahoo.com with the name of the style frame and the color you’d want. I will choose (at random) a winner on Monday 10/20. Good luck!!
framing friday
On Saturday. But I took the pictures on Friday, so does that still count??
A few new gorgeous Organic Bloom frames in my clients homes. Love to see them showcasing their bsquared session photos of their families!
At Tammy’s a 20×30 Audrey in wine in her Living Room.
And at Kate’s 2 6×9 Charlie’s in white in her den:
2 12×18 Eva’s in french vanilla with brown glazing going up her staircase in the main entryway.
and an 11×14 Lucy in french vanilla with brown glazing in her upstairs hallway between the sister’s rooms.
holiday deadlines, 2013 info
Not a very catchy title for a blog post, I know. But a little housekeeping is in order for today.
If you haven’t yet ordered your holiday cards, tomorrow FRIDAY 12/7 is the last day to do so. I’m happy to help you with a proof and photo selection. You can find the 2012 card collection here.
If you haven’t yet placed an order for your prints and disc from your 2012 bsquared session, or if you’d like to order any bsquared products (iPhone cases, canvases, mini books, window frames, lay flat albums) or enlargements for guaranteed holiday delivery, all orders are due no later than this MONDAY 12/10.
If you’re interested in any of the above items, or Organic Bloom frames or Luxe albums for delivery AFTER the holidays, please shoot me an email and we can get started on your order. I’m also more than happy to come to your home in the new year to help you measure, select color swatches, design a whole wall gallery..whatever you need.
The bsquared 2013 calendar (by the way, just need to mention that I think this may have been the fastest year ever. I feel like I just opened the 2012 calendar!) will be open for booking by 1/7/13 for sessions held in January thru May 2013. If you’ve already contacted me about a 2013 session, I do already have you on the calendar and will be in touch with you to get you your welcome packet and work out all of the details for your session or event after 1/7/13. I’m looking forward to another year of smiling faces, giggles, happy families and clients who become friends!
Thank you to all of you for making 2012 a great year!! Back to regular blogging tomorrow, but I can’t do a blog post without a picture. So here’s one of warmer days…
black friday sale- organic bloom framing
Hi blog stalkers- hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving (and for those of you who aren’t from America- a great Thursday!) I have so much in my life to be thankful for- my husband, my boys, my extended family, my friends, a delicious meal, a lovely home, health and you, my fabulous clients!! I count so many of you among my friends even if we only see each other once a year for your session. I love watching your families grow- from little kids growing up, to new babies and even new puppies! I’m so thankful that I have such an amazing job that lets me capture joy. All. the. time!!
To “celebrate” black friday bsquared and Organic Bloom are offering a great deal (there are never any discounts on OB frames, so this is a big deal!) on their gorgeous, unique custom frames. It’s a buy 3 get one free deal for 8×10 or 5×7 frames, and a buy 6 get one free for the ornament frames. See the details below. (all the frames have to be of one style and all the frames have to be of one color) If you order tomorrow, they are guaranteeing shipment by 12/14/12. The frames are limited, so please order immediately to ensure you get the great deal.
You can find more about the Organic Bloom frames here and here.
- Set of 4 8×10’s for the price of 3 (1 style, 1 color, limited to Black, Espresso, Parchment, Flamenco Red, Silver, or Bronze)
- Set of 4 5×7’s for the price of 3 (1 style, 1 color, limited to Black, Espresso, Parchment, Flamenco Red, Silver, or Bronze)
- Set of 6 Ornaments for the price of 5 (1 style, 1 color, limited to Black, Espresso, Parchment, Flamenco Red, Silver, or Bronze)
framing friday
Haven’t had a chance to post any of my clients new Organic Bloom frames on the blog recently, so have a slew to show you today.
Heather’s frames. A twin stack Gilligan 12×18″ in white and baby blue.
And three Ellie singles in 8×10 in white.
A frame for Teresa’s friend. The Lucy twin stack in 8×10 in black & parchment.
Jeannine’s Audrey single frame in 8×10 in Navy. She ordered a bunch more after this one, so pictures of those coming as soon as they are delivered.
Angela’s Lucy single stack frame in 11×14 rootbeer, and two Jessie single stacks 5×7’s in tahitian sky.
And last is Ali’s Maryann single stack frame in 20×30 in metallic pewter with black glaze.
If you’re interested in purchasing an Organic Bloom frame or two (I dare you to buy only one- they’re addictive!) please find all the info on them here and here. Shoot me an email or leave a comment here and I’ll help you with whatever questions you have.
Wishing you all a great weekend- I’ll be posting all weekend so stop by and check out the latest.