framing friday
On Saturday. But I took the pictures on Friday, so does that still count??
A few new gorgeous Organic Bloom frames in my clients homes. Love to see them showcasing their bsquared session photos of their families!
At Tammy’s a 20×30 Audrey in wine in her Living Room.
And at Kate’s 2 6×9 Charlie’s in white in her den:
2 12×18 Eva’s in french vanilla with brown glazing going up her staircase in the main entryway.
and an 11×14 Lucy in french vanilla with brown glazing in her upstairs hallway between the sister’s rooms.
7 for Sunday
Ok, so it’s really 10 but that just doesn’t have the same ring to it, now does it? So it’ll be 7 with 3 bonuses. I have so many older pictures that I never got around to posting, so here goes.
1. The boys can now ALL make this face. Including John who used to torture his sister with it across the dining room table. Ah, traditions.
2. A few weeks ago I put Jack & Patrick to work (read: slave/child labor. It’s not just for third world countries.) making some bsquared welcome packets. They weren’t too pleased, but they got the job done. And then I packed up a pretty little order to go.
3. Pulled out the macro lens for a few dandilion shots. Which were in front of someones house next door to a client who’s orders I was delivering. Well, at least they didn’t call the cops about the weirdo lady laying on their front lawn.
4. I have the best & nicest clients. One of my most favorite blog stalkers (Laurie) brought me some Christmas Story wrapping paper when she saw it while on vacation. Must be Italian.
5. Bought myself some new shoes that I just adore. No blisters, even after wearing them for an 8+ hour wedding day. And I adored the packaging. I got a pair of red and a pair of cream, and I just bought them in black, metallic silver and pink cause they’re SO cute and comfy. And the red ones totally match my office and branding. Of course I saved the boxes for the office too. Love! You can find them here: Tieks
6. Also bought myself a new camera bag that totally looks like a pocketbook. I needed something smaller than the whole gear bag and I love that it doesn’t look like a camera bag- makes it easier to be sneaky in places you aren’t supposed to shoot. It’s extra nice to have if I bring the camera to the boys game and we go out to dinner or something afterwards- I can bring the camera with me and not worry that it’s unsafe. (the whole inside is padded and has removable dividers to fit your camera/lenses/cards/batteries, etc.) You can find it here: Epiphanie and I have the Lola.
7. We had some uninvited guests living in our garage. A sickly looking momma raccoon and her 3 babies. The momma would sit in the tree in our backyard at like 5pm everyday and then just waltz across the backyard on her way to the sewer in the front of the house. It was then that her welcome was over. Buh-bye.
8. The boys artwork (self portraits) were featured in the high school lobby during the school budget vote. I think the art teacher just loved that they are twins and that their pictures are so similar. (sorry about the crappy iphone pix, but I didn’t have a real camera with me)
9. While we’re discussing the boys, I’m very proud that they both made the National Junior Honor Society and were inducted last month. They get to go on the overnight trip to Washington DC this fall (very exciting!) and are already really looking forward to that. The .4 that separates their overall averages is still an issue around here, but I think they’re starting to get past that.
10. Almost forgot one thing- if you already “like” bsquared on facebook, due to some recent changes (including charging business pages to “reach” more people as your posts might get lost on peoples busy newsfeeds. ugh.) if you want to be sure you’re seeing all of the bsquared posts/updates you have to hover over the “liked” button and check/click on “show in news feed”. And if you’re on facebook and don’t yet like bsquared, please go and like it! bsquared on facebook.
framing friday
Haven’t had a chance to post any of my clients new Organic Bloom frames on the blog recently, so have a slew to show you today.
Heather’s frames. A twin stack Gilligan 12×18″ in white and baby blue.
And three Ellie singles in 8×10 in white.
A frame for Teresa’s friend. The Lucy twin stack in 8×10 in black & parchment.
Jeannine’s Audrey single frame in 8×10 in Navy. She ordered a bunch more after this one, so pictures of those coming as soon as they are delivered.
Angela’s Lucy single stack frame in 11×14 rootbeer, and two Jessie single stacks 5×7’s in tahitian sky.
And last is Ali’s Maryann single stack frame in 20×30 in metallic pewter with black glaze.
If you’re interested in purchasing an Organic Bloom frame or two (I dare you to buy only one- they’re addictive!) please find all the info on them here and here. Shoot me an email or leave a comment here and I’ll help you with whatever questions you have.
Wishing you all a great weekend- I’ll be posting all weekend so stop by and check out the latest.
framing friday
A catchy new title for fridays so I can show you some more of our fabulous clients frames!
Danielle chose a Lewis in retro teal and parchment for her twins room.
And a Lucy in black for her living room.
And a smaller Lucy in black as a gift for her dad.
Laura chose a Jessie frame in dragon fruit for her daughter’s room. We moved the two pictures that were above the rocking chair to the opposite wall above the crib. They look great on either side of Lila’s name!
A window frame for Mary Beth from her fall session.
Happy Friday to all of you. I’m back next week with lots of great sessions. And I’m picking up my new car today, too!!
laura’s organic bloom frame
Just realized I totally forgot to post these! Sorry, Laura and thanks for letting me come by and take some pictures of your picture & frame!
Laura ordered the Cary Grant single in cream soda 16×20″ and added in a photo from our fall session of her gorgeous kids. That was my first Cary Grant order, and I love it!!