kelly’s window frames & organic bloom frames
I’m so behind on posting stuff it’s a little ridiculous. At least Disney is finally done.
Some beautiful Organic Bloom frames my friend & client Kelly ordered for her brand new house. (the hallway lighting was not the most condusive for photos, I did the best I could). The Audrey in white and (on the inside of the middle frame) metallic silver.
The Lucy in slate blue (inside) and parchment (background) for her master bedroom entry.
My favorite parts of hanging Kelly’s frames were 1. She made her painter crazy by choosing colors that matched the frames. and 2. Her oldest son came upstairs just as we were finishing up and was all smiles and compliments on the pictures and frames. He was so happy that his picture was displayed where everyone could see it!
And we did a pretty window frame for Kelly’s living room. I love how the colors in the photos match her living room perfectly and the L monogram was the perfect addition (my first time doing a monogram in the frame- love that idea and hope to do it again!)
Happy Thursday to all of you! It’s sushi night here and I’m having some photografriends over tonight too. If my allergy ridden self doesn’t sneeze to death prior…
pretty bsquared office pictures
finally! I can finally post a pullback shot or two from the office for those of you who still may care. Was waiting on two frames/pictures to hang in the office. And now of course I ordered 2 more! (told you those Organic Bloom frames were highly addictive!!)
So this is where I’m doing all my bsquared work from these days:
Audrey frame in Flamenco Red (20×30)
And my new Dumbo print from Disney.
Hope you all have a great day! Will miss my boys being home after the week’s Spring Break, but will be glad to finally get some work done!!!
hey, we’re “frameous”
Yeah, it takes me hours to come up with stuff like that. But I was so happy to have The Organic Bloom feature some of my fabulous bsquared clients (and mine, too) Organic Bloom frames on their site.
From my living room:
From my den and dining room:
From Gina’s house (1st and 4th images) and the 3rd image is from my photografriend Amanda-lee’s (of Fleur de lees Photography) office!
From Sharon’s house (the left side) and from Jen’s house.
So, we’re framous!! I’m getting in more frames every day and maybe your frame might be featured on the Organic Bloom site too! For more info on Organic Bloom frames from bsquared photography, check them out here and here.
maryanne’s organic bloom frames
A quick note to let you know that the bsquared calendar is now open for booking sessions thru August 2012. Session availability is limited, so book your session as soon as possible to ensure you don’t get shut out. Once you take a look at the bsquared calendar, please email me (you can use the contact link above, or just leave a comment here on the blog) with your choice of date and time and we’ll get you booked.
Now back to your regularly scheduled programming:
Just wait until you check out this beautifully decorated home. And now with the organic bloom frames added in- wow! Maryanne has absolutely impeccable taste and everything in her home is just totally perfect. Everyone who see’s it says she must not have children, but she does- two boys! How she keeps it this gorgeous is just beyond me. To top it all off- she did all the decorating herself. Without help. Amazing!!
Living room with a twin stack Lewis frame 20×30 in espresso (background) and yellow gold (inside) with brown glaze. The yellow gold is shimmery and so gorgeous. And I love how it picks up the yellow gold in the chairs, couch fabric and hardware details.
A little friend came to check out the whole frame hanging process.
The den: two Lucy singles in 16×20 in metallic bronze with brown glaze. One Maryann twin stack 16×20 in espresso (background) and metallic bronze (inside) with brown glaze.
Bedroom: One Gilligan double stack 20×24 in french vanilla (background) and metallic bronze (inside) with brown glaze. Two Gilligan singles 5×7 in metallic bronze with brown glaze.
the brand new bsquared office (well, parts anyway)
For those of you who follow the blog or me/the bsquared page on Facebook, you’ll know that I’ve been in the midst of a huge house purge/anti-hoarding project. The attic and basement have been totally cleaned out & reorganized with all the old stuff either donated to the Vietnam Veterans of America or tossed out. I also cleaned out the ‘scrapbook room’ which no one has scrapbooked in in about 5 or so years and just became a catch all room of crap. And now it’s the new home of bsquared photography!! Painted, furniture is in (well, all of it except the desk chair and the folding chair I’m sitting until the desk chair arrives is THE MOST uncomfortable thing in the universe), little decorating details ordered or delivered. I’m not posting any full pull-back pictures yet as a bunch of stuff is still missing, but I will when it’s all here.
So, here are a few detail shots from the new office.
The corner desk (pottery barn) with the big imac, ipad with the optimum app so I can watch TV at my desk without a TV or a cable box.
Adorbs little mirrored end table (from HomeGoods) with album samples on the top and drawers filled with tiny 2×3 Organic Bloom frames and keychains. You can also see the little couchette. Love that thing!
Other side of the desk with a new lamp (HomeGoods again), an old camera I found in the attic purge (love!!), my Disney ID badge with my name on it. Gotta have my Disney close by.
The newest fun/yummy thing that will accompany some bsquared orders- bsquared m&m’s!! With the portrait package names on the backs.
A little more of the couchette with new pillows (pottery barn teen & etsy)
Hope you liked the little tour! It’s so nice to have a change of scenery from the previous “office” in the kitchen, with a view, gorgeous light all day and room to spread out. So excited to be in my little office space and I really hope you’ll come by and visit! More pictures of the whole room once the chair, frames and other little things come in.