the petri family {a marine corps family}
I’m meeting the BEST families thru my personal project (free sessions for active duty military families), and this bunch is certainly no exception! It took a little while for the baby to warm up, but once she did it was awesomeness the rest of the shoot. 3 sweet girls, and mom & dad are both Marines. How great is that?? Help me in thanking them for their service and for working to keeping us safe!
the hsse family
A Marine Corps family session for this little bunch. Someone (who is not mom or dad) was not terribly enthused about the whole photography thing, but as long as she was hanging with her parents, she was good to go. You gotta work with what you get! Tried to get a lot of pictures with her and her daddy, as he is the family photographer and is in hardly any pictures with his little girl. And you know I can’t have that. Please help me thank Dad for his service to our country!
the craw family {a marine corps family}
If you’re a bsquared blog follower (which I hope you are!) you’ll know that I do free sessions for active duty military families. Figured it was just a nice, but small way to thank them for their service and so that they have pictures of their loved ones if they deploy (or for their families to have while they’re away). Big thanks to my friend Jess (you can see her usmc family session here) for hooking me up with all the Marine Corps families I’ll be photographing over the next few months. Please leave some thanks for the “craw” family- Dad for his service & keeping us safe and free, and Mom and the boys for their service too!
the mcco family {a marine corps family}
The second family I photographed for my personal project (free sessions to active duty military families) and i adored their superhero theme! Perfect way to end my day of shoots in Central Park. Jessica is my go-to for all the families for this project, she’s the one who organized a list of families for me to photograph and also the one who coordinated all the families inviting me to the Marine Corps Ball last weekend- Thank you ladies, so much!! (speaking of which, because the woman doesn’t have quite enough on her plate, she started her own organization to help Marine wives with formal gowns for the annual ball. Dresses can be very expensive and really, you don’t wear it more than once. So if you have a closet full of gowns, dress shoes, and accessories that you would like to donate to an awesome cause, see her page The Marine Wives’ Closet New York on Facebook).
And now, total picture overload cause they are so cute I couldn’t narrow it down any further!
Please help me in thanking Dean for his service to our country! He and his family are truly heroes!
They love him just a little.
the zimm family {a marine corps family}
So a few years back, I joined an organization as a volunteer to take photos for active duty military families. I met a few really great families and was so excited about the project (they say ya gotta volunteer for something you love to do. Military families and photography? A win-win!) but the organization had way too many rules for me and I didn’t like the rules as they were set. Thru a friend, I got to meet a local Marine family and then they introduced me (via FB) to a bunch of other Marine families so now I have a whole line up of families to photograph in the next few months!! And with my own rules (which are way better anyway. no uniforms required for the sessions, timing is when we decide to schedule it, I can include whatever I want in their packages, etc).
It gets even better! As a thank you from all of the families I have on my schedule to be photographed they all chipped in and bought me a ticket to the Marine Corps Ball this coming Sunday! How nice is that?! So excited and can’t wait to go!
Here is the first of my Marine families and they couldn’t have been cuter or more fun! Please help me in thanking Joe and his whole family for their service to our country!
“I’m going to eat your face”. “no, thats so not happening”.
Love the crinkly nose and the hand on the chest which to me says “i just can’t”.