emily & nate
Emily contacted me a while back to let me know her husband Nate would be home on R&R from active duty in Southeast Asia (*edited to add: I mistakenly wrote Nate was deployed to Afghanistan. I get numerous calls from military families and guess I just mixed up his location, sorry). She found me thru Operation Love Reunited, but OpLove doesn’t include R&R in their free sessions so I decided to just do this session for them on me. Really, it’s the least I could do to thank him (& Emily) for his service! We met up at the Garden City Cathedral grounds for a mini session with their dog Webster.
Love these two shots- favorites for sure.
Webster is still a puppy (and the longest, all legs and tail puppy I’ve ever seen! Oh, and tongue.) and has the craziest amount of energy, but comes right over when called. And smiles for the camera.)
Oh, hello pretty.
the murp family
I was lucky enough to photograph this amazing family for a second time before they moved away this week. Dad is an active Marine and had recently returned home from his tour in Afghanistan, only to pack up and move on to their new home in another state. And even though I only knew them for a short while, I’m going to miss them!! After walking into their home, which was mostly packed up for the movers I was even more excited that they chose me to photograph their family. They had pictures literally covering the walls of their family in all different countries. I was so happy to be added to their walls in their next home to remember their time in NY.
You can see their first session here, which we did when dad was home on R&R. The kids look so much bigger and so much more grown up in only a few months! Good luck to all of you on your next adventure and I really hope we meet again!
the murp family
This was a really extra special session for me, and I hope it was for the family as well. Dad is a Marine on active duty in Afghanistan and was home for 2 weeks for R&R and I was lucky enough to do a session for them right before I left for vacation. His schedule was up in the air until the last minute so we really lucked out that the day we did the session we had decent (but a little chilly) weather and that our schedules coordinated after much planning. It was so great seeing them all so happy to be together! Dad’s already back in Afghanistan so I’m hoping the pictures help ease the separation a little until he’s home again.