Fall session for this extended family. Lots of littles on a very cold and windy day does not always go well, but they stuck it out like troopers. It was great having the whole family together (for them, too I’m sure!) for the session.
Way back in September, this fantastic couple celebrated 40 years of marriage! They had a lovely celebration. You can feel the love just watching them. Also, the cake was an exact replica of their original wedding cake by @frontstreetbakery Happy Anniversary!
I’m so behind on posting (and editing) but trying to catch up. Here’s some shots from Meghan’s baby shower back in August. At first, they were told they were having a boy but they were told wrong. The tech was looking at their first baby’s sonogram records who IS a boy. This new baby is a little girl, so there was of course a lot of pink to celebrate. Looking forward to meeting her in a few months! It was also close to their son Bobby’s 1st birthday so he got some celebrating in too. And check out the teef on the newest puppy.
My very, very good photografriend Liz is now a full-fledged nurse! With a nursing job and everything! I’m so super proud of her and I know how hard she worked (and got like all A’s) for this while still running her photography biz, taking care of her family and still making time for her friends (especially going to Islanders games with this friend!) Liz is the kind of friend that everyone wants- she’s so THERE. So tuned in with her friends, compassionate, does nice things just cause and is fun af! I’m so lucky to have her in my circle (well, especially since she’s now my daughter and she is the mother of my grandchildren). She’ll still be doing some photography and taking some sessions and parties. But she’s going to be like the BEST nurse ever!
I just adore this crew and was so happy to meet even more of them at their family reunion out east. I”m sure you’ll recognize a few faces in the crowd from past sessions and even lunch dates. Square dancing, pool, pinata smashing, family time fun was had by all!