catie & austin’s baby shower
meghan’s baby shower
Finally catching up (again) and not quite understanding why life is so busy! I just photographed their maternity session this weekend and the baby is coming soon, so I know I need to get my butt in gear! Anyway, here’s their Pooh & Friends themed shower which was as lovely as all of this family’s other events with not a detail overlooked. Can’t wait to meet their new addition! Oh, and the bear Erich made for their baby was so great- a little of everything they love.
megan’s bridal shower
A brand new to bsquared family that I had the pleasure of working with but I felt like I’ve known them for years! Plans for Megan’s shower, wedding, etc have been canceled and rescheduled numerous times but her mom made sure her shower was GORGEOUS and attended by all her important people. Megan’s mom made (yes, made!) all the cherry blossom trees on each table, the flower wall was lovely and the cake the perfect compliment to all of it. I hope Megan’s wedding is filled with as much love and joy as her shower was. Congratulations!
kim’s baby shower
Nevermind the fact that the three sisters could all be hair models, how adorable and fantastic does mom-to-be Kim look!? Her family and husband threw her a lovely baby shower at the Links (it was actually her second shower, smaller scale) and you could just feel the love around her and her new baby to be. They don’t know if the baby is a boy or a girl (i can’t wait to hear!) so it was a very neutral palette for decor and gifts. And the games were fun and had everyone laughing. Wishing Kim & Aaron the best of luck with their new addition coming soon!