Headshot session for the awesome team at Margali + Flynn for their new website. So fun working with them to create images they love. I’m grateful to @richardlawdigital for connecting me with the m+f team of extremely talented designers. I’ve loved following them on social media to see all of their extraordinary design projects.
Beautiful, smart, sweet & athletic Kylie gave me an awesome senior session this past fall. We did her session at Carl Shurz Park in NYC (a definite favorite of mine!) which is in her “backyard”. She actually goes to school with the “burberry princess” and I did her sister’s senior session a few years ago in the same park. It was definitely a full circle moment. Wishing Kylie the best of luck in college this coming fall- I know she’ll do so well.
Some new headshots for a lovely real estate agent (who works with another real estate agent @suzanne_blair I did headshots for who graciously recommended me to Julie). Not everyone loves being in front of the camera but I always do my best to make it light and fun making it as comfortable as possible for my clients. And I always recommend a glass of wine prior to our session! Whatever works for genuine smiles and personality!
First, happy 2025! Hoping this year brings us all happiness, health and peace (and some photo shoots with me, of course!). Secondly, contrary to my lack of posting anything bsquared for quite a while, I’m alive. Each year the time seems to fly faster, especially in the fall. Maybe that’s just an old age thing at this point.
Finally, getting back into posting all my 2024 sessions now that the holidays have passed and I won’t be ruining any christmas cards surprises or anything. Starting with my kick-ass friend since childhood, Cheryl. She wanted to celebrate her 55th birthday, 25th cancer survivor anniversary and some “feelings of good” with a photoshoot. Of course, I was more than happy to oblige! Cheryl chose to wear a few outfits that she felt good in- including her favorite superhero wonder woman costume. Cause if being a survivor of 25 years isn’t wonder womanish, I don’t know what is. Her husband Nick jumped in for a few shots with his super hero wife. Wishing Cheryl a million more years of health and ass-kicking!
Prefacing this post with the fact that Nate & Nelson have absolutely nothing to do with each other. But their names went well together and they both got headshots so they’re in one post now. Nate is a senior in college so his headshots will be used for linkedin and job hunting and Nelson just started a new job and was featured in a trade magazine with his new picture. Wishing them both (seperately) good luck in their new ventures!