amanda’s first communion
My last communicant for the season, and a lovely girl to wrap up the 2012 bsquared communions. We had a dark and rainy day so we shot everything inside her home, but she rocked it nonetheless!
A few pictures of Amanda in her recital costume.
Love this one.
Hope the actual communion (and dance recital) was amazing!
And not to worry faithful blog readers- just because communion season is done, doesn’t mean the blog will be slowing down at all. Lots more babies, families, business and personal stuff to post.
Speaking of business, I’ll be sending out a quick newsletter today with some important info, so if you haven’t already please sign up for the bsquared newsletter by clicking the b2 newsletter tab on the left side of the blog so you can stay on top of all the bsquared news. If you’re interested, I have one last minute opening for a beach session this Sunday 6/3 at 6pm. Please leave me a comment below or email me at bethbeyrer@yahoo.com if you’d like to book it (I have no other beach sessions available until August, so you might want to scoop this one up!)
rebecca’s first communion
When mom answered the door for our session, it was one of those “oh, it’s you!” moments. Timmy and Rebecca were in the same preschool class at one point and even though they both go to the same elementary school, we really don’t see eachother anymore. It was great to see Rebecca and to meet the rest of her family while they were celebrating her first communion.
introducing…baby hannah
A new to bsquared family with a brand new baby for me to photograph. Travelled into NYC for their session at home and got to meet the rest of the family, too. Everyone was so nice, welcoming and photogenic. After a 2hr commute into the city that was a bonus for sure!
This little baby was so totally chill and beautiful, be prepared for picture overload below.
Big sister is still getting to know her baby sister (and is still a baby herself at 22 months) but was so gentle and wonderful with her and loved giving her kisses.
I think they’re going to get along just fine…
Silly happy girl.
So serious..
…but after a little kiss from daddy…
…she was all smiles and giggles.
Doesn’t mom look fantastic?
Grandma & Grandpa, who stay with them during the week to help out.
They have a great view from their apartment with a fantastic window seat perfect for Miss T.
Look at her at 2 weeks old pushing up and holding up her head. Super strong!
After all that, she finally tuckered out.
Yummy eyelashes.
Safe in daddy’s arms, time to sleep.
“what the hell is that?!?”
Is exactly what Jack said when he saw THIS on the beach yesterday:
Yup, that’s John. Out of his chair, without his newspaper and PLAYING CORNHOLE ON THE BEACH!!!! This is a very, very big deal. The man doesn’t leave his chair much and hasn’t for the 13 summers we’ve been down at Sun and Surf. You can pretty much always find him in the same spot, reading the paper, drinking his beer, wearing his hat and listening to the Mets and not really talking to anyone too much. (he will play a game of catch with the boys, go in the pool or ocean with them, but this is unheard of) But yesterday, there was this.
This is what things have always looked like (even during the flood of 2010):
Then Jack said “AND he’s being social?” The kid’s sharp but the whole thing was completely blowing his mind. Total confusion.
And in other beach news, it was a fantastic (although shocking) day down at Sun & Surf. Christine, Jayson, Tommy & new baby Charlotte joined us for the day and the boys were so happy to have all their buddies down there to hang out with and play lots and lots of baseball.
Baby Charlotte enjoying her first day at the beach at three weeks old. She was all wrapped up and under the umbrellas all day and was happy as could be.
The Tom half of Timtom.
And the Tim half of Timtom.
After a great day and the rain holding off until we were literally walking to the car we came back home and ordered some pizza. Charlotte had her own meal and then had a little photoshoot of her own (pictures on that soon).
Hope you all had a great first day of summer! I think we’re off to a great start- and I took this whole weekend off!
…a new car!!!
(said in my best game show host voice). A few weeks ago (like a month ago already- been so busy blogging client sessions that I haven’t had much of a chance to blog any personal stuff) I got a new car! After lots of research and looking, I decided on the GMC Acadia Denali and I looooove it. I was a little sad to see the minivan go, dents and all. That car never gave me an ounce of trouble in the 6 years I owned it. And it was nice not having a car payment for a few months, but that part is way over.
It only took me 12 years to graduate from a minivan to an SUV!! And I’ve been at the carwash at least 3 times already. The white is hard to keep clean but it’s my favorite.
Look for more personal posts this weekend- trying to catch up a bit on those. Have a great weekend!!