julia’s communion
A new to bsquared family celebrating their beautiful daughter’s first communion that I thoroughly enjoyed photographing at their home. She celebrates her actual communion this weekend; hoping you have a wonderful party!
What a beauty, huh?
This one was super cute but not really too excited about the whole picture taking experience. But how could you resist that little smile?
Had to make sure I got a few shots of Daddy and his little twin with matching ties and everything.
Julia’s mom had her communion dress from her communion that her mom made for her. Julia put it on for a few shots. It couldn’t have fit better if it had been made for her!
A few giggles to end the session. Always good!
organic bloom sale for mothers day!
To celebrate all “my” bsquared mommies out there, we’re offering a great Organic Bloom frame sale. No matter if you are a client, a blog stalker, or just happen to stumble upon my blogsite by accident and are interested in an Organic Bloom frame, this is for you.
All you have to do is order ANY two Organic Bloom frames (any style, any color) in 11×14, and you’ll receive one free 8×10 Lucy in any color you choose!
The sale is on until this coming Friday 5/18, so place your orders now. Happy Mothers Day!!
To find more on the Organic Bloom frame colors and styles, you can visit my Organic Bloom pages here and here. Here’s the Lucy in black.
the gard family
Another new to bsquared family who were an absolute joy to photograph. They’re all gorgeous, sweet and had the best location for me. Dad is head of the golf course at Fresh Meadows Country Club and we were lucky enough to shoot there on a gorgeous sunny early evening. Still want to know if I can rent it out for future sessions…
Total and complete photo overload below. Hope you don’t have any plans for the next little bit. It was way too hard to narrow them down any further.
Adored these girls.
She is so much older than she actually is. And an amazing big sister.
This one has about 1 million expressions in 30 seconds.
The golf course was a dream.
Looks like we went to Ireland for a little bit.
The dog is the course dog who chases all the geese away. She’s super cool but was very, very camera shy.
Dad refurbished the course to it’s current beauty. He seemed excited that I wanted to stop to shoot in all his favorite places. They were gorgeous- amazing job, Joe!!
Thank you for a fantastic session! Can we go back to the golf course again? Pleeeeeease?
the kole family
Anna has been doing my hair for years and my mom (who is also a long time client of Anna’s) bought her a bsquared session, so we put it to good use. After the 20+ years I’ve known Anna, this was my first time ever meeting her girls or husband. Crazy.
It was worth the wait- they are a great family. With gorgeous, sweet girls!!
As some of you might know already, my dad has been in the hospital for a while now (actually twice) for a bad infection that he just can’t kick. It started with sepsis (scary, but he wasn’t nearly as bad as you would think after reading about it on the internet!) and now it’s some kind of unspecified other infection. Of course I brought the camera to document what is his first hospital stay ever in his whole life.
Hanging out in the ER w his IV antibiotics and bagel sandwich.
And upstairs in his room after being admitted. Do you not love the outfit?
As of this morning, he’s still there but will maybe be getting out this week. Maybe. He was mostly surprised by the fact that you don’t really get to sleep in the hospital. And besides, I think the nurses and doctors are enjoying his wardrobe choices too much to send him home yet.