a little snow session
I somehow convinced (guilted) Timmy into doing a snow session for me this past weekend after Nemo came thru. We got lucky with only about 8 inches of snow, but other parts of the area got over 2 feet! We trudged thru good old Hempstead Lake and we both ended up having a really great time! This is one of my favorite shoots to date. Sorry, a bit of overload below…
The “angry” hat.
Totally modelly.
A new friend from the park. We also met a Husky (too busy running to take pictures) and two Great Danes.
central park zoo
We’re heading backwards in time here on the bsquared blog. I’m still trying to catch up from the fall! While the boys were taking their test for Regis, Timmy, John, Mr. Healy (aka Mr. Meatloaf) and I walked over to the Central Park Zoo so we could occupy a few hours. It was a beautiful day (not that I actually remember the weather from mid November, but I’m guessing so from the lack of jackets in the pictures!) and the zoo was so fun and cute. Perfect size for the time we had to spend there.
Fake smile, but still cute.
Just taking a little sun…
A royal guard from the Pakiscandinavian Navy. (Last year at Disney, we “discovered” a new country- Pakiscandinavia. Their queen occasionally waitresses at the Plaza Restaurant in the Magic Kingdom.)
His new go to smile as of late.
I think this was the bird that shit on my camera. And hand. Yeah, that happened.
Just glad it was not this bird that was the one doing the shitting.
Our favorite animal of the day- a Red Panda. So cute.
Timmy got his own Red Panda and asked me to take a few shots at some of the monuments on the way back to Regis to get the boys.
a busy weekend- part 3
My nephew Quinn celebrated his big 0-3 recently and had a great little party at the Nunley’s Carousel. They did such a great job refurbishing it and it’s as good as (if not better than) new. Such fond memories of Nunleys- I still miss it!!
Timmy was finally big enough to grab some rings!
That’s my favorite horse that Timmy’s riding- the one with the roses. But I remember it being white.
a busy weekend- part 2
Wrigley’s new family invited us over for another visit (they’re the best ever!) so armed with Skittles for the girls and the little camera we headed out to see “our” puppy. Can’t even believe how big she’s gotten in just 2 weeks since our last visit. And how much fur was all over me when I left. Sorry about the blurry pictures. Had the little camera with me- I need to bring the big guns next time!
Isn’t she just a gorgeous puppy? Starting to see what she’s going to look like as a big dog (which will be here before we blink!).
Thanks again to the P family, who are so generous with their hospitality and time and so sweet always inviting us over. Sometimes I just need a puppy hit, ya know? And I just love her running and jumping full tilt into my lap every visit. She’s a great dog.
a busy weekend- part 1
Not much to post in the way of client photos (although I will have an adorable newborn boy and his family to post up soon) so you’re stuck with personal pictures for a little while. If it’s too boring (which it very may well be!!) please feel free to skip the blog for the next week.
On Saturday evening we were invited to attend the Williams Syndrome Gala at Leonards by our good friends Rob & Jill- from the Royals family. We shared a table with a few other Royals families and a limo too. I brought the little camera and just took a very few pics. And I’m getting my roots done this weekend. Obviously.
Jill and her “accessory” for the evening.
The Healy’s & the Beyrers. Always trouble…