• children & families,  personal,  school


    If you live locally, there’s a good chance you already know about Dougie and his fight with Medulloblastoma (a cancerous brain tumor). Dougie and his parents are previous bsquared clients and Facebook friends (and Dougie is a student at the same school as the boys) and when I found out about his diagnosis I was shocked and so sad to hear that he’s going to have to fight thru this (but I know he’ll win that fight!). The family is currently in Boston for treatment for Dougie with chemo, radiation, PT, OT, tutors and other help. They’ll be living there for a while so Dougie can complete his treatment and come home healthy. He’s already gone thru at least 2 surgeries to minimize the size of the tumor. But the kid is tough and from his mom’s daily reports, feeling as well as he can and constantly fighting thru.

    (posted with permission)

    In support of the family, a local silkscreening/embroidery shop, SST (this is also where we got the boys uniform tshirts, Cooperstown towels, bags, and parents shirts for the Royals) started printing up DougStrong tshirts for sale for the community to show support for Dougie and his family. They’re also selling them at the Middle School. Everyone is posting their DougStrong shirt pictures on Facebook, tagging Dougie’s mom so he can see all the kids & parents around town and elsewhere who are supporting him. Apparently, he’s loving seeing everyone wearing their shirts and it’s really giving him a big boost.

    We’re DougStrong at the Beyrer’s house, too.

    And when Dougie is home, all well and feeling up to it, he and his family will be getting a free bsquared family session to celebrate his winning his fight against Medullosblastoma. Which he will. Cause he’s DougStrong!!

    If you’re interested in getting your own DougStrong t-shirt, you can pick one up at SSMS, at SST if you’re local, or just give Ronni (the owner at SST) a shout on the SST Facebook page linked above and you can order yours for $10. Kids and adult sizes. Be DougStrong!

  • babies,  children & families

    introducing…baby michael

    A brand new to bsquared family with a brand new baby boy. Who was 9+ pounds at birth. Yup, you read that right. Mom cooks them up big and looks absolutely amazing, especially for being less than 2 weeks postpartum at our session. I loved her gorgeous hair, her daughter’s very sparkly & sweet personality, dad’s love & attention to his whole growing family. And of course the baby. With baby chub.

    Someone’s quite smitten. Love that their dog had to be right in the middle of the picture. Hiding, but there.A beauty. And a smarty too. Seriously? Beautiful family. Loved the whole relaxed session we had. Death from lips. It could happen.Um, hi. You’re 10 days old. Smiling and eye contact should totally not be happening. But I’m sooooo glad it did. 

  • bsquared business,  personal

    i’ll cross that bridge when…

    A few bridge pictures from back in the summer. Yeah, I’m THAT behind. Been taking some online classes recently on editing & post processing and having a great time playing around with my newfound knowledge.

    And an entirely different kind of bridge…

    And just one last thing…trying to get some more participation going on here on the bsquared blog from you, my trusty readers. How would you feel about a little incentive? When I post a family’s session, they can receive a free bsquared gift if they receive 10 or more comments on the blog post. So all you’ll have to do to help them out is post a little comment on their session. (not going to tell you what that gift is though- you’ll have to wait your turn for your bsquared session and get your 10 comments to find out what it is!) Thoughts?? Comment below. Who knows, maybe someone will win a little something for commenting… (yeah, I’m all about the bribes.)

  • birthdays,  personal

    timmy’s 8th birthday vegetable

    For those of you who don’t know- there’s pretty much always a weeklong birthday festival in this house for the kids birthdays. And when Timmy was really little it sounded like “vegetable” instead of “festival”. So it stuck.

    Timmy’s party this year was a small one- just him and 6 friends (along with us, his big brothers and the dads of most of the kids attending) to the Islanders game. Took most of the shots with the little camera- just didn’t want to lug the big guns.

    Someone’s a little excited, no?The gang of lunatics.Its also a tradition to have a candle in every meal of your birthday. Including the ice cream he had for breakfast. Yup, breakfast.

    Just can’t believe my little guy is now 8. Sigh.

  • babies,  children & families

    introducing…baby kieran

    A friend and bsquared client and her lovely family (who I have no doubt you’ll recognize from years of photographs here on the blog) welcomed their 3rd child recently and I got back from vacation just in time to photograph him. He’s welcomed with so much love and joy, it was a pleasure to see.

    His wife was telling him to make one kind of face, I was asking him to make a different kind of face. So the picture on the left is what happened. Love these two.

    And my favorites.

    Can’t wait to watch you grow, Kieran! Looking forward to our next session!!