a new year, a new calendar
I love a blank calendar, but I love a filled one even more! So with that said, it’s time to fill the 2013 bsquared calendar- its now open for booking for sessions from January thru May 2013. You can find the calendar here. If you’d like to book a session, you can shoot me an email at beth beyrer at yahoo dot com, use the contact button above, leave a comment here on the blog, or Facebook me. Looking forward to seeing your smiling faces this year.
Made some changes/updates to the bsquared blog header slide show (you might be featured!), to the bsquared Facebook page header photos, to the about me page and to the pricing & packages page. Nothing major, just a little freshening up for a new year. Also revamped the bsquared magazine and the contracts, so if you are booking a session with me this year you’ll receive those in your welcome packet.
If any of you are wondering about a Beyrer family or bsquared holiday card, you didn’t miss it. I was so crazy busy this year and with the whole Sandy disaster I just ran out of time to take a picture/make a card. Well, that changes this week- I’ll be sending out a belated New Years card really soon. If you’d like to receive one and you aren’t sure if I have your address, just email me your address and you’ll get one in the mail soon. Better late than never I guess.
The deadline to nominate a family for a free bsquared mini Sandy Session is 1/10/13, so if you’d like to nominate someone and haven’t yet sent me an email or fb message (please put sandy sessions in the subject) please do so soon. All emails are confidential.
A new bsquared newsletter went out this morning. If you didn’t receive it and would like to, just click on the b2 newsletter tab to the left side of the blog.
Jack and Patrick had their interviews at Regis High School this weekend, so now it’s just waiting to hear if they made it in. Fingers, toes and everything else crossed. Any prayers or good thoughts always appreciated! (we find out for sure around the end of January. I’ll update here.)
And because a post is not a post unless there’s a picture, here’s one (or two) from Christmas. These are not the pictures for the belated New Years cards though.
the walking dead…in legos (season 3)
These are my favorites from the project.
T-Dog, Rick, Daryl, Glenn & Maggie clearing the prison.
The Green Family.
Axel on explaining why Carol must be a lesbian.
Some of the prison crew.
Michonne doing what Michonne does best.
Some of the Woodbury crew. Including (my favorite) Penny the Governor’s zombie daughter.
Merle (with his new knife hand), Michonne & the Gov in Woodbury.
The Gov brushing his psycho zombie daughter Penny’s hair.
Michonne & The Gov have at it in his office. Poor Penny. (ok, she wasn’t actually decapitated in the show but we couldn’t figure out a way to get the katana through her lego head).
The Gov and his wall of zombie heads in fishtanks in his office. This one makes me laugh (in a somewhat insane way) every time I look at it.
Back to regular non-zombie posting this weekend. On my way out this morning for a photoshoot of a family who is only together once a year. Looking forward to capturing some amazing, happy, family memories for them. Even in the cold. (I can feel the tan leaching out of my body by the second).
Two other quick things- the boys have their interview at Regis High School this weekend so please send some good thoughts their way. A boy in our town who is a past client was just diagnosed with a brain tumor. Please keep Dougie and his family in your thoughts and prayers.
the walking dead…in legos {seasons 1&2}
Why yes, this IS what I do with my free time on vacation. A really fun project I worked on with the big boys who I totally got hooked on the Walking Dead within the last few months. They have caught up and we spend every Sunday glued to the TV. The lego’s were all them- I just took the pictures.
And yes, I am a total geeked out zombie fan. Take me or leave me.
Rick in Atlanta.
The Grimes Family.
Department store in Atlanta. With feeding walkers.
A favorite scene from season 1. Rick, Merle (being handcuffed to the roof), Glenn, T-Dog and Andrea.
Daryl Dixon (ahhh…my favorite) doing his thang.
And over on the farm…Andrea and Dale on his RV.
Thats Lori and Carol in the background, and Daryl shooting a walker in the front.
A little more Daryl.
And my favorite.
Season 3 pictures coming tomorrow. You’ve been forewarned.
2012 in numbers & a winner chosen
My annual end of the year wrap up for 2012. In the numbers. But first, two pictures of what I’ll be working on first when I get home from vacation.
Little Mr. Max’s 1st birthday portraits (big thanks to Shira at ShiraZ photography for the studio for the morning). I photographed Max’s newborn session earlier in the year after an unexpected delay to his real newborn session. And now he’s one. Crazy how fast this year went.
And as my very last session of the year (well, not counting the shoot I did for my own boys on the beach in Florida for our belated New Years cards that will be sent out…soon) was beautiful baby Ava’s Christening. You can see her newborn shoot here.
Ok, onto the year in numbers…
I photographed 133 sessions in 2012, including 10 newborns, 5 weddings, and one 50th wedding anniversary. No wonder I’m so tired!
Thank you all for your business, your friendship, your trust in me to capture the most important people to you. For the emails, the gifts, the support, the babysitting, reading the blog, commenting on facebook posts, and all the love you are always sending my way! Wouldn’t be here without all of you and I promise you I won’t ever forget that!!
I blogged 261 times. Thats a lot of words. Maybe I should shut up?
And sadly, I took hardly any personal photos in 2012 that weren’t from my iPhone. I’m going to try really hard to take more personal pictures in 2013 on the real camera (but the big boys are so not going to appreciate this goal- they are DONE with pictures unless there are BIG bribes involved or it’s of them playing baseball). But maybe with the new puppy and Timmy I’ll still have a few willing subjects. It’s kinda pathetic that the reason I don’t take more personal pictures is because I know I’ll just have to edit them and I’m always just editing clients. Gotta try harder to take my own pictures.
And finally, the winner for the free bsquared mini session(for reaching 1,000 fans on the bsquared facebook page- which is now up to 1100) is: DONNA FARRELL – OCTOBER 12, 2012 – 1:01 PM
I have never had a session but have had a photography lesson with you! You are so talented and so much fun! Would love to have a great picture of my family. I don’t have one nice shot of my husband and I with our beautiful son….who is 8!
Congrats to you Donna! Can’t wait to photograph your family. I’ll email you with details.
Don’t forget to nominate a friend or family member for a free bsquared mini “Sandy Session”. You can find the details here: Sandy Sessions. I’ll choose 2 winners from the nomiations for a session in Jan-Mar 2013.
Happy New Year!!! xoxo
the owen family
Another Central Park mini session from the late fall that I’m just getting around to blogging now. Sorry for the delay Mar!
Gorgeous family with another on the way really soon. I keep begging to be let into the delivery room to photograph the birth, but no luck as of yet…
These two are almost outtake photos but they make me smile so. Especially the one on the right where poor Daddy’s face is getting mangled.
Can’t wait to photograph the newest addition!! If he or she is anything like these two it’s going to be so fun to do!