the sewa family
I know I’ve said it a zillion times before, but I have to mention it yet again. I have the BEST clients!! I did a shoot for the colomb family at their gorgeous home and in conversation they asked me where my other shoots were that day. When I told them my next session was at a park in Manhasset, they told me that park has been completely razed to the ground. Yeah, so that was a big problem. But, they said we could do my next session in their backyard instead. See, nicest clients ever!!
I think this is my 4th time photographing this great little family. The baby has some work to do getting used to me (I was really funny in the beginning of our session, but after a little while with me he was less than amused!) but I think we pulled it off just fine!
Prettiest mommy.
just a little update on holiday season
Hi blog stalkers! Just a super quick update on all things bsquared.
–editing your sessions– I’m fully “in the weeds” between shooting and editing all the recent (and upcoming) sessions for the holidays. Sandy really screwed things up around here business wise so I’m doing the best I can to catch up. I’m currently running 2-3 weeks from the session until galleries are completed. Why does it take that long? Well, most people don’t know that it takes me a minimum of 4 HOURS to edit EACH SESSION (2.5 for each mini session). The hour of shooting is kinda the easy part. The hours upon hours at the computer editing all of your photos to perfection (not to mention the emailing, uploading, blogging, saving to multiple backups, christmas card proofing, bookkeeping, order placement, packing, shipping, etc- none of which are included in those 4hrs of editing time) are exhausting even though I’m just sitting here. So, please be a little kind and patient with me while I try to get everything done in time for the holidays, take care of my family, and sleep even just a tiny bit.
*I hope the above doesn’t come off as complainy or holier-than-thou cause it’s not meant to. I just want to let you all know why it takes a while for you to get your photos after the session is completed.
–holiday cards– if you are interested in having a custom bsquared holiday card created for you, please let me know as soon as possible. The cut off date for holiday card orders is Monday 12/3. I’m happy to make you a proof for your approval and we’ll make your holiday card a huge hit! Just shoot me an email and we can get started on your card right away.
–gallery orders– if you haven’t yet placed your order from your 2012 session, please do so prior to Monday 12/10. bsquared will be closed (not taking any orders or delivering any orders) from Monday 12/17 thru Friday 1/4/13. I still have some sessions scheduled that week and the week of Christmas, so those of course will be going ahead as planned. But no bsquared orders will be accepted after Monday 12/10, and no orders delivered after Monday 12/17 until the new year.
–bob our elf on the shelf. not sure if bob will be making his usual appearance on the blog this year I’m sorry to report. I’m so behind and I just don’t think I have the time to play this year. So sorry to all the bob fans out there- he’ll make a triumphant return for 2013!
–beyrer family holiday cards– because our totally amazing shoot was ruined by that Sandy chick, I’ll be lucky if I get out New Years cards this year. So if you’re expecting something fabulous you may want to adjust your expectations accordingly.
Well, that was a totally depressing post. Sorry. I’ll leave you with a picture from summer days on the beach (which I hope is still there in Pt. Lookout). Yeah, still depressing.
the heal family
Last session from the Royals baseball team super mini sessions- fitting it should be our head coach and his family. J and my boys have been friends since nursery school- so happy they still are. We’ll be seeing all of (or at least most of) the Royals families tonight at a big party for the team hosted by this fantastic (and way photogenic) family!
Yeah, I told you if you made that face that I was going to take the picture.
the colomb family
Are you sick of me yet? New blog posts daily- you know it’s holiday season!! I’ve been working non stop to get everyone’s galleries edited and ready to go.
This is a fantastic and very generous family (more on that tomorrow) who I loved photographing again this year. The little girl was way less shy of me this year than she was last year, and I even got to meet Grandpa & Grandma (ok, really Papou and Yiayia- they’re greek) at their beautiful home.
Dad bringing the blue steel. He’s a total riot.
Love all the love.
the fitz family
After photographing this lovely little family earlier this year when the twins were just tiny babies, I got the chance to meet up with them again for a portrait session. It was chaotic, crazy, loud, and full of fun and love! A pretty perfect recipe!!
Grandma & Grandpa joined us for a few and were great getting some smiles from all the kids.