the cros family
Looking outside my window right now (although I’d really rather not) it is pouring snow. Snow. It was only a little over 2 weeks ago I photographed this family in Central Park on a beautiful, sunny and warmish day. In a gorgeous park that I can only imagine lost a ton of trees and who knows what other damage. But I’m really, really trying to keep a positive attitude, be thankful that I have power, heat, and a home to have it in. Trying to get back to work and keep moving forward with the sandy relief efforts. It’s not easy for me and I can only imagine how hard it is for everyone else with so much less (no home, no power, no heat). I thought a sweet little baby girl might bring a smile to a few faces out there.
This was my first time meeting Miss L, after photographing her parents wedding a few years ago. She was perfect and pink. Not much for smiling that day, but we did manage to squeak out a few.
sandy relief effort- part 1
The boys and I ventured out to Target yesterday with the amazingly generous donations you all sent in to purchase as much as we could with the $2075 (!!!) we collected so far. First, I’d like to thank all who contributed:
Tiffany & family, Stephanie B, Christine from Fla, Liz M from NM, Genie from Fla, Jen H & family, Christine & Jayson, Kim P, (Christine, Jayson & Kim all donated directly to get the family featured earlier this week some backpacks for the girls and the rest went toward a gift card from Target to the family), Kristen & Raul from CA, Karen C from NC, Jeanne K, Maureen M, Karin C, Katie C, Naura, Matt & Laura from TN, Dr. Dean from Fla, and $50 from bsquared from the 2 sessions I had this past weekend. You guys are all so amazingly generous and awesome and I can’t thank you all enough!!
So with those generous donations, this is what we did:
Spending $1760.39 we bought: 8 cases of diapers in various sizes, a ton of baby formula, bottles, wipes, pacifiers, baby food, toddler snacks and heat & eat meals, baby/toddler spoons. A bunch of cleaning supplies including bleach, pine sol, paper towels, mops and brooms. Batteries of varying sizes. Food including: 4 cases of water, ready to eat soups, tuna, crackers, peanut butter (kept that far away from Timmy’s cart!), ready to eat pastas like chef boyardee. Health and beauty items: soaps, shampoo, deodorants, toothpastes, toothbrushes, pain relievers, chapsticks, body wash, hand sanitizers, women’s sanitary products, and benadryl. Storage and home: 9 big tupperware bins, 8 fuzzy blankets, 8 pillows. And some cat and dog food.
Let me tell you we were quite a sight walking caravan style thru Target with each of us pushing a cart (Jack, Patrick, Timmy and I had 2). The boys told me we were getting a ton of odd looks. I was too busy shopping to notice! The ladies who helped us at checkout and not only bringing everything out to the car, but packing it perfectly so that everything fit (believe me, that was no small feat!) were so fantastic! So big props to Michelle, Lea, Elizabeth and Maurisha!
There was so much stuff packed into every bit of the car that Timmy was just a head. And the bottom pic there was one more cart but I couldn’t fit it in the picture.
We delivered everything to the Rockville Centre Rec Center that has been taking all donations and getting them out to the places around us that were hit hardest. They were so excited about the huge donation, especially the baby items. In fact, the diapers went from the car, to the rec, immediately back out to cars and trucks headed to Long Beach and Island Park. Way to make a difference people!!
I’m left with $314.61 to put toward the next shopping trip later this week or early next week, plus any additional donations that come in including $25 from any shoots I do for the rest of the year. Donations are still being accepted gladly! If you’d like to donate please go to the paypal tab on the left side of the blog and click the “donate” button. Every little bit helps!!
the mcni family
Getting back to blogging client sessions today, but you can still donate to help the bsquared sandy relief effort. I’m going shopping today with the $900 (!!!!) I received in donations since yesterday. You guys are amazing and I can’t thank you enough!!! Pictures and a full report to follow on what I purchased with the funds and which Sandy victims the supplies will go to. If I receive more donations, I’ll go shopping again. The lists from the affected areas keep changing so it’ll be different things each trip. If you’d like to donate, please use the pay pal tab on the left side of the blog, hit “donate” and follow the directions. Thank you!
Another of the Royals baseball team players super mini session at Hempstead Lake. Love these boys (well, actually love the whole family!).
please help?
I’m kind of at a loss as to where to even start this post. For those blog readers who don’t know, we live on Long Island NY. And you’ve seen the devastation from this storm on the news, or some of you first hand. We were lucky enough to sustain no real damage from Sandy and only lost power for about 2hrs during the storm. Being that we were so lucky, we’ve made our home available to any and all friends and family to come here- for a charge of their electronics, a hot meal, a shower, laundry, a place to hang out and even stay over on a couch. We’ve probably had around 30-40 visitors here since Monday (it’s slowed down a bunch since most of our town now has electric back) and while exhausting, it felt great to help out where I could.
One story of devastation is worst than the next. I have many friends who have lost everything- entire homes and everything in them, cars, jobs. Friends in Breezy Point, Long Beach, Island Park, Baldwin Harbor, East Rockaway, Bay Park, the Jersey shore, Massapequa, the Rockaways, Oceanside, Wantagh. I’m sure there are more that I just haven’t heard from yet. In the past watching the effects of Katrina and other storms or natural disasters I always felt terrible for everyone affected and donated some money thru Red Cross. But it is so different when you see it in places you actually hang out or have been to. It’s nothing less than surreal. And so, so heartbreaking.
In order to do something to try to help (because it’s pretty easy and painless to open up your home and clean out some closets to donate clothing) I’ve decided to donate $25 from every shoot I have left in 2012 toward some kind of Sandy relief. I’ll be putting the money toward gift cards or direct purchases of supplies that are needed. I’ll make sure the supplies or gift cards (to Home Depot, CVS, PC Richards, Ace Hardware- things like that) get directly into the hands of people that need them. I have a few friends who live in the most effected local areas (or have summer homes there) so they are in and out daily cleaning up- they will let me know what is needed most and will bring it with them back into those areas. That $25 is coming out of my pocket, so no added costs to any bsquared client will occur. However, if you are a bsquared client (past, present or future) and would like to donate ANY amount toward the gift card or supply purchases, please feel free to donate anything you can. You can use the paypal link on the side of my blog if you’re so inclined (click the “donate” button for bsquared sandy relief), or send a check.
And if you aren’t sick of me yet, I’d like to ask for your help for one last matter. A friend/bsquared client’s home has been completely flooded and their family of 7 has lost so much. (By the way, this is the family who’s stroller got stolen off of the Pt. Lookout beach during their shoot last year). They are currently staying scattered throughout 2 states, so they aren’t even together. If you know of anyone who has a house or an apartment for them to rent while their house is repaired in the Wantagh area (they need to be able to bring their kids to school and the parents need to get to work), please let me know. Their friend/another bsquared client has been doing all their laundry and been able to salvage a lot of their clothing, but the girls could use new backpacks for school since their’s were beyond fixing with a wash. Any help would be greatly appreciated, especially on the housing situation!
(picture posted with permission) This is the family. They are amazingly nice and good people. On a beach that probably doesn’t even exist anymore.
If any other bsquared blog stalkers (you know I love my stalkers) have a story you’d like me to share with my readers, please let me know and I’ll get you posted to the blog. I’m hoping all of my fabulous bsquared clients can come together and help each other. It’s like the zombie apocalypse out there (except without the zombies. so far.) with the gas shortage and no power and getting scarier by the day. My heart just breaks for those out there with no place to sleep and get warm as the temperature drops. Wish I could help them all.
Please feel free to share this post on your Facebook wall, or copy to your friends. The more people we reach, the better. Thank you all so much!!
the rapp family
Getting another blog post up today before the power goes. Wind is picking up a bit, but from what they’re saying it’s going to get really bad tonight. I’m editing my heart out until then.
Our second session from Central Park- a friend from high school (that I probably haven’t seen SINCE high school) and her gorgeous daughter who the camera just loved. She was quite busy during the whole session and there was a lot of chasing going on (big thanks to my photografriend Charlie who assisted me all day and did a lot of the chasing for this session!) but her smiles and giggles made it all work out.
Best face ever.