the rvc royals at cooperstown dreams park- the end
Ok, so being this was like almost 2 months ago, it’s time to finish posting the last of the pictures. This was their first playoff game of two. I forgot to mention on the last blog post that Anthony STOLE HOME! And of course I have NO pictures of that amazing event because we were playing that team from New Hampshire that was so horrendously behaved and the worst sports ever and I was in a terrible mood so I put the camera away. And then he stole home. It was freaking awesome!! (the NH Cats were the team that was winning 20-4 and still talking sh*t in the field and dugout, and put in a new pitcher- who was in no way 12 years old, not even in an alternate universe and was throwing at like 90 mph- when they were already up 20-4. Asshats.) So onto a better game against a nice team!
Johnny C.
Getting some tips from Coach John H. The whole game was back and forth for the full two hours. It was so nerve wracking!!
Bobby and his home run! I think he was a little happy!!
Jamie and HIS home run!
He was pretty happy too!
Anthony & Jack.
Nail biting game. Seriously!
And the final score with the first Royals win for the week!
I was so exhausted after the first game roller coaster that I kept the camera in the bag for the second game. The boys didn’t even have time to eat between the first and second playoff game, had to change their shirts and socks and get right back to playing. It was a total endurance marathon. They lost the second game to a great California team- and the one shot I took is below.
And that was that. So we headed up to the main signs to take some team photos. From left: James, Glenn, Johnny C, Anthony, Kevin, Bobby, Jamie, Johnny H, Mike, Zach, Patrick, Jack C, Jack B, and Michael.
Yay! Baseball is over!!
The Kliers.
And a little wrestling (with Timmy too of course).
Thursday night was the closing ceremonies.
The dog at the place I stayed (Gateway Inn and Suites).
Timmy getting in his last licks on pin trading.
The team banner displayed by Thomas and Timmy.
The ring ceremony. (Which I honestly could’ve skipped. It wasn’t much of anything.) Oh, and John does not run.
Jamie and Timmy.
I left Cooperstown immediately after this- and made it home in a record 3hours, 31 minutes door to door. Ya think I was ready to get the hell out of Cooperstown? Honestly, it was a great trip for the boys and I’m so glad they did it (and I’m glad I got to see them all play). I had a fantastic time with all the parents- they were all a super fun bunch to spend a week with!
i like you, too (x1000) giveaway days- day 8 (last one!!)
First, congrats to Kim the winner from the last giveaway for the set of 3 mini books! We have her shoot this weekend so that will come in really handy!
We’ve reached our last giveaway. Thanks to all of you for liking my bsquared Facebook page! We’ve exceeded 1050 likes over there, and growing!
Speaking of Facebook, I’ve noticed over the last week or two that the posts on the bsquared page aren’t being seen by everyone who likes the page anymore. Facebook is getting “interesting” and is lessening some business pages “reach” as it seems they’re planning on starting to charge to promote your posts, or fewer and fewer people are going to see them. While I have no problem doing that, when I experimented with the pay to keep your post higher in the news feed a few months ago, it really made no difference as to how many people saw the post. My feeling is that if you’re going to charge to promote, at least be sure your promotion actually works!! So if you’re among the people who aren’t seeing some of the bsquared Facebook page posts, just jump over here to the blog every day to check them out.
And here’s the last giveaway… a whole mini session- for free!
1. to enter to win this prize, all you have to do is leave a comment here ON THIS BLOG POST. Just scroll down to where it says comments and then add yours. Tell me your favorite bsquared session story (or if you haven’t had one yet, what you’d like your session to be like when you do have one) It can be from the session itself, or from the pictures afterward. Don’t forget to include your email address (which will not be published on the blog, but so I can contact you if you win!)
2. The mini session will be held on a date and at a location of your choosing (pending my availability) and will be of your immediate family only. Travel fees outside of Nassau County are NOT included. You can find out more about what a mini session includes on the pricing & packages page (link above in header).
3. I’ll announce the winner next week, so enter as soon as you can.
4. One comment/entry per person, please.
5. The winner will be chosen using Random.org. I’ll assign each comment a number starting with #1, and whatever number comes up from Random will be the winner. I’ll announce the winner here on the blog and the winner will also receive an email.
6. You can enter in every single giveaway. So if you entered to win the previous giveaways, you can still enter in any/all future “i like you too” giveaways.
7. There will be one winner per each giveaway.
Good luck!
jack’s 4th birthday party
I had the pleasure of photographing Jack’s Thomas the Tank Engine themed backyard birthday party a few weekends ago. His mom and I went to high school together (and will be hanging out at our 25th(!!!) reunion this weekend) and I had a blast hanging with Jack and his family.
The birthday boy himself…
Love his expression- it’s kinda like “all of this is for me??”
Almost camouflaged right into the banner.
With his great grandma.
And Uncle Mark (who is also a photographer and has helped me tons when I made the big switch to Mac).
The whole family.
The kettle corn was a huge hit- everyone was all over it!
Catching with his head?
A super cool cupcake cake in the shape of a 4 with the whole Thomas theme. Clever!
Ya think someone’s a little excited about his cake?
Happy birthday Jack!!
the mori family
It’s always fun (and full of pressure) to photograph my good friends and their kids. We lucked out and had gorgeous light at the beach with a thin filter of clouds over the sun. Other than the wind, it was perfection!
the feil family
Another new to bsquared family and the last one for my mini session day a few weeks ago at the GC Cathedral grounds. They were alllll about running, playing and being active & fun and I think it showed thru in all the photos.
She was a toughie, not giving up those smiles easily but we somehow squeaked out a few.
Apparently mom gets taken out often by this little/big guy so a little turnabout is fair play going on here.
When you see this guy coming toward you full throttle, you should MOVE out of the way.
Great meeting and hanging with you all!