keeping summer alive…
Even though with the cold temps over the last few days it’s definitely not summer anymore. Obviously I’m pretty far behind in editing…
Timmy’s pal Liam.
Liam’s mom and little sister.
Is it bad I’m counting down the days until the end of the school year?
holiday updates
Yeah, cannot even believe that’s the title of this post- but it is getting to be that time of year, especially for photography! So here goes…
1. I’m happy to let you know that the 2012 bsquared holiday card collection is now available. I’m working with a new designer this year to bring you some different card templates. You can still choose from 2010 and 2011’s collections as well. You can find all the holiday card details on the blog here. Please note that the last day to order your holiday cards is Monday, December 3rd. Sorry, no exceptions.
2. Organic Bloom framing- if you’re considering ordering an (or several!) Organic Bloom frame(s) in time for the holidays for a gift for someone or for yourself, please note that Organic Bloom has let me know that their last day to place an order for guaranteed holiday delivery is currently Tuesday, November 6th. This date is subject to change based on their review of orders as the date approaches. So, my best advice to you is to place your Organic Bloom frame orders as soon as possible if you need them for the holidays. I’m happy to come to your home or offer a Skype consult free of charge if you need assistance in choosing frame styles, colors, sizes or where to hang them in your home. And don’t forget, if you would like help hanging your frames by a professional, bsquared photography offers that service, too.
3. Luxe albums- if you’re thinking of ordering a Luxe Album with photos from your bsquared session or event, my album vendor has set their date for guaranteed holiday delivery as December 1st. The albums are gorgeous and make a beautiful keepsake for years to come. So don’t hesitate on getting your order in for your album so you’ll have it in time for the holidays.
4. bsquared prints and discs- in order to ensure that I have all of your orders for guaranteed holiday delivery, please email me with your orders as soon as possible after receiving your gallery so there isn’t a last minute backlog. All orders placed by December 3, 2012 will be guaranteed for holiday delivery. Orders placed after December 3rd will be ready in mid January.
Okay, I think that’s everything. Wishing you all a
Merry Christmas, uh, I mean a great 3 day Columbus Day weekend! Please email me or leave a comment below with any questions. -
the aldu family
I love it when clients stick with me for a few years time (and longer!). Not only do I love watching their kids grow up, but I love seeing the progression of the children being tough customers as little ones and then settling into the “photo groove” and realizing that the whole photoshoot can be kinda fun and silly. Watching them have a great time only helps to make my job really easy! Such is the case with these boys- I’d like to think they had a good time at our session this year- I know I did!
the foxx family
My friend Jenn (and her daughter) came down to Long Island for a photoshoot with me, which was great- but not only did we have a great session, we had some time to hang out later that night after I was done with all my shoots for the day. A great end to a very busy day that day! Loved the interaction between mother and daughter and so lucky to be able to photograph moments like these.
I’m sure you’ll recognize the gorgeous miss J from the blog header.
They both have these amazing, almost haunting eyes.
the kell family
One of my favorite bsquared families with amazingly well behaved and super fun kids. I always get a little worried before their sessions cause I’m so outnumbered with their 5 kids but once I see them I remember how much fun we have and the worries are all gone. You can see some past sessions here and here.
Trying so hard not to laugh…
Love the one shoe.
She has the ultimate peaches and cream complexion. But I feel bad way in advance for any boys in her future with her 4 very protective big brothers. I think she won’t date until she’s married.
Aaaaaannnd….we’re done.