• children & families,  personal,  travel

    zoe’s workshop- part 1

    A few weeks ago I attended a pretty amazing workshop by the totally amazing Zoe Berkovic in Warwick NY. I had a great time, learned lots of new things and  met some fantastic new photografriends. Oh, and took some pictures. Here are just a few shots from the first day/part of shooting. We got to shoot in someone’s beautiful home with some great child models, all styled by Zoe.

    I debated posting these (and the rest to come) as it’s really Zoe’s creation. Her models, her location, her styling, her directing- I just shot and post processed. So I feel like it’s not really MY work (and it would be pretty hard to take a bad shot of these gorgeous kids in gorgeous clothing in the gorgeous house) and it’s almost like cheating. But the images were pretty cool so I figured I’d share while I edit some of my client sessions. My angles aren’t the best as there were 7-8 other photographers shooting at the same time in some small spaces and I’m definitely not a highly competitive shooter- I kinda waited my turn and grabbed a few quickly and moved out of the way for someone else to go.

    More from Zoe’s workshop to come soon.

  • children & families,  pets

    the smi family

    So glad to see this group again this year, especially on day without crazy weather. (check out last year’s session here) They are all gorgeous and a pleasure to photograph and all look so much more grown up this year. They said a sad goodbye to their dog Keagan since we did a session last year and have a new family member named Henry- an adorable golden retriever puppy joining their family.

    Dying from the face on the right.How cute is that puppy? Big thanks to Grandma who came along to help wrangle.My favorite from the whole session.

  • baseball,  personal,  travel

    cooperstown dreams park- games 3&4

    Baseball. That is pretty much all. Although we can add in baseball in the rain. Sooooo much better. (Not really at all.)


    Anthony.BobbyJack B.Jamie. (it was a ball)Johnny H. (I believe that this may have been his over the wall home run)Patrick.Jack B.Kevin.Have to get one of Anthony running at least once a game.Jamie.Jack C. (he was safe)Timmy pin trading. He even got the owner’s (pictured on the left) special pin. How lucky! Kids would come around to see Timmy from the other dugouts, he would roll out his towel like a merchant in an Arab market and say “and what are you interested in?”And when he wasn’t pin trading, he was playing catch with the other Royals kids, Mr. McNiff or Mr. Allen. Kevin. Johnny C. pitching and Jack B. at first.Johnny C.Jack C. (he was out)Patrick.Zach. (this was right before they had a rain delay)Jack, Jamie and Bobby.Michael making another great outfield catch.Mrs. Klier and Julia- besties.After a loss in the first game, it was time for a night game. It wasn’t all that bright even under the lights so as it got darker the pics got blurrier so I didn’t take many.

    Patrick.Bobby.Glenn.Patrick.Kevin.A run down. Mike, Zach, Johnny H, Kevin, Anthony, Jamie. 

    Still more to come soon.

  • beach,  children & families

    the cast family

    I’ve lost count how many times I’ve photographed this bunch- but each time is fantastic and leaves me waiting impatiently for next year! (I think this may have been our 4th session). It’s always at their beach house/on the beach and I always get hugs from all the kids as soon as I walk in. Best ever. And, this year Dad even changed a work trip just to be there for the photos. Can you tell I love them a little!?

    Super windy on the beach on this evening with big waves from the hurricane passing by.

    Don’t know how it’s possible but they get more gorgeous every year.

  • baseball,  personal,  travel

    cooperstown dreams park- opening ceremonies & first two games

    Finally, finally got to edit the Cooperstown pictures, so I’ll be posting a bunch over the next few days. Some of them you may have already seen a few of the photos on the blog, but putting them back in so that the story makes sense. Lots of new ones included though.

    You know how much I don’t like baseball as a general rule, but I have to say that I had a really good time on this trip. I loved watching all the boys play, hanging out with all the amazingly great Royals parents and Dreams Park really is the Disney of baseball. Keep in mind I’m NO sports photographer, but I did my best from my spot in the parents dugout area. It’s very stressful watching the games thru the lens, trying to follow the game, cheer and not shake the camera!

    Opening ceremonies- all 104 teams marched in with their banners. Then it was off to the ’round the horn, speed, home run, pitching accuracy competitions.

    The boys waiting their turn for the ’round the horn competition. Johnny went to the home run derby, Jamie to the throwing accuracy, Anthony to the speed competition.

    After the ceremonies, Timmy and I headed back to our hotel and all the boys went to get some sleep (I don’t know if that actually happened though) in the barracks for the first day of games the next morning. And so it begins…

    Game One:

    Michael pitching.

    Zach.James.Jack C.Johnny C.Jamie (he was safe).Johnny C.Glenn, Johnny & Anthony.Glenn.Patrick.Getting a little ‘atta boy’ after their first game which they lost. Game Two later that afternoon. It was really pretty there. Bobby warming up.Patrick.Patrick.Johnny H.Michael made some amazing catches in the field. Patrick did his share out there too.Jamie hitting, Anthony running.You cannot beat Anthony. 
    Anthony.Jack.Bobby.Jack C.Timmy was having a great time, especially with the pin trading. More on that later. We were all invited over to the house the Ryans and Luvins were renting for a little pool party and bbq. So fun!