• birthdays,  bsquared business,  weddings

    the funniest thing, possibly ever.

    My great photografriend Kate and I shot a wedding last year where we didn’t get served dinner. Or any food for that matter. Yeah, that’s a 10 hour day with nothing to eat while working non stop for 8 of those 10 hours. Shaking hands on the dance floor, dizziness, basically not a good scene. We had to literally beg the maitre’d for some food- anything at all. We got 2 rolls. Stale rolls that we could’ve killed someone with on impact. (It’s now in the bsquared contract that we have to be fed during a wedding or else we have to leave for up to 1.5hrs to get food elsewhere. Not making that mistake again.) So after we recovered after that wedding, the roll for dinner has become an ongoing joke. I try to sneak it in at every wedding we shoot together somewhere.

    At Kristen & Raul’s wedding this summer it all came full circle. They fed us really well and Kristen is the coolest. While Kate was over getting her plate meticulously prepared, Kristen told one of the servers to go up to her and take her plate, telling her she was the help and therefore not authorized to eat the food that was for the guests. And handed her a plate with a roll. Best. reaction. EVER.

    I cannot look at these pictures without laughing. And I’m celebrating my “new fake birthday” today (for those of you who don’t know my birthday is actually 9/11 but after 10 years it’s still not getting any better, so I decided to move it to a new day) so the laughs are extra special! Kate & I are shooting a wedding tomorrow for another fabulous bride and groom. Can’t wait to figure out where the roll is going to make it’s appearance- it’s like where’s waldo but with a roll.

  • bsquared business

    i like you too (x1,000) giveaway days- day 7

    Moving on to the 2nd to last bsquared giveaway. Sorry about the lack of blogging yesterday but I just didn’t have it in me. 9/11. That kinda sums it up.

    First, the winner of the last giveaway (the $50 bsquared gc is Lois. Congrats, Lo!) Our next giveaway… a set of 3 custom mini books with images from your bsquared session (past, present or future).

    1. to enter to win this prize, all you have to do is leave a comment here ON THIS BLOG POST. Just scroll down to where it says comments and then add yours. Tell me about your favorite book you’ve read recently. Staying with the book theme- and I need some recommendations.  Don’t forget to include your email address (which will not be published on the blog, but so I can contact you if you win!)

    2. The mini book will be designed with up to 12 of your favorite bsquared images. They can be from one shoot or multiple sessions. All three books will be the same.

    3. Each day’s giveaway is good until the next prize is listed on the blog, so you have at least 2 days to write your comment below.

    4. One comment/entry per person, please.

    5. The winner will be chosen using Random.org. I’ll assign each comment a number starting with #1, and whatever number comes up from Random will be the winner. I’ll announce the winner here on the blog and the winner will also receive an email.

    6. You can enter in every single giveaway. So if you entered to win the previous giveaways, you can still enter in any/all future “i like you too” giveaways.

    7. There will be one winner per each giveaway.

    Good luck and thanks again for all your “likes”!! Only one more giveaway coming up, so be sure to enter!

  • beach,  children & families

    the mcke family

    I love shoots at the beach (have had a zillion recently and a bunch more coming up), especially those at my beach (sun & surf) where I can just roll out of my chair, grab my gear and get back down to the sand to shoot. Now that’s a commute I can deal with!

    We had a great evening for our session but there was a seaweed carpet on the beach. Looks good in the pictures with the pop of green, but not so much in real life when you’d like to go swimming. We stayed out of the water and worked fast as the sun was setting quickly.

    What a beauty, right? And she’s a Harvard student. And a dancer. Nothing like having the whole package. Love the whole rat pack vibe going on. Sweet sisters. 

  • beach,  children & families

    the farr family

    A new to bsquared family, but I’ve “known” mom in passing for quite a few years. Friends of friends and kids in the same school. So glad we really met as they are all super nice and smiley and fun! Their oldest son was off to his freshman year of college a little bit after our session, so I’m hoping mom enjoys the pictures of her whole family together!

    Extra big props to this great young man who’s birthday it was on the day of our session. I’m quite sure there were a number of other things he would have rather been doing than taking pictures (maybe sticking needles in his eyes) but he was a true gentleman and really hung in there for the whole time.These girls are Gorgeous with a capital G!!They are Irish step dancers. I got a little show!