• personal,  school

    first day

    And they’re off. 8th grade & 2nd grade.

    Going to miss them and not liking having to get up early every day, but glad for a bit of a schedule and not worrying if anyone is killing anyone else in the house when I run out for a few errands.

    Jack on the left, Patrick on the right. And I’m just realizing they’re wearing the opposite colors than normal. They’re in 3 classes together this year for the first time ever since nursery school. That should confuse the hell out of everyone!Timmy on line for his class with the giant, heavy box of supplies. So sad that he’s not in the same class as his two besties, but hoping for a great year anyway. I like how they’re small, medium and large. They were already making their recess plans so I’m sure they’ll still have some time together.

    Just hoping for a great year for all 3 of my boys with good friends and good grades. I can’t believe the whole high school application process starts for Jack & Patrick in a few weeks. I’m so not ready.

  • weddings

    kristen & raul- the reception

    I know you’ve been waiting (and waiting) for the last installment of Kristen & Raul’s wedding and here it is at last! A super fun and energetic reception to match their personalities!

    Many thanks to Kristen & Raul for being patient with this last batch of pictures, and being such a FUN and kind couple to photograph on their big day. Thanks again to my great photografriend Kate who second shot with me and did a phenomenal job as usual.

    These three have been besties since they were little girls. Mr. Brady showing everyone how to move!The cake topper is from Kristen’s mom & dad’s wedding. I love traditions!!
    So sad to be done editing this wedding! Wishing you all the happiness and love in the world!

  • bsquared business

    i like you too (x1000) giveaway days- day 6

    Congrats to Heather S.- winner of the iPhone case from the last giveaway.

    We’re almost at the end of the giveaways, so enter to win!


    1. to enter to win this prize, all you have to do is leave a comment here ON THIS BLOG POST. Just scroll down to where it says comments and then add yours. Tell me who you’d give the bsquared gift card to, or if you’d keep it for yourself.  Don’t forget to include your email address (which will not be published on the blog, but so I can contact you if you win!)

    2. The gift card will be made out to the recipient you indicate and can be used for any bsquared product (EXCEPT organic bloom frames) or can be used toward a session fee.

    3. Each day’s giveaway is good until the next prize is listed on the blog, so you have at least 2 days to write your comment below.

    4. One comment/entry per person, please.

    5. The winner will be chosen using Random.org. I’ll assign each comment a number starting with #1, and whatever number comes up from Random will be the winner. I’ll announce the winner here on the blog and the winner will also receive an email.

    6. You can enter in every single giveaway. So if you entered to win the previous giveaways, you can still enter in any/all future “i like you too” giveaways.

    7. There will be one winner per each giveaway.

    Good luck and thanks again for all your “likes”!! 2 more giveaways still coming up!

  • baseball,  personal,  travel

    cooperstown- day 157 (ok, day 5)

    First, the most important part- A ROYALS WIN!!!!!! So, so proud of all of the boys who worked so hard all week and won a game. Not a regular game, but a playoff game!! The final score was 19-21 and the entire game was totally anxiety provoking, exciting, and made me want to vomit for the THREE hours the 6 innings took. It was back and forth every inning between the Royals and the New Castle team, but I was thrilled for the boys that they won!! The New Castle Highlanders (from Chappaqua) fought really hard and were total gentlemen.

    This was immediately after Jamie’s grand slam homerun for the win.

    Had to take one pic of the scoreboard. They played but lost another game immediately following their win versing the Metro Monsters from Cali who were such nice boys and a great team. After nearly 5hrs of baseball in a row with no lunch for anyone it was a relief (at least for me) for the boys to get done. It’s single elimination playoffs, so they’re done for the tournament.

    Much to their chagrin, we made them walk alllllll the way over to the Dreams Park sign for a team photo- it’s a literally once in a lifetime trip for them, so we had to get the money shot. (I know the lighting and shadows are pretty bad- but I didn’t bring my off camera flash, and this was the only time of the day we could do the picture. Probably no one cares but me anyway!)Since they’re now done, today’s plans include a big breakfast in town (Doubleday cafe) followed by the Hall of Fame. I will be IN for breakfast for sure, but OUT for the HOF. I’m looking forward to reading my book down by the lake for a few quiet hours. Then it’s closing ceremonies and the championship game tonight.

    It’s been quite the baseball immersion for me this week. And although I still feel exactly the same way about baseball as I did coming in (still don’t like it), I do still really like watching the Royals play. They have all come SO far and have become such great  friends. I feel like we have a whole new extended family in the parents and siblings of all the players. There was no bickering at all between them this week, and even after 5 days together nonstop, they are still having such a great time all hanging out together at every opportunity they can get. How amazing is that? And if it’s due to baseball, I’ll still take it.

    Much more to come from the whole Cooperstown Dreams Park experience when we’re back home and I have some time to edit the 1300+ photos I’ve taken so far this week. I have some great action shots and I can’t wait to share them with you and our Royals family!!


  • baseball,  personal,  travel

    cooperstown- day 4

    Well, 2 more Royals losses, but honestly that’s so not the important thing. And I was reminded of this fact today. I am SO proud of all the Royals boys and the coaches for the way they are playing every single game with heart and class. They may not be the best team out there (not by a lot- they’re currently ranked 101 out of 104 teams) but they are the best behaved, most respectful, nicest bunch of kids you could meet on a ball field or anywhere else. Let me explain…

    The first game the boys lost 7-2. They played a perfectly respectable game, they just lost.

    The second game vs. the New Hampshire Cats they lost 25-4. And let me tell you that this team- the New Hampshire Cats- were the most disgustingly behaved, ill mannered, pieces of crap I have EVER seen play baseball. (sorry- not sorry). They were beyond bad sports, heckling the crap out of our team when they were already winning 20-4, yelling from the dugout, yelling during our pitchers windups, talking trash in the field. I even yelled from the parents stands for some kid in the field to shut up (yeah, he definitely heard me) and another one to drop the fly ball (again sorry, not sorry). When they were up 25-4 and our boys were up at bat in the last inning before they got mercy ruled, they switched pitchers!! Switched effing pitchers to make sure no one else got a run so we didn’t mess up their standings by getting another run. And the umps were terrible, letting this heckling go on during the game. All of them should be ashamed of themselves and I sincerly hope the parents of the Cats are very proud of their disgusting kids. Although the way the parents were behaving, it’s no guess where the kids learned their “sportsmanship” skills from. (in all fairness I have to add that the boys mentioned the catcher was nice, being a really good sport and that there were one or two other kids who were good sports as well). But overall, ew.

    I’m happy to report that our Royals got more runs on the Cats than any other team they’ve played this week. Including Anthony stealing home!!! So we did mess up their standings a bit, and I heard they were pissed. Good for them. Suck on that.

    I’d like to add that in every game so far this week (so that’s 6 games out of 6 played) the boys and coaches have received nothing but compliments from the other teams and the umps. How nice the boys are, how hard they are playing, how respectful, how supportive of eachother they are. And that my friends is truly what baseball is about. And you know I know nothing about baseball.

    If you are reading this and don’t agree with my views, you’re more than welcome to your opinion. But this is my blog, and I’ll write what I want. And I’m not being a mom who is feeling sorry for our team who didn’t win. They haven’t won one single game here in Cooperstown, but everyone else they’ve played have been excellent teams both in skill and sportsmanship. Isn’t that the way its supposed to be???

    On to happier news- I finally got a whole team picture!!

    Top row: Coach Jamie, Coach John H, Anthony, Jamie, James, Bobby, Johnny H, Kevin, Glenn, Mike

    Bottom row: Jack C, Zach, Johnny C, Jack, Michael, Patrick, Coach John B


    So go Royals!! I don’t care if you don’t win any games (playoffs start today- so keep your fingers, toes, whatever crossed for our boys to win just ONE game) but you keep on being of such amazing character and class and you will always win. At least where it counts.

    (and even after all of this BS, they are still smiling, laughing and having an amazing time TOGETHER.) A little side note about this picture. Apparently, there was some ummmm….gas flying in the bunkhouse the other night. Like farts that someone said if you opened your eyes you would see the mushroom cloud from the nuclear blast. With hang time like no one’s business. So they did a recreation for a photo to comemmorate one of their fondest Cooperstown memories to date. Can you guess who the culprit was?