cooperstown- day three
Another full day in the dreams park with 2 games. I’m sad to report they were both losses but two really well played games against some really good teams- the second game was heartbreakingly close, tied 2-2 in the 6th inning. I felt so terrible for the boys as they worked SO hard this game and played amazing well.
I’m wiped out from this whole experience (I can only imagine how tired the boys and John must be!) so I’m posting only one pic from the day. I took a ton of them today but just don’t have it in me to edit . So I’ll do a whole Cooperstown recap at the end of the week with tons of photos and whatever game details I can remember.
Kevin made it up for the first game yesterday and did a fantastic job pitching, but he arrived after I snapped this one so I’ll have to try and get another in today with ALL the Royals.
Two games today at 1pm and either 5pm or 7pm. Still holding out for a win! Go Royals!!!!
cooperstown- day 2
The first two games for the Royals yesterday and unfortunately, two losses. But everyone is keeping their spirits up and having a great time nonetheless. Winning would be good for everyone though- here’s to hoping for at least one win today.
Timmy’s having a great time. He’s really excited about getting a great new pin for his collection in this shot. More on the pin trading to come.
Patrick got a hold of a long one here (but they caught it in left field).
Patrick also caught a bunch of shots into right field.
Jack pitched an inning at the end of the second game. His elbow has really been hurting since about 2 weeks ago but he fought thru and did well.
The Ryan’s and Luvin’s were nice enough to invite the whole team and all the families back to the house they’re renting for a bbq and pool party. It was really just what all the boys needed.
And a favorite of Timmy who was so nice and easy letting me take pictures of him. I drove past this meadow and knew we had to stop (just as the sun was setting behind the mountains). Not sure on the colors cause I’m editing super fast late at night on the laptop, but I’ll reedit when I get home.
Good luck today Royals! Get a win!!
cooperstown- day 1
Just a few pictures from today’s events. Timmy and I spent the day driving up (not too bad at just over 4.5hrs but why, why, WHY does everyone drive 50 in the left lane?? Omg, move or move over!!!) while the boys spent the day pin trading with the other 103 teams that are here for the week. Just a few very quick shots from today’s opening ceremonies.
John said that this is his version of Disney. It’s total and complete baseball immersion.
So you have some idea of the scope, this isn’t even half of the teams.
And a shot with my borrowed 2x lens extender with the 70-200 from across the field and top of the stands. With the Royals team banner of course. (they are the Royals to the immediate left of the orange banner)
Apparently no one slept really well in the barracks friday night (somehow, not surprising) but after a good dinner out last night, and all the excitement of the day I think they’ll all be so tired they’ll all pass right out.
The Royals will be playing two games today- one at 11am and one at 4:30pm. The 11am one will be streamed live on www.dreamsparktv.net if you’d like to watch along at home.
The best part of last night for me besides seeing the boys so happy and excited? Freihofer cookies!!!!! Totally forgot they would have those up here. Bonus!
cooperstown bound
The boys are off to Cooperstown with the whole Royals team for the Dreams Park tournament. The bsquared blog will be turning into baseball blog instead for a bit while I take tons of pictures at their games, the ceremonies, etc. Hang in there for a bit until we return to our regularly scheduled programming.
And please wish the boys (and Coaches including John who will be sleeping in the barracks for a week) lots of luck and wins and most importantly, fun!
Patrick looks like that cause he just woke up. He’s not really a morning person. It pains him to be awake. (sound familiar??) The cars are decorated and we’re ready for 2 games a day. Go Royals!!
the blai family
We had a gorgeous night in Pt. Lookout (this time the private town beach) for a session for this fantastic family. I ended up bringing Timmy along to “help” (no one was around to watch him so he came along). Timmy was actually a really big help being a dog wrangler and getting everyone to laugh. The light was changing so fast during our session which gave us some really pretty skies.