timmy’s 1st lost tooth!
It happened last night somewhere between pizza and bedtime. We think he might have swallowed it, but somehow the magic of the Tooth Fairy came thru and she found it and put it under his pillow with his $10.
He was pretty excited!!
It says “Dear tooth fairy I swalloed my tooth can you find it? Love, Timmy”
And just like his big brothers, the baby tooth didn’t fall out until the big tooth was almost all the way in behind it. You can see the big tooth if you look closely.
kristen & raul- getting ready & first look
I posted the pre-wedding bbq a few days ago, but now it’s time for the real thing! So excited to show you some fantastic images from Kristen & Rauls’s wedding day. Of course, my fantastic friend and second shooter Kate was on hand to help cover the day (she stuck with Raul and his brother during the getting ready portion of the day). So without further ado…
The first picture is out of the order of the day but I loved it so much, it had to go first! Love how happy they are!
Dress and shoes. The shoes were Kristen’s favorite.
Handsome groom.
Beautiful bride!
And the first look. I do love it when my brides and grooms opt for a first look. Makes for a fabulous, intimate and exciting moment.
I adore the way Raul’s looking at his bride.
Much more from Kristen & Raul’s day coming soon!
three for thursday
I know, three’s a little lame but I just don’t have it in me for 13 today. Drove back and forth to Rhode Island yesterday for a session so I’m a little tired.
1. The boys travel baseball team (The Royals) have been kicking butt and taking names. Well, except for two games where they lost. Like a lot. But they’ve really come a long way and have really been playing like a TEAM. Watching them get better has been fun for me (yes, I said it. But I still don’t like baseball- only the Royals!) With everyone’s summer schedule, we’ve had a few kids out from games and a few subs playing. I took this one after one of their great wins (against a team that has always beat them in the past).
Coaches Rob, John and John.
Jack was particularly happy after pitching during the game!
2. We’re almost at 1,000 likes over on the bsquared Facebook page!! Only 5 away! Thank you so much to everyone who has already liked it, and if you haven’t yet and you feel like it, please go over and like bsquared too. There will be HUGE giveaways to celebrate the 1,000 like milestone- but they’re a surprise. Really, really good surprises.
3. I’ve been getting several emails and calls about the fall calendar. I’ll be opening that up in mid August, so be on the lookout for that. If you sign up for the bsquared newsletter over on your left, you’ll be sure to receive all the calendar updates and all the other bsquared news.
Be back tomorrow with a better blog post. Have a great day!
the weis family
I’ve said it before, but I love doing multigenerational family sessions. It’s so much fun to watch everyone interact and enjoy each other’s company. This fantastic family was definitely no exception!
Two super cute cutie pies!
Nothing like ending the session on a very hot day with a bit of swimming.
introducing…baby ava
A brand new baby and a brand new to bsquared family who I was lucky enough to photograph recently. Baby Ava was a doll, especially since she slept so well for our session. She was gorgeous with all of her beautiful clothes that her mom had ready for her session. Such a pretty pink princess! But even with all the clothes, we still had to do a few nakey baby shots.
Such a wonderful family! Even the dog, Butter, was a great model!
I think they’re both pretty much totally in love!
Grandma and Daddy are totally in love too!
A closet that is the envy of any girl. Especially one that likes pink!
This was mom’s favorite dress. I can see why! And the way she put her hands? That was all Ava.
So nice meeting all of you and thank you for sharing your beautiful little girl with me for a few hours!