the powe girls
It’s been quite a while since my last session with these beauties, so I was extra happy to see them again. I’ve photographed both girls as newborns and again since -it’s fun seeing them grow and develop their personalities (which are so different!). Their mom is not only an amazing person but she was both Patrick’s and Timmy’s first grade teacher and we loooooove her!
These are all just so HER.
No matter how different their personalities are, they’re still kinda alike.
wyatt’s bar mitzvah
I met Wyatt’s lovely mom last spring at a pre-prom party, where I was taking photos of my “niece” Elizabeth and a bunch of her friends, including Wyatt’s older brother. Then we met again on the sidelines of the middle school football field where Wyatt, Jack & Patrick were playing Oceanside. I was so happy when she asked me to photograph Wyatt’s Bar Mitzvah at Central Synagogue and the reception at Coyote Grill. It was a gorgeous day with a fantastic family & lots of friends.
Wyatt did his best to tolerate me for as long as possible. He did really well. I know how annoying I can be, especially with a camera!
Wyatt’s mom is one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever met in real life, and she (and her husband, too) is as nice as she is beautiful. Did I mention she’s from Australia? And has the coolest accent!
Party time!
Dad and his childhood friends. How great that they are STILL friends!
Grandma flew in from Australia where she lives to celebrate Wyatt’s day.
Dad, his twin brother and their sisters. Such a great and close knit family!!
A very nice and subdued candle lighting and blessing of the challah.
A bar mitzvah wouldn’t be a bar mitzvah without the chair.
Wyatt, thank you so much for putting up with me for the day. You were a great sport and a gentleman!
introducing…baby eleana
It has been newborn city around here lately. And lots of girls which is always a nice change of pace for me! I’ve photographed this lovely family a bunch of times now and I’m so excited for them adding on another beautiful girl for me to take photos of! You can view big sister Sophia’s newborn session, a family session and a more recent family session if you’d like to see the progression of their little family.
Those eyes and lashes.
introducing…baby kate
Not only did I get to photograph their beautiful wedding (here, here and here too) and their son when he was a newborn and then again a few years later, I was lucky enough to be asked to photograph their brand new baby girl just last week! I love having long histories with families and watching them grow and becoming friends with them! Melissa- hope you are catching up on some sleep! Thank you so much for the wonderful session and for sharing your family with me. Again!
Gorgeous family, right?
I have a similar photo of Daddy and their little boy when he was a baby.
He’s already an amazing big brother. Protective, sweet and kind. And I couldn’t love the smattering of freckles across his nose more.
Isn’t she just the prettiest, pinkest little bundle?
Little content smiles.
Just chillin.
I’m so funny I even got the baby to laugh.
miscellaneous monday
I’m really behind on editing sessions so you’ll just have to bear with me for today for a general post. And please note the pictures below have pretty much absolutely nothing to do with the writing.
1. With the boys home all summer, the crazy shooting schedule, baseball, and just life I’m running about 3 weeks from session to gallery. All of you waiting for your pictures, just know I’ve been staying right in that 3 week window and I’m doing everything I can to get your pictures to you as soon as possible. A few newborns in there as well always jump the line.
2. This weekend was totally nuts. All in a good way though. Had my brother in law’s 40th birthday party on Friday night, shot a bbq for my bride and groom on Saturday then rushed to get home take my 3rd shower of the day (holy hotness around here!!) and go to a Howard Jones concert at the Paramount in Huntington (awesome!!) More on the concert in another post soon (but at this rate soon may be August). Then shot a fantastic and fun wedding all day today (with sweat in places that are just unmentionable) and rushed back home to make it to the annual fireworks display. And bits of editing in there whenever I had 5 free minutes.
3. I’ve had a few people ask me about my fall calendar. I’ll be opening up the September thru November calendar in mid August. I know that’s a little later than normal, but with the boys crazy schedule with travel baseball and after school stuff, I’m trying to wait as long as I can to see what their schedule might look like for the fall. So keep your eye on the blog and bsquared on Facebook to make sure you grab a date before they’re gone. Fall goes super fast! Early bird gets the worm. Or crab.
Attempting pilates today (after shooting a wedding all day yesterday. should be interesting.) and hoping to get down to the beach for a bit since I missed it all weekend. And hoping its a little cooler out. I think I have no sweat left.