the conl family
A new to bsquared family who won a bsquared gift card at the elementary school’s fair. I was so happy to get to know them and photograph them- what a totally fun bunch they are! You know, when I get the questionnaire returned from the family with the ages of the kids sometimes I get a little nervous for the shoot, especially when theres lots of little ones. It’s hard to know what to expect. But I needn’t have worried- they were amazing!! And so photogenic.
My selection of photos for the blog is just getting longer and longer!
Daddy was such a champ with the throwing, carrying and shoulder rides. It looks like he didn’t mind much though!!
Could he be any more gorgeous?? Those eyes- so sparkly!!
What a beauty!
andreya & mike- the ceremony
Getting back into wedding mode and happy to bring you the next set from Andreya & Mike. Again, big thanks go out to Kate for all her help during the ceremony (it’s impossible to capture both sides at once!). And a shout out to Lovin Oven for the beautiful florals.
The cutest ring bearer and flower girl you ever did see…
And here comes the bride…
Both the mom’s came up for a beautiful sand ceremony.
And the kiss (from multiple angles).
Yay! Married!!
The bride found this shot on pintrest and requested it specifically. I loved the idea too and was more than happy to fulfill her request!
Stay tuned for a few more portraits- on the beach! And of course the reception coming soon too.
heather + tommy = ?
I met Heather thru the guys in The Turn a few years back and she’s a total sweetheart. As it turns out she and her boyfriend were getting ready to welcome a baby boy into the world and after seeing my Jake is born slideshow, they decided they wanted to a birth session too! Everything was all cleared with the doctor that I would be allowed to be in on the delivery, however, upon arrival at the hospital I was informed that it was “hospital policy” that there were no still photographs allowed during the birth. I could take pictures before and then again a while after the delivery. What a total let down for all of us- it was all so disappointing.
I hung around for a bit, even thru some dirty looks from some of the nursing staff and took what pictures I could before I wasn’t allowed in the room anymore.
Heather made it thru most of her labor without the epidural. She and Tommy made a great team during contractions.
And she kept her sense of humor.
And then I was gone.
But about 3 hours later, baby Hudson was born. Big congrats to the new little family and I’m so sorry I wasn’t allowed to be there to photograph it.
life is a carnival
Well, when you’re 7 years old and have a yard and a big imagination it sure is!!
Timmy and his friend Sean built a whole carnival in Sean’s driveway in under 2hrs. Impressive, huh?
They were donating all the proceeds to their school. There was can knockdown.
Waiting on tips (with a mouthful of pretzels).
Games of skill. (throwing a mini basketball into the mini soccer net while riding the roller coaster.)
Feats of strength and accuracy.
More snacks.
Prizes for the winners!
And then Timmy came home and started part 2.
Hope all of you had a fantastic weekend- mine was great and very busy. Will have lots of client pictures to post this week so stay tuned.
andreya & mike- first look and portraits
Continuing on with Andreya & Mike’s amazing wedding at the Lands End in Sayville, they opted for a first look (where the bride and groom see each other before the walk down the aisle) which made me beyond thrilled as it gives the bride & groom a really special moment together. And gave us some extra time for photos as well so we don’t have to cut into the whole cocktail hour for formal portraits.
First showing you the whole wedding party!
Now onto the first look. Mike was waiting patiently with his back turned so he wouldn’t see Andreya until THE moment. (working with Kate, we’re able to catch both sides of the first look)
So ready to get married!
But first we got all of the formal portraits done.
Next up, the ceremony. Stay tuned!