the barr family
This shoot was almost a year coming with numerous cancellations due to sicknesses, work schedules, weather…all the stuff that gets in the way. But we finally pulled it off! I did Dawn & Rob’s maternity pictures what seems like ages ago and I was so happy to finally meet the girls. They are adorable as I could have imagined!
Love the little teefs and sparkly eyes.
Dawn, you look fantastic!
Such a cute family! And yes, they are as happy as they seem in the picture!
introducing….baby charlotte
Not only did I photograph Christine & Jayson’s wedding, I got two amazing friends, a Timtom and now a brand new baby girl to fawn over. It’s all a good deal!! Yes, we’re cousins (well, Christine and John are cousins) but we’re those extended kind of cousins you don’t really see at family stuff so since the wedding, we make sure we see a lot of eachother.
Charlotte was 3 weeks old at the time of the photos and after they all came out and spent the day at the beach with us, we came back home and I did a super fast set up and shoot of Miss Charlotte. My first newborn(ish) at night and using all off camera flash instead of natural light. A big change for me, but I’m getting there with it.
Charlotte slept all day at the beach (yes, she was under the umbrellas in someones arms the whole day. yes, she was covered in layers from head to toe. yes, she survived the beach and was, in fact, quite happy there. yes, Christine is very brave!) so I knew there was not a chance she was sleeping for our session. And I was right.
So excited to have one girl in the family!!
introducing…baby joe
So happy I got to take some pictures of my newest nephew, Joseph Rothwell . He was born on May 18th and weighed in at 8lbs and 6oz. So now with the addition of baby Joe, each of the adult Beyrer siblings (John, Joseph and Inez and their spouses) have 3 boys each. So all 9 cousins/grandchildren are all boys. And unless a baby girl suddenly drops out of the sky and lands on one of our doorsteps, the 9 boys will be 9 boys.
Baby Joe is adorable (even though he peed all over me) and looks just like his brothers did as babies. And like his daddy.
Very proud big brothers! We figured taking the binky away from Quinn was really not worth the fight. It was either have him sitting on the couch with the binky and being in the picture, or no binky and NO picture. You gotta pick your battles.
My favorite!
This baby has huge hands and feet- he’s going to be a big boy (well, he already is but you know what I mean).
I think James is pretty enamored.
All I could think when seeing this picture is Joe saying “Hey lady, come thismuch closer so I can punch you…” Sorry dude, you got years and years of Aunt Beth photos in your future. You can suffer and commiserate with your other 8 boy cousins who also don’t like getting their picture taken.
andreya & mike- getting ready
I had the pleasure and honor of photographing Andreya & Mike’s amazing wedding a few weeks ago, and I’m pleased to begin bringing you some of their pictures today. They just arrived home from their honeymoon yesterday, so I’m hoping that posting some of the pictures from their special day will lessen the blow of heading back to work after a long while off!
Handsome and gorgeous! (and a thank you to my fabulous second shooter Kate for covering the “boys” getting ready).
Andreya and her girls were getting ready in one room, while Mike and the boys were elsewhere in the hotel getting their wedding on. Andreya’s dad sent in the ipod with a special song for his daughter that had everyone in tears.
What’s that line from Steel Magnolias? Something about laughter thru tears?
I think Andreya would be okay with Mike kissing only this someone else on their wedding day.
The gorgeous dress and sisters helping with the garter with mom looking on.
Tried a little different editing here- think it goes great with the picture.
Andreya had all the girls sign her shoes.
Seeing Andreya in full bride-ness started the waterworks all over again!
Father of the groom. Ultimate coolness.
Stephanie and Jen were the go-betweens for the gifts the bride and groom bought for eachother.
A guitar for Mike.
A diamond bracelet for Andreya.
And then more tears when Dad came in to see his little girl for the first time.
Thought this shot had a Mad Men type of feel to it.
Cheers to the bride & groom. Now let’s go get married!
Up next- first look and portraits. Give me a few days and those will be on the blog next.
7 for Sunday
Ok, so it’s really 10 but that just doesn’t have the same ring to it, now does it? So it’ll be 7 with 3 bonuses. I have so many older pictures that I never got around to posting, so here goes.
1. The boys can now ALL make this face. Including John who used to torture his sister with it across the dining room table. Ah, traditions.
2. A few weeks ago I put Jack & Patrick to work (read: slave/child labor. It’s not just for third world countries.) making some bsquared welcome packets. They weren’t too pleased, but they got the job done. And then I packed up a pretty little order to go.
3. Pulled out the macro lens for a few dandilion shots. Which were in front of someones house next door to a client who’s orders I was delivering. Well, at least they didn’t call the cops about the weirdo lady laying on their front lawn.
4. I have the best & nicest clients. One of my most favorite blog stalkers (Laurie) brought me some Christmas Story wrapping paper when she saw it while on vacation. Must be Italian.
5. Bought myself some new shoes that I just adore. No blisters, even after wearing them for an 8+ hour wedding day. And I adored the packaging. I got a pair of red and a pair of cream, and I just bought them in black, metallic silver and pink cause they’re SO cute and comfy. And the red ones totally match my office and branding. Of course I saved the boxes for the office too. Love! You can find them here: Tieks
6. Also bought myself a new camera bag that totally looks like a pocketbook. I needed something smaller than the whole gear bag and I love that it doesn’t look like a camera bag- makes it easier to be sneaky in places you aren’t supposed to shoot. It’s extra nice to have if I bring the camera to the boys game and we go out to dinner or something afterwards- I can bring the camera with me and not worry that it’s unsafe. (the whole inside is padded and has removable dividers to fit your camera/lenses/cards/batteries, etc.) You can find it here: Epiphanie and I have the Lola.
7. We had some uninvited guests living in our garage. A sickly looking momma raccoon and her 3 babies. The momma would sit in the tree in our backyard at like 5pm everyday and then just waltz across the backyard on her way to the sewer in the front of the house. It was then that her welcome was over. Buh-bye.
8. The boys artwork (self portraits) were featured in the high school lobby during the school budget vote. I think the art teacher just loved that they are twins and that their pictures are so similar. (sorry about the crappy iphone pix, but I didn’t have a real camera with me)
9. While we’re discussing the boys, I’m very proud that they both made the National Junior Honor Society and were inducted last month. They get to go on the overnight trip to Washington DC this fall (very exciting!) and are already really looking forward to that. The .4 that separates their overall averages is still an issue around here, but I think they’re starting to get past that.
10. Almost forgot one thing- if you already “like” bsquared on facebook, due to some recent changes (including charging business pages to “reach” more people as your posts might get lost on peoples busy newsfeeds. ugh.) if you want to be sure you’re seeing all of the bsquared posts/updates you have to hover over the “liked” button and check/click on “show in news feed”. And if you’re on facebook and don’t yet like bsquared, please go and like it! bsquared on facebook.