the kole family
Anna has been doing my hair for years and my mom (who is also a long time client of Anna’s) bought her a bsquared session, so we put it to good use. After the 20+ years I’ve known Anna, this was my first time ever meeting her girls or husband. Crazy.
It was worth the wait- they are a great family. With gorgeous, sweet girls!!
As some of you might know already, my dad has been in the hospital for a while now (actually twice) for a bad infection that he just can’t kick. It started with sepsis (scary, but he wasn’t nearly as bad as you would think after reading about it on the internet!) and now it’s some kind of unspecified other infection. Of course I brought the camera to document what is his first hospital stay ever in his whole life.
Hanging out in the ER w his IV antibiotics and bagel sandwich.
And upstairs in his room after being admitted. Do you not love the outfit?
As of this morning, he’s still there but will maybe be getting out this week. Maybe. He was mostly surprised by the fact that you don’t really get to sleep in the hospital. And besides, I think the nurses and doctors are enjoying his wardrobe choices too much to send him home yet.
the gold family
A super fun beach session on a luckily warm day in April. Mom requested a bit more of a candid session, so there was a lot of playing and laughing going on the whole time- and that included me!
Mom and I went to high school together (not the same grade though) and I think high school was the last time we saw eachother!
Such cute boys!!
This kid had NO fear.
She was so brave!
Even though the hand holding only lasted for a second, I’m glad I caught it.
isabella’s communion
This is one of “those” families. One that I can’t wait to photograph again! Gorgeous, sweet kids and wonderful parents who are all super photogenic. Isabella was a beautiful communicant. A little picture overload below- I just couldn’t narrow down the pictures for the blog any further!!
Big sister gets her own shots, too.
Couldn’t you eat him up?!
I told them to “smoosh your faces together”, and this is what I got. I think I need to improve my communication skills.
framing friday
Today’s installment features my favorite blog stalker Laurie’s Organic Bloom frames. (taken in my living room). I’ll be photographing their family again tomorrow for her twin boys first communion, so you’ll be seeing lots more of her family here on the blog.
Maryanne in Wine.
Twin stack Charlies in Root beer & parchment. Double stack Charlie in parchment and wine.
Hoping all of you have a fantastic weekend. I’m going to be neck deep in communion sessions and a sweet 16, then boys baseball double header on Sunday. Charging up those batteries (cameras and mine!) for the marathon of shooting!!