royals baseball vs. north bellmore
This game was actually a few weeks ago, but only got to edit the pictures recently. Besides, I didn’t take a whole lot of pictures that day- probably due to the fact that I was dying from allergies & benadryl. Here’s what there are.
Anthony is not only a great kid, but fast. Like lightning fast.
This may possibly be my favorite baseball action picture to date.
And he was safe. And I started breathing again.
The boys will be playing again this sunday and I’ll be there with my camera. Time for new pictures.
the turn communion
A brand new to bsquared family who I had the pleasure of photographing on their son’s First Communion day. Such a handsome young man!
A little love from mom.
And from dad, too.
Brother & sister.
It took me a while to get a smile out of him, but he gave me one reeeeeally quick one. Glad I caught it!
The best behaved dog.
Trying something a little dramatic with the lighting on the left.
Hope you had a wonderful communion and a great party! I’m definitely in the thick of communion season now so be on the lookout for a bunch more coming to the blog soon.
timmy plays baseball
Finally took the camera to a game and got a few cute shots.
Patrick and Jack have been helping out at most of Timmy’s games- coaching 1st and 3rd.
Timmy’s friend Sean after making a great catch!
Timmy’s BFF Jack.
Down on the pitch.
They’ve since graduated from the tee and are now doing coach pitch, so I’ll have to bring the camera again another day for more pictures.
ali of the golden hair
As she’s known in this house (name coined by Timmy). We did a little shoot for fun and for a picture to hang in her brand new room in a gorgeous Organic Bloom frame.
Ali, you are beautiful.
framing friday
A catchy new title for fridays so I can show you some more of our fabulous clients frames!
Danielle chose a Lewis in retro teal and parchment for her twins room.
And a Lucy in black for her living room.
And a smaller Lucy in black as a gift for her dad.
Laura chose a Jessie frame in dragon fruit for her daughter’s room. We moved the two pictures that were above the rocking chair to the opposite wall above the crib. They look great on either side of Lila’s name!
A window frame for Mary Beth from her fall session.
Happy Friday to all of you. I’m back next week with lots of great sessions. And I’m picking up my new car today, too!!