• decorating,  organic bloom frames,  photography,  product

    kelly’s window frames & organic bloom frames

    I’m so behind on posting stuff it’s a little ridiculous. At least Disney is finally done.

    Some beautiful Organic Bloom frames my friend & client Kelly ordered for her brand new house. (the hallway lighting was not the most condusive for photos, I did the best I could). The Audrey in white and (on the inside of the middle frame) metallic silver.

    The Lucy in slate blue (inside) and parchment (background) for her master bedroom entry.

    My favorite parts of hanging Kelly’s frames were 1. She made her painter crazy by choosing colors that matched the frames. and 2. Her oldest son came upstairs just as we were finishing up and was all smiles and compliments on the pictures and frames. He was so happy that his picture was displayed where everyone could see it!

    And we did a pretty window frame for Kelly’s living room. I love how the colors in the photos match her living room perfectly and the L monogram was the perfect addition (my first time doing a monogram in the frame- love that idea and hope to do it again!)

    Happy Thursday to all of you! It’s sushi night here and I’m having some photografriends over tonight too. If my allergy ridden self doesn’t sneeze to death prior…

  • babies,  children & families

    the ilbe family/baby max

    You’ll be seeing lots of this family on the blog this year- I’m seeing them every few months for photos since the birth of their newest son. I love being able to watch baby Max grow (especially after his very rocky start in this world!) and see him so healthy and happy. Believe me, if there’s anyone who has a reason to be cranky with multiple surgeries and hospitalizations, this little guy does. But he’s just as smiley as could be and a joy to be around. Just like the rest of his family!

    Major picture overload…

    I love these days, when the baby has eyes only for mommy…Can’t you hear him cooing??
    Mom has a picture of both her older boys with the same rattle, same clenched fist. Big brothers, who really couldn’t wait to get outside to play!!And mom specifically requested this shot- super cute!!I’ll be seeing them again this summer for their next session- stay tuned!!

  • baseball,  beach,  personal

    10 for tuesday

    Been a looooooong time since I did one of these- let’s see if I can make it to 10!

    1. A few weeks ago, John & I went to Timmy’s school for visitors day. The program was adorable- loved the singing and the whole weather theme. Was so pleasantly surprised that Timmy sang and smiled the whole time! (he’s not much for singing in public).

    2. We made sure that we got a shot of John & Tommy stuffed into the little first grade desks. Denice and I used to talk about this when the big kids were babies- so funny cause our kids have been together in classes all these years and I think this is the second or third shot of Tommy & John in the little desks…

    3. Read a new book recently- Heaven is Here by Stephanie Nielsen. Totally different than my ‘normal’ reads, but it was great and very inspiring. Which I think was the point. I read Stephanie’s blog all the time so I was looking forward to reading her book about her recovery and life. Definitely recommend it!

    4. The boys, John and the Healy men went to opening day for the Mets at Citi Field a little while back. They are all SO happy that baseball is back. I, on the other hand….

    5. If we normally run into eachother in real life, I apologize in advance for the next few weeks. My spring allergies are in full swing and the only thing that works is benadryl. So I’m b*tchy and on about a 5 second delay all day. A lovely combination.

    6. The boys are really enjoying their iphones and Timmy loves his Kindle Fire. Their favorite games right now are Stack the Countries and Stack the States. I love them too, and there are a ton of countries out there that I really know nothing about. Like Pakiscandinavia.

    7. The weather here has been so nice, we hit the beach for a little bit the other day. Cannot wait until that’s EVERY day!! I finally finished cleaning out the garage from the giant purge of the winter and donated the rest of the items to the St. Mary’s Outreach Center down in Long Beach. They were so nice and very appreciative, and it was a good thing for the boys to see. Since we were just down the block from the beach, it was definitely time for a visit.

    8. Saw this cool wedding seating chart a while back in Garden City and snapped an iphone picture. I wish I had something like this at my wedding- so pretty!

    9. In a giant bubble war with my dad. He always beats me. I think his high score is 19,500+. So frustrating!!

    10. Lots more Organic Bloom frames, window frames and a few families coming up on the blog soon. (ok this last one is kinda cheating but I’m all out of ideas). Shooting a newborn today- a big, chunky one who weighed in at 9lbs, 4oz at birth. And waiting on a birth session (I hope!) any day now…



  • bsquared business,  decorating,  organic bloom frames,  personal,  photography

    pretty bsquared office pictures

    finally! I can finally post a pullback shot or two from the office for those of you who still may care. Was waiting on two frames/pictures to hang in the office. And now of course I ordered 2 more! (told you those Organic Bloom frames were highly addictive!!)

    So this is where I’m doing all my bsquared work from these days:

    Audrey frame in Flamenco Red (20×30)And my new Dumbo print from Disney. Hope you all have a great day! Will miss my boys being home after the week’s Spring Break, but will be glad to finally get some work done!!!

  • bsquared business,  decorating,  organic bloom frames,  photography,  product

    hey, we’re “frameous”

    Yeah, it takes me hours to come up with stuff like that. But I was so happy to have The Organic Bloom  feature some of my fabulous bsquared clients (and mine, too) Organic Bloom frames on their site.

    From my living room:

    From my den and dining room:From Gina’s house (1st and 4th images) and the 3rd image is from my photografriend Amanda-lee’s (of Fleur de lees Photography) office!From Sharon’s house (the left side) and from Jen’s house. 

    So, we’re framous!!  I’m getting in more frames every day and maybe your frame might be featured on the Organic Bloom site too! For more info on Organic Bloom frames from bsquared photography, check them out here and here.