if i had a million (or $540 million) dollars…
I’d be rich. Ok, having nothing to do with anything I started thinking about what I would do if I won the MegaMillions which is $540 million right now. First, figure it would only be about $290 million after taxes. Yeah, only. You/I could still do some serious damage with that! Being the crazy Type A personality I am, I decided to break it down into categories. I’d love to hear what YOU would do if you won. Just for kicks.
Business first:
-pay off all debt (student loans, cars, mortgages, etc) for my immediate family. Do the same for my parents, inlaws, brothers and sisters in law, and close friends. Give them all some play money too.
-put away enough to keep us living comfortably for the rest of our lives, and enough for the boys to do the same.
-donate as much as I could to Veterans. Set up my own program for US Vets so I know where the $ is going- right to them. Put someone I seriously trust in charge and make sure all Veterans & their families have health care, a home, a job, bills they can pay.
-donate/fund to find a cure for cancer. Like, yesterday.
For fun:
-take some time off from bsquared, but not much. Do all my shoots for free!
-travel. Everywhere! Pull the boys out of school, hire the most amazing private tutors available on the earth, travel in style (private planes, private boats, amazing cars) to everywhere. Especially Japan, Italy, Ireland, Hawaii and some tiny little tropical islands no one has ever heard of. Stay in the best hotels/homes/castles. And take pictures of all of it. And bring friends and family to enjoy it all with me.
-buy some vacation homes after traveling everywhere.
-build a new house. But stay in our town. I wouldn’t want to leave my friends and family!
-get a studio. And someone to do all my editing for me.
-plan out the most amazing, styled, glamourous shoots imaginable all over the world. And make them happen.
-buy every camera body/lens/gadget that I want.
-hire a full time chef, personal trainer, and a wife/personal assistant. Never cook again (unless for some godforsaken reason I decide I have to), work out every day, never go to the stupidmarket ever.
-buy a house somewhere undisclosed that is all ready for the end of the world. Own power supply, own water source, own food sources.
And just cause I have enough money to do whatever I would want to:
-buy John & the boys the Mets franchise. I hate baseball, but they love it. And from what they say, the Mets need new owners. Give them lots more money to run it well.
-rent out the Magic Kingdom for an entire day and night for all my family and friends. Fly everyone down, put them all up in the Grand Floridian or Bay Lake Tower. Stay in Cinderella Castle again. Ride all the rides until I puke. And get a picture with all the Disney characters at once.
-hire every photographer I’ve ever liked and have them do a photoshoot of my family & friends. One per month or something.
-have a ginormously huge crazy party with everyone (blog stalkers, friends, family, photografriends) with huge pictures I have taken decorating the venue, at someplace amazing with all 80’s music and hire some of my favorite 80’s bands to come and play. Like for 3 days nonstop!!
-buy my way onto the Walking Dead set and let them zombify me. Meet all the cast and take pictures while there.
-make them put LOST back on the air.
-buy a meeting with Edward Norton. And get him to let me take pictures of him.
-walk into random restaurants and buy everyone’s meals on a random/regular basis. Do the same thing in a hospital and take care of peoples medical bills.
-somehow get all the new Stephen King books before they come out so I can read them first.
-buy all my friends and family one really big ticket just for fun item.
Leave your comments below as to what you would do if you won. Can’t wait to hear!
rachel’s sweet 16 brunch
On a busy day of shooting, I ran by Rachel’s sweet 16 brunch at the firehouse for a few minutes to wish the birthday girl a happy one. Caught a few pictures before I had to run out to get to my day of sessions.
The very pretty birthday girl.
With her boyfriend.
Uncle Joe (aka Malibu Barbie Joe) and the boys. I don’t know why Patrick looks scared.
Rachel and her nana.
Some of her friends.
And the very cool beachy cake.
Rachel’s present is a full on photoshoot, so look for pictures from that. Someday soonish.
diane & henry- the portraits
More from Diane & Henry’s fantastic wedding earlier this month. My favorite part of shooting a wedding is the portraits both formal and fun. (but ask me on another day what my favorite part is and that may change!) But how can you not love capturing moments like these?
Love this one from Kate.
A little behind the scenes look. It was fffffreeezing outside- I lent Diane my coat. Looks nice with the gown, huh?
How cute are these guys?
Henry’s family.
Diane’s family.
All the kids.
Two more from Kate. Love the little guy and his tear. So sad but pulling out the smile anyway. What a trooper!! (He had fallen down while running around before the pictures.)
I do have a version of this one without the bridal attendant in it, so just ignore that part.
st. baldricks 2012
So proud of all three of my boys who raised over $1400 for kids cancer research by volunteering to get their heads shaved for St. Baldricks this year! And thank you so much to all of you who donated!!
Before and afters:
And Timmy.
Waiting their turn.
Jack getting shaved.Love the hair flying everywhere.
Patrick’s turn.
The guy who did Patrick’s shave was great- I was hoping he was a local barber, but to no avail. He’s a fireman. I drove John crazy the rest of the day asking if he was the Fire Dept barber.
And Timmy getting his noggin buzzed for the first time ever.
He had his cute little smile on the whole time.
Even though we went later in the day this year to avoid the crowds (it worked!!), we still got to see a bunch of friends getting their shaves on.
Maeve & Keely. (neither of whom shaved their pretty blonde hair).
Coach Lou.
Timmy and Sean. Sean soon decided that he wanted to do it too…
Mickey. Who’s making his communion this year so is taking the year off from the shaved head look.
And Anthony.
And Danny. Which one of these things is not like the other…
So happy that they did it! Not only because it was a great cause, but because they all needed haircuts so badly. We miss Mario!!
RVC St. Patricks Parade pictures coming to the blog soon.
sharon’s organic bloom frames & one organic bloom frame for sale
I hit Sharon’s house last week with her new organic bloom frames. Loved what she chose. And the funniest part was as we were leaving, she said “oh, i definitely need more”. So addictive!!
Sharon ordered the Lewis in metallic taupe & parchment for the bedroom. All 10×10″, one twin stack and two singles. Left the lights on for a shot, so you could see the subtle shimmer of the metallic taupe.
And an Audrey in Espresso bean in 18×24 for the living room.
And due to an ordering error, I have a gorgeous, huge Organic Bloom frame for sale. It’s a Jessie in dragon fruit. The 30×30″ frame (opening) has an overall size of 46×46″. Picture not included. We can even make the inside a picture and a corkboard, or a collage inside with a few pictures. Totally up to you. If you’re interested, please email me thru the contact link above for pricing info. It would be a beautiful statement in a girls room!
A little detail shot and a picture taken at my front door to show scale.