disney days 2012 – part 4
Moving along with the Disney trip, we spent a day at Hollywood Studios with Nate & Colleen and their girls before they had to leave to get back home that afternoon. We did the divide and conquer as usual for Hollywood Studios, John heading over to Toy Story Mania to get fast passes, and Timmy & I headed over to sign him up for the Jedi Training Academy. Rode the new Star Tours a few times- so much fun and so much better than before. With something like 54 different “trips”, the ride is different each time. Muppets were great, visited some characters for autographs for Timmy. And by the time our Fast Passes were ready for Toy Story Mania, there was a 2+ hour wait standby, and all the fast passes were sold out. Crazy!
For Christine. Totally thought of you with these.
Jedi Training Academy. They made it much bigger and added Darth Maul. He’s creepy as hell and Timmy was so psyched to fight him!!
Can you see Timmy formulating his plan of attack in the background?
We had my favorite Jedi Master again this year- he’s the one who called Timmy “25 pounds of unbridled fury” a few years ago.
John trying to get the paper.
Not quite dirty enough for the real NYC, but close. Except in Disney it smells good.
Phineas and Ferb. Or as Timmy says- Vinneus.
Last picture of all the kids together. And somehow I got Nate to admit that Disney wasn’t SO bad. I think having the boys around to keep the girls company and happy was a big help. Hoping they’ll be brave enough to meet us again next year. I was just thankful we made it thru Disney without Nate punching anyone (I know my Miami friends will remember the elevator in Pearson). I considered it a successful trip based on that alone.
diane & henry- the ceremony
Because I just ran out of time to blog yesterday, I’m giving you an extra large blog post today.
After the first look, it was time for Diane & Henry to get married. The beautiful ceremony was held in the Historical Chapel in Woodbury which is the cutest church ever. Keith, the officiant, besides being the nicest man, gave Diane & Henry a wonderful, personal ceremony that everyone really enjoyed.
The wedding party making their grand entrance.
The cutest little ring bearer!!
Toddling down the aisle. Love the short pants, too!
Everyone enjoying the toddling!
The bride and her brother. So excited and smiley!
The big hand off.
Getting married!
Possibly a scary part of the ceremony?
A few from Kate.
My angle.
Getting ready for the flower petal ambush.
And they’re married!!
Off to edit the portraits and the reception. More photos as soon as I can. Hope you enjoyed today’s post.
disney days 2012 {part 3}
On our 3rd day of our very busy Disney trip, we headed over to Epcot (known in our family as Efcot) with Nate, Colleen & the girls. It was a rainy on and off kinda day so the fun was a little limited. Although we were treated to 2 very cute little girls and their Karate moves- complete with yelling. Adorable!!
We grabbed our fast passes for Soarin, rode Nemo, Test Track, Mission: Space, Spaceship Earth- all the front of the park rides. We never made it over to the World Showcase this year. John’s parents came over for the day to hang out, but they aren’t much for the rides (I think it’s probably cause I ruined them on Big Thunder last year!!) so they did a lot of the “bench ride” with John. I didn’t really take out the camera at all that day, but just snapped a few with the iphone.
More Disney to come.
diane & henry- first look
I had the pleasure of photographing Diane & Henry’s wedding a few weeks ago and it was a wonderful, happy day filled with love and joy and everything you’d want a wedding day to be filled with. It’s the second marriage for both and their reunion was a long time coming. They’ve known eachother for 26 years or so and were both married to other people. Circumstances changed for both of them and when they friended eachother on Facebook, they were both single and their online reunion turned into…well, a marriage! Love stories like that!
A few first looks at the Church too (although these shots could go in the ceremony post, it is sorta a first look too- a first look of the chapel before guests arrive.) Taken by my fabulous second shooter Kate.
Another 2 shots from Kate. I adore working with her. We have a great time and balance it out really well.
We set Henry up with his back to Diane for the big moment. He kept trying to turn around too early, but we did pull it off.
I tried to get Bethanne to give her mom a kiss. The request was followed by lots of laughing and finally a kiss. Bethanne made a beautiful maid of honor.
Henry’s son Adam was a very handsome (and funny!) best man. Fantastic wedding party!
Such a gorgeous bride!!
And handsome groom!
My other favorite from the first look. Could they be any happier?!
More pictures on the way from the wedding soon. Stay tuned.
blood drive for rob
Taking a quick break from the Disney posts to post a few shots from the 3rd Annual Blood Drive in honor of Rob Sullivan. Rob & Suzanne are great, great people- so generous with their time, humor, and love and it’s so nice to see that the whole community feels the same about them. The deal, as in past years, was give a pint (of blood)- get a pint (of beer). Seems like a fair trade! And since I can’t give blood, I take pictures. They had a great turnout again this year for the blood drive and even had a donor all the way in Australia (unfortunately, I wasn’t asked to take photos there.)
For those of you wondering, Rob is doing really well and looks great. We spent some time discussing the crazy last episode of The Walking Dead, so you know he’s on my very good side!!
A beer smiley face. Nice.
Please keep Rob in your thoughts and prayers. I know he and his whole family will appreciate it!