disney days 2012 {part 2}
So not only did we have a great time at Disney as usual, but this year we got to meet up with a bunch of friends and family to make the trip even better. First up, our friends Nate & Colleen and their little girls. Nate & I went to Miami together and have stayed in touch ever since. He is so totally the anti Disney so it was a little worrisome meeting up with him there. But all was well- well, relatively.
You can just barely see Colleen behind Nate. I think we were both a little worried about Nate at Disney.
Gorgeous girl!
Both of the girls looooved the big boys and didn’t leave their sides much at all.
So we ended up on the Tomorrowland speedway together and as I was trying to get a shot of us from the iphone, the guy behind our car hit us and Nate’s face changed to this with a quick comment of “nice job a**hole”. Yeah, he can only tolerate so much Disney.
And a cool shot from the iphone tilt shift app of the Electrical Parade. More fun with Nate, Colleen and the girls coming up on the blog.
disney days 2012 {part 1}
Being that I just booked our Disney trip for 2013 yesterday (yup, already) I figured it was time to start posting some of the shots from this year’s trip. They are all snapshots- nothing spectacular this year. I really needed to be on vacation and in the moment w the boys so I left the big guns home and just took the Fuji x100. Which is a fabulous camera and you can shoot amazing stuff with- but I just went the easy snapshot route this trip. That, and the iphone.
The first part of the trip included a really fun Jetblue guy (he was director of ground operations or something official like that) who came up to us in the airport and asked the boys if they wanted to be in charge of checking the boarding passes for the flight. Cool, right?
Then the flight- which is my least favorite part of the vacation, but getting to Disney on the Magical Express and breathing in the Disney air (yes, it is actually different air there) makes it all worthwhile.
Started our first full day at Magic Kingdom with breakfast at Crystal Palace. Yum. I wait all year for this breakfast- it’s the best!!
More tomorrow with pictures of our meetup with our good friends! Stay tuned!
maryanne’s organic bloom frames
A quick note to let you know that the bsquared calendar is now open for booking sessions thru August 2012. Session availability is limited, so book your session as soon as possible to ensure you don’t get shut out. Once you take a look at the bsquared calendar, please email me (you can use the contact link above, or just leave a comment here on the blog) with your choice of date and time and we’ll get you booked.
Now back to your regularly scheduled programming:
Just wait until you check out this beautifully decorated home. And now with the organic bloom frames added in- wow! Maryanne has absolutely impeccable taste and everything in her home is just totally perfect. Everyone who see’s it says she must not have children, but she does- two boys! How she keeps it this gorgeous is just beyond me. To top it all off- she did all the decorating herself. Without help. Amazing!!
Living room with a twin stack Lewis frame 20×30 in espresso (background) and yellow gold (inside) with brown glaze. The yellow gold is shimmery and so gorgeous. And I love how it picks up the yellow gold in the chairs, couch fabric and hardware details.
A little friend came to check out the whole frame hanging process.
The den: two Lucy singles in 16×20 in metallic bronze with brown glaze. One Maryann twin stack 16×20 in espresso (background) and metallic bronze (inside) with brown glaze.
Bedroom: One Gilligan double stack 20×24 in french vanilla (background) and metallic bronze (inside) with brown glaze. Two Gilligan singles 5×7 in metallic bronze with brown glaze.
vital advantage corporate launch party
My friend Judy (owner of Nourishing Solutions 4 Life) is involved with another company- Vital Advantage- which has a bunch of great men & women in the health & wellness industry working together to bring lots of different specialities to the table. The celebrated their corporate launch party a few weeks back at Forrest Solutions in NYC. They’ve partnered with Forrest to bring a wide range of healthy ideas to their employees and are actually doing weekly inservice teachings at Forrest. I was there to capture a few shots of their launch party.
The whole team.
Some of their product/their partnering companies products they brought along for the employees to try out.
Even eating healthy can be fun!
Randi & Mitchell Weiner, CEO of Forrest Solutions. Let me tell you that Forrest Solutions looks like a pretty awesome place to work. Beyond taking care of his employees with healthy inservice programs, there is great music played throughout the office all day, bells rung when people make their goals and a gorgeously designed office space with tons of light and clean lines.
It was really very educational, even for me! I got to do a little taste testing of my own and everything I tried was really good. If you are in the market to get healthy (aren’t we all, really), talk to Judy and her team. They will definitely steer you in the right direction.
a little company
It’s always nice to have visitors in the office when I’m working away.
Especially such a cute visitor, who fits perfectly on the “timmy sized couch”.
And life in bsquaredville: Off to shoot a wedding this weekend (can’t wait!), you’ll find some of the RVC Ed Foundation photos in this weeks RVC Herald (or so I’m told, cause I never get it!), working on opening up the bsquared calendar for May-August this coming week or the next one so be on the lookout for that, and working on a new edition of the bsquared newsletter (so if you haven’t yet signed up for the newsletter, feel free to do so with the newsletter tab on the left side of the blog). Also I have a new cover photo for the bsquared facebook page (link above) if you haven’t checked that out. Can’t believe I’m up to 901 likes over there so thanks everyone! And still need to post the ‘about me’ blurb. I need about 10 more hours a day! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!