lisa’s organic bloom frames (and unpacking more)
This is what my living room looked like after arriving home from Disney this week. Tons and tons of Organic Bloom frame orders.
After about an hour (really!) of unpacking, sorting and organizing here are a few frames to show you. My friend Lisa (who is a starting out photographer herself) ordered two frames for her house. The big one is the Maryann twin stack in 11×14 with black outside, parchment inside. The parchment has a brown glaze applied. The smaller frame is the Lucy twin stack in 8×10 with the same color combination and glaze as the Maryann.
A little detail shot of the glaze. Lots more frames to hang for clients in the upcoming weeks so keep visiting the blog for pictures.
fifty shades
I am somewhat of an avid reader. I love to read but usually don’t have too much time to do so (hence the somewhat part of the avid). I haven’t been reading much lately- just busy with work, life and Disney. However, when 2 friends recommended the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy and I read the summary, I was hooked. Bad.
So, for those of you who have read the books you know theres not much to discuss on a ‘family blog’ such as this, but suffice it to say I called it “Twilight with no vampires but with lots of xorn” (just replace the x on xorn with a p.) There were quite a number of times while reading I stopped to say “ohmy”. Out loud. The funny thing is that I later found out after finishing all the books that the 50 shades books actually started out as fan fiction based on Twilight. No wonder I loved them! Christian=Edward, Ana=Bella, Ana’s mom =Bella’s mom, Ana’s stepdad= Bella’s dad, Mia= Alice (it was really the Mia/Alice thing that got me thinking about twilight). The whole dark vs. white knight (what if I’m the bad guy) thing, the controlling aspects of Christian/Edward’s personalities, Fifty being rich. The characters even “look” like they do in Twilight, just more grown up.
And the jeans from the RRoP. Yeah.
If you are up for a great read (but be forewarned about the xorn), I definitely recommend them. They could definitely have used a much tighter edit but they are like crack. You know it’s rotting your brain, but you just keep on doing it anyway. With a smile.
thursday thoughts
I was going to do a 13 for Thursday post, but I don’t think I have enough to make it to that many! So I’ll just write what I got at the moment.
1. A big, giant thank you to Beth W (aka Mrs. Ow W) for taking care of the house and Timmy’s fish Moustachio & Sputnik while we were away in Disney this past week.
2. A full Disney post (or probably posts) coming next week. I really didn’t take many pictures at all. (I know, you’re gasping. But it was our zillionth trip to Disney, I only brought the little camera and I just wanted to be on vacation!) I did, however, have quite a lot of fun with the tilt-shift iphone app.
3. Timmy took the day we left for Disney off from school although he was supposed to go in until 2pm. There has been like the 12 plagues in his classroom lately. Between strep, pink eye, lice, stomach viruses and colds (yep, all of those) that have been floating around, with 2 kids at his table of 5 out last week, I figured I’d keep him home to try to avoid the bugs. A stomach virus on the plane or at Disney would not have worked well for us. I’m just hoping they hose down that classroom with Lysol over the break.
4. As I’m writing this, I’m sitting in the Orlando Airport waiting for our very delayed flight. Huge thunderstorms caused the plane that was supposed to be incoming (the one we’re taking home) to be diverted to Tampa. The plane has to be refueled and then flown from Tampa to Orlando, deplaned, serviced and boarded before we can even leave. So instead of arriving in NY at 9:30pm, we’re looking at landing at 11pm. Going to be a long night. And that’s all before I even get on the plane and start freaking out about crashing.
5. Timmy’s pal Liam from school. Liam was such a great model on that day- my boys have totally gotten the overphotographed syndrome. And do not want to pose anymore. Ever.
6. So with the whole office remodel (almost totally done so pictures are coming soon, I promise!) I brought the big imac (27″) upstairs to the office and bought a new 21″ imac for the kitchen. I figure I can still edit downstairs in the busy season between cooking dinner, helping w homework, etc without being holed up in my new upstairs office. The new screen just seems so tiny!!
Ok, I think that’s pretty much it. Looks like the plane just arrived from Tampa so I’m now commencing my freaking out. If I don’t die in a firey plane crash, see you back here on the blog soon.
photografriends who help
are just the best!! My pals Alan Abrams (http://www.alanabramsphotography.com) and Amandarelli (ok, her name is really Amanda Saldarelli but Alan named her Amandarelli and it stuck, she’s at http://www.amandasaldarelliphotography.com) came over a week or two ago to help me out with off camera flash techniques and set ups. We had a little champagne, hung out in the new office and finally got to work. Thanks to both of you for the fun evening and help! You guys are the best, and you make me laugh. A lot!
In honor of Timmy’s birthday vegetable last week and his being Star of the Week at school we had a little dinner date (at Pizza Nick’s) just the two of us and we did a little interview.
How old are you?
6 and 11/12ths
Describe yourself.
videogame geek, i love play dates, i am very good at gym, i act crazy, friendly, nice and kind. i am a friend-maker.
What is your favorite thing about yourself?
That I make a lot of friends.
What are you best at?
playing video games, being polite, doing good in school & gym.
What is one thing you would change about yourself?
nothing at all. being a better listener.
I like:
my best friend Jack N, my family, going to Florida & Disney
I don’t like:
broccoli, non-polite people & smokers.
My favorite foods are:
macaroni & cheese, chicken parmesan, pasta, pizza & sushi!
The food I hate most is:
My best habit is:
having good manners
My worst habit:
biting my nails.
My favorite toys are:
Legos & Pokemon toys.
My favorite movie:
Pirates of the Carribean
My favorite vacation:
Disney & Florida
My favorite sports teams:
Mets, Islanders, Rays, Giants & Dolphins
Love my baby boy so much. Just want to keep him “timmy sized” forever. And here’s a picture of him with his star of the week poster he made all by himself.