• birthdays,  personal

    the start of Timmy’s birthday vegetable

    Timmy celebrated his 7th birthday this week, and we kicked it off with a BounceU party in Oceanside on Saturday morning. (for those of you new to the blog, it’s called a birthday vegetable because when Timmy was little he couldn’t say birthday festival. All the boys birthday’s have always been a week long event, hence the festival/vegetable).

    The three amigos.Crazyboys.They broke out the gladiator ring and Jayson and Jack went head to head. It did not end well for Jack.Timmy and Jack N. best of friends and fierce competitors.Patrick vs. Brendan (Patrick in Giants jersey, Brendan in Patriots. Kinda went the same way the superbowl did.) And twin vs. twin on the right. Jack kept getting knocked down so after the 2nd time he decided that everytime he fell he’d just take Patrick down with him. Inseperable. They were no more than a foot apart the whole party.Checkin out the loot.

    BounceU puts on a great party. Timmy had a great time with all his friends (we went boys only this year). And somehow I didn’t get a single picture of TimTom (Timmy and his cousin Tommy) together even though they were at the party together, they came over the house after the party and we all went out to dinner together. Sometimes I’m just off my game. Back tomorrow with more of the birthday vegetable.

  • babies,  children & families,  personal

    robin & her littles

    Came by last week for a visit. It was the kids’ first time at our house and after a bit of settling in, they seemed to like it here just fine. Especially after the boys all came home from school and they were fully entertained!

    I cannot believe Robin has 3 under 3 years old. Eoin will be 3 in a few months and is doing so wonderfully. He truly is the miracle baby. Evelyn & Elizabeth are now 6 months old and growing so fast. And teething a bunch too. But very happy babies and pretty identical!!

    Elizabeth (I think).Evelyn. The best shot I could manage of all 3. Robin and her total day to day chaos. Twins and twins. I always KNEW Robin would have twins. And Eoin. Laughing at the big boys. Took all the pictures in my new office. Great light in there and the couch is just the right size for small people.

  • communions,  personal,  travel

    our trip to Michigan

    I have one Goddaughter, and she’s most likely the only one I’ll ever have.  (in NY they don’t let Jews be the godparents). Katie was celebrating her First communion a few weeks ago and we all flew up to help her celebrate. Plus, I’ve been waiting more than 6 years to watch Connor play hockey and was so excited to see him and Spencer play a game each!

    The big boys couldn’t have been more excited to see their best friend. I love that he’s still their best friend even after living in separate states for about 8 or so years now. They were nearly psychotic on the plane and driving to Connors from the airport- they couldn’t wait another second to get there. Jack & Patrick stayed at the Ziparo’s all weekend, while John, Timmy and I crashed at a hotel down the street.

    Of course it was snowing when we landed on Friday night and it continued to snow on the drive from the airport. That’s Michigan in January for ya. Crappy iphone shot from the plane upon landing. Snow on the window. On a plane. Um, no.

    A quick disclaimer- only brought the little camera so the photos aren’t the greatest ever, but they’re the best I could do.

    The Ziparo’s had a packed weekend planned for us which was awesome. Grandma Mary, Maureen and I took Katie to dance (ballet and jazz) Saturday morning. Omg, so cute!!I liked that her shorts matched my scarf. The place where Katie had dance was totally awesome. A huge facility with a full gym, a ton of studios for dance of all kinds, karate studios, a huge gymnastics center, a bunch of tennis courts, an olympic sized pool (with a bubble over it so that it’s an outdoor pool in the summer),a full ice arena, a little snack bar/food court area, and probably some other stuff that I didn’t get to see. It would be so cool to have something like that here but we totally don’t have the space for anything like that.

    A local photographer’s office/studio we passed on the way home. What a great house!Then Saturday afternoon Connor had a game. The first of the playoffs. They put that sign there especially for me since I was SO excited to see Connor play. The boys were all pretty psyched too!Connor’s on the far left (#13). The boys were disappointed that he didn’t acknowledge them at all during warm ups so we had to explain that he was in game mode and that if the Coach saw him doing that he’d be in HUGE trouble. We mostly hung out by the ice for the game- colder, but better for photos and viewing.Connor scored the first goal of the game! And then scored 2 more. Grandpa Tom, Grandma Mary and Timmy look on. Ya think Jack was a little happy to be there?!Connors team won something like 14-0. They stopped updating the score after a little while. Apparently the team all has to show up in their white dress shirts (w team logo on it), ties and khakis to every game. While it looks nice and all to me it seemed pretty ridiculous since they’re wearing it for like 20 minutes in total and it just makes more laundry. Wow, the stench coming out of that locker room was pretty much unbearable. It was so great to finally see Connor play- we all had a great time! He played so well- the level at which these teams play was amazing. I wasn’t expecting the game to be as good and the players to be so great on the ice- but they were!! Seriously knocked my socks off.Then after Connors game it was a quick dinner with most of the troops at Wendy’s (Uncle Peter and Spencer had to leave early to get to his game/warm ups) and onto Spencer’s game. Where Spencer scored a zillion goals. Holy crap, that kid was awesome!!Spencer does this little ‘row boat’ celebration after his first goal and I’m so bummed I missed getting a picture of it. Then bright and early on Sunday morning, it was Katie’s communion. She looked so pretty and was perfect during the mass. Went back to the Ziparo’s for a little brunch and then it was back to the airport for the trip home. There were tears (as always) but we had such a great time with our Michigan family! Katie, Maureen and I are trying to plan a date for next Christmas at the Nutcracker in NYC.

    And the highlight of the trip home? I think I might need a pair for me even though they are mens. They are so hideous, they’re cute!! And after looking these up online, they cost between $300-400!  Thanks for a great, fun filled trip!! Hope to see you guys soon!! (just someplace a little warmer would be good).

  • personal,  travel

    last from florida

    The last of the pictures from our December/January vacation.

    As you can see, this is a very slow time of year here on the blog for photoshoots, (not a whole lot of people are running to get outside in January/February especially after having their holiday photos done so recently) but I will have a few sessions to blog coming up over the next few weeks. Lots of dates available on the calendar if you are interested in a session, and I am offering mini sessions (at your home or anywhere you’d like) thru the end of March. A mini session would make a great valentine gift. Just sayin.

    We always hit the beach (which is right downstairs and across A1A from the apartment) for at least one day.

    John took the boys golfing when the weather wasn’t poolish or beachish.We went to see the Jets v. Dolphins at SunLife Stadium where we sat on the sun’s surface about 12 rows from the top where it was boiling hot with the sun directly on us. Timmy and I left at halftime, walked around for 30 min looking for the stupid rental car and went back to the apartment.There was a lot of Lego building at the apartment this year. The Lego version of Harrod’s built by Patrick (with a little help from me, but not much!) He got all 3 floors done before we left to come home. And from one extreme to the other- we went to the Orange Bowl again this year (also at SunLife Stadium) but it was probably in the high 40’s that night and it was cooooooold. Stayed thru the third quarter but the game was such a blowout we headed home. The flyover with the parachuters was pretty cool. 

  • bsquared business

    bsquared welcome packets

    So all the behind the scenes work I’ve been doing for the last few months is finally coming together. I just sent out my first batch of welcome packets to my clients who have booked their 2012 sessions and have had some great responses so far! It’s so exciting and a little nerve wracking getting all the new stuff ‘out there’ to clients; kinda like sending your child to nursery school for the first time!

    When you book a bsquared session for 2012, you’ll be receiving this in the mail:

    In the welcome packet trifold folder, you’ll be receiving a welcome note, a contract, a bsquared biz card, an appointment reminder card, a copy of the bsquared magazine, a questionaire and an envelope to send your contract, retainer and questionaire back in.

    Some of the mail from this week.  Hope you like what you see and looking forward to sending YOU (yes, you!) your welcome packet soon!!