• bsquared business,  decorating,  organic bloom frames,  personal

    the brand new bsquared office (well, parts anyway)

    For those of you who follow the blog or me/the bsquared page on Facebook, you’ll know that I’ve been in the midst of a huge house purge/anti-hoarding project. The attic and basement have been totally cleaned out & reorganized with all the old stuff either donated to the Vietnam Veterans of America or tossed out. I also cleaned out the ‘scrapbook room’ which no one has scrapbooked in in about 5 or so years and just became a catch all room of crap. And now it’s the new home of bsquared photography!! Painted, furniture is in (well, all of it except the desk chair and the folding chair I’m sitting until the desk chair arrives is THE MOST uncomfortable thing in the universe), little decorating details ordered or delivered. I’m not posting any full pull-back pictures yet as a bunch of stuff is still missing, but I will when it’s all here.

    So, here are a few detail shots from the new office.

    The corner desk (pottery barn) with the big imac, ipad with the optimum app so I can watch TV at my desk without a TV or a cable box.

    Adorbs little mirrored end table (from HomeGoods) with album samples on the top and drawers filled with tiny 2×3 Organic Bloom frames and keychains. You can also see the little couchette. Love that thing!Other side of the desk with a new lamp (HomeGoods again), an old camera I found in the attic purge (love!!), my Disney ID badge with my name on it. Gotta have my Disney close by.The newest fun/yummy thing that will accompany some bsquared orders- bsquared m&m’s!!  With the portrait package names on the backs. A little more of the couchette with new pillows (pottery barn teen & etsy)Hope you liked the little tour! It’s so nice to have a change of scenery from the previous “office” in the kitchen, with a view, gorgeous light all day and room to spread out. So excited to be in my little office space and I really hope you’ll come by and visit! More pictures of the whole room once the chair, frames and other little things come in.


  • personal,  travel

    florida vacation- by the pool

    Since it’s so quiet here on the blog, I figured it was more than time that I edited the pictures from our Christmas vacation to Florida. Especially since we’ve been home for almost a month. Just a few snaps of life by the pool (which was how we pretty much spent every day until the last few days of the trip when it was too cold for the pool). How I wish I was back again…

    Photographic proof that my mother actually made it down to the pool (reading on her Kindle). And then she went in the pool. And under the water. Miracles never cease.When Timmy dives into the pool, he looks like a cartoon character. Just suspended in mid air, flat…until he drops straight down into the water. It’s hysterical!One of the gorgeous sunsets from the 20th floor. That’s A-1A on the left with the ocean, and the intercostal on the right. I wish that was my view all the time!Omg, I’m freezing. And yes, I’m aware that it’s not really even all that cold here for January. But it’s not Florida.

  • babies,  children & families

    the newm family

    In a beautiful home in an amazing town on the north shore of Long Island, lives a lovely little family with a little girl who had just finished celebrating her one year old birthday. That I got to photograph! (and by the way, I have lived on LI almost my entire life and have never heard of this town before. I gotta get out more.) Miss L was a bundle of energy, I don’t think she ever stopped moving during our entire time together. With a lot of chasing, refocusing the camera and mom & dad running interference we managed to get a few shots of her anyway!


  • decorating,  organic bloom frames

    Jen’s organic bloom frames

    Just stopping in with a quick organic bloom frame post. One of my very bff’s ordered a gorgeous 20×30 Maryann frame for her den. After we hung it, she decided she needed more. There are a few more on order now for Jen and I’ll post those as they come in and join her existing one.  Just placed 4 more client orders within the last week or so for more OB frames so there will be lots more pictures coming to the blog soon.

    And in other decorating news, the new bsquared office is coming together really nicely. The painter starts today, the couch just arrived yesterday (soooo cute!) and I’m just waiting on the chair and main part of the desk to arrive within the next few weeks. Pictures when it’s done. Promise!