ch ch ch ch changes…
I’m back from my brief blog hiatus with LOTS of changes. Just the start of things to come for 2012 and I’m so excited to have you along for the ride!
I worked with an amazing graphic designer (Madilu Designs) for an updated logo (just a bit of a color change) and all new packaging materials. Love my new ‘tiffany blue’ background pattern!! When you book a session for 2012, you’ll be getting a pretty awesome ‘welcome packet’ with all kinds of fun things to read, a contract to sign and a little questionaire to fill out to help me learn more about you. The photo packaging will be amazing and I hope to have everything together to post a picture for you soon. Still have some samples to create and order.
For my blog stalkers, I’m sure you’ll find a few changes to the blog itself. A new background, a new layout and lots of new scrolling images on the masthead. I’ve added a new FAQ section on the menu bar and have the brand new bsquared packages up as well (you can find the packages under b2 pricing in the menu bar above). There are some changes in the packages and offerings for 2012 and I will be scheduling fewer sessions this year in order to ensure that all my clients receive the utmost in customer service and attention. I’d love to hear what you think of the new blog design- let me know in the comments below or on the bsquared Facebook page.
A little peek at some of the new stuff:
The bsquared calendar is now open for January-April 2012. I also have some dates for communions in May and June already booked up, so if you are interested in a communion or other event after April, please let me know. If it’s a regular session you are looking for after April, that calendar should be available in March. You can find the calendar on the menu bar at the top of the blog.
I will be running a few specials in February and March so be on the lookout for those. And also some Communion specials for May. I’ll announce those later this month.
I will also announce the winners from the two bsquared giveaways that are still going on by the end of this weekend. Giveaway one is to post or email a picture of your 2011 Christmas card that you created from images I took (but that I didn’t make the card). The best one wins a little something. And giveaway Two: guess how many sessions I shot in 2011. The guess closest to the actual # wins a little something too. You can post your guess here in the comments section or on the bsquared Facebook page. There’s still time to enter both.
And because I hate blogging without a photo (not to mention that I still have Christmas to edit and all my vacation photos, and a few sessions and some other stuff from late 2011. Oh boy!) here’s one from my vacation that I’m still on. Don’t hate- I worked really hard this year!
Hope that you are enjoying all the bsquared changes and that you’ll all be in front of my camera this year-I can’t wait to start shooting again!!
goodbye 2011, hello 2012
I’m going to be taking a few days off from blogging to enjoy the rest of my vacation and the new year’s holiday. Plus, the internet in the apartment is spotty at best lately. So annoying- it makes me want to punch someone. Hard. I’m also taking the next few days to get my act together with all of the details for next year for bsquared. I have a lot of changes coming up for you (I know I’ve mentioned that several times already, but I really do!! And the amount of work going into all of these changes is significantly more than I thought. But it seems to be that way with everything business related.) So I’m digging in with my meager internet connections, photoshop, and little notebook full of scribbles and scratches and trying to put everything together in a cohesive, pretty, sense-making, awesome presentation for 2012.
Plus, vacation photos will be up soon as well so don’t forget all about me and make sure you come back to visit the bsquared blog in 2012. I should be back to blogging by 1/4/12 or so.
Thank you to all of you- clients, blog stalkers, facebook friends & fans, families & friends of clients- all of you who made bsquared a successful, fun, happy place for me to be! I can’t wait to photograph all of you in 2012 and look forward to another great (and even better!) year!!
And a little giveaway going on until 1/5/12– guess how many sessions I photographed in 2011 and leave your guess in the comment section below (weddings, events, families, minis- every shoot for clients included). The one closest to the actual # of sessions wins a little something.
Happy New Year!!! Hope all of your wishes come true!! xoxo
the owen family {mini session}
My umpteenth time photographing this amazing family who basically started my photography business for me. I adore them and always love photographing them- be it a mini session, full session, event or whatever. Mar is one of the good ones- one who helped me believe in myself, believe that I could actually do this photography thing, and do it for a living. She has never stopped supporting me and for that confidence in me, I can never thank her enough.
the lerh family {mini session}
Another 2011 mini session that is finally making it to the blog. Love this little family and always happy to photograph them. Especially since they come in to see me from NJ.
the back family {mini session}
Another mini session that didn’t make it to the blog until now. Love their little doggies too. Jack asked Mrs. B if she had as many dogs as her son has sneakers. The answer was thankfully not. The kid loves his sneakers…