• bsquared business,  children & families

    the mori family {mini session} & a little bsquared contest

    Wasn’t able to blog all of my holiday sessions before the holidays, so here’s one that I missed. My really good friend Sharon and her family.

    Totally gorgeous, right?!

    And a little bsquared business/a giveaway: Hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas yesterday! We received so many beautiful holiday cards this year (a record #) and I loved seeing all of them.  So a little contest for you, open until December 31st, 2011.

    If you used some bsquared photos on your holiday card that you made yourself, post it to either the  bsquared facebook page (link to your left) or my personal page on facebook and the best card will win a little something. Can’t wait to see what you came up with!


  • elf on the shelf,  personal

    merry christmas {in nyc}

    Cannot even believe it’s Christmas Eve. So much to do, so little time!!

    Two weeks ago we went into the city for our annual Christmas traditions- seeing the tree, the Christmas Spectacular at Radio City, FAO Schwarz and dinner. A few of the photos from the day (all taken with my new Fujifilm x100- love my little point and shoot!)

    Bob didn’t want to stay home alone, especially after he heard we were going into the city for Christmas adventures!

    We ended up going to the tree much earlier in the day than normal but it was getting so crowded that we didn’t go back after the show. A visit to FAO- after waiting on line to get in (!!!). Timmy was all about the Legos and chocolate. Jack has an issue with down escalators. Which of these things is not like the others…I could have left them just in the lego section for about a month and they would’ve been perfectly happy.Some cool window displays. Anthropologie.The Chrysler Building- my favorite.Louis Vuitton. That red suitcase is amazing!A dog in a ridic outfit. And dinner at the midtown location of Peking Duck House. I had no idea there even WAS a midtown location, but it was delicious and exactly like the one in Chinatown. And a lot closer for boys who were exhausted after a long day. Eagerly awaiting the duck. It was the Christmas we were introduced to Chinese Turkey. It’s staring at me. Fa ra ra ra ra. (you better know what movie this is from!)Can you find the little Christmas tree?Hope all of you have a very merry Christmas tomorrow filled with love, family, friends, blessings, good times….and pictures. The blog will probably be quiet for a few days while I regroup and enjoy my long, long awaited vacation. I’ll be posting again before the end of the year, so come back and visit.

  • bsquared business,  personal

    10 for tuesday

    Wow, it’s been a looooong time since I posted one of these. So busy with client sessions, no time for anything else.

    1. Well, as of Sunday night around 2:30am I finished editing all of the 2011 shoots to date!! I’m so excited and relived!! And maybe even a little sad too that it’s over.  I do have two sessions left for the year before vacation begins on Saturday. One sweet 16 and one family session for a soldier who is coming home on R&R from Afghanistan. Really, really looking forward to that one!

    2. A while ago I was contacted by a friend’s sister who is also a TV reporter. She also happened to be someone I photographed in the past as part of her extended family session. She was putting together a piece on women who started their own businesses and she wanted to feature me! Craziness! So we scheduled a date and had a full session with some of my favorite models and an interview on camera and the whole works. I don’t know if it’ll ever air, but if it does I’ll be sure to let you know. Or not, if I look like a giant ass.


    3. Some cool moon shots from my back deck.

    4. Timmy was bored one day and decided to get all his animals together, and I was instructed to photograph it. He kinda reminds me of that scene in ET.

    5. Between working on all the 2011 session, stuff around here for the holidays and just life, I’ve been working on a whole new bsquared for 2012. New branding, new packages, lots of changes. It’s all really exciting and overwhelming and I really can’t wait to share everything with you all. I’ll be working on rolling everything out by mid to late January- probably a little at a time. So be on the lookout for all of that and send me some good, productive thoughts.

    6. Just a few Christmas scenes from around here, including the holiday brunch at the club and our awesome Hanukkah wreath from the equally awesome Sullivans. More to come.

    7. After receiving my new Kindle Touch in early November and having it sit in the box it was shipped in since then, I finally got to open it. Loving it and how tiny it is. Looking forward to finally reading in Florida. I don’t have a really good book list to share yet because I haven’t been reading at all lately. But am hoping after the trip I’ll have a few books to share.

    8. Some photos from my recent shoots in central park. My photografriend Amandarelli came along for the day to help me out and keep me company. I didn’t feed her but other than that I think we had fun! (I didn’t eat either, I’m not that mean!!)

    9. I posted this on Facebook, but I am officially losing it. I bought Timmy a few Wii games last month and hid them so well that I cannot find them. So I spent yesterday morning in GameStop buying the same games. Twice.

    10. I had a great Christmas party last week with my photografriends. We had some awards that night and I won a few: Most Energetic, best logo (a 3way tie but I’m glad I didn’t change my logo afterall!) and Most Likely to drop the Fbomb. That last one is definitely true!!

    Back tomorrow with some Bob posts. Have a great day!