• children & families

    the mro family {mini session}

    Another great family I’m sure you’ll recognize if you are a blog stalker (which of course I hope you are!) from their son’s communion earlier this year. They are actually really good friends with my awesome photografriend Shira who was trying to fit them into her schedule but she was booked and I had a last minute opening for them. It’s so, so SO nice to have great photografriends that help eachother out and share clients so nicely. Shira and I have a few in common and I thik we share pretty well!

    Are they not delicious? Thanks so much L for all the singing for your little miss. I think it paid off!

  • children & families

    the pede family {mini session}

    Coming down to the wire on the holiday sessions. I was really happy that I ended up with some last minute openings for some sessions so I could fit this family in. I’ve been photographing them for a while now and really enjoy it every time. The boys are so nice and so quiet- so getting a real smile out of them is my only challenge. Mission accomplished, I think!

  • children & families

    the walt family {mini session}

    I’ve photographed this family once before a long time ago down at the beach. Now the youngest boy and Timmy are in the same 1st grade class and the oldest one is their safety patrol 5th grader. So I’m getting to know them all a bit better which is great because they are a really nice family. We had a tough go with Miss G. She was NOT having it- not me, not my camera and not one single picture for a while there. I was starting to get a little panic-y cause not a single of my normal tricks worked with this tough cookie. But she did eventually come around on her own and we got a few keepers. Whew.

  • children & families

    the crof family {mini session}

    A favorite bsquared family that I photographed earlier this year and got to see them again for a mini session. The boys were so good and the cutest little models! I love how the ‘big’ one really watches out for his little brother.

    Aaaaand, we’re done. 

  • children & families

    the mcbr family

    While writing this blog post at 2am I’m realizing I’m hardly coherent at this point in the game. Therefore, I’m not going to even attempt any kind of witty narrative, just going to post some pictures for you to look at. Sound good? Ok, then. Look, don’t read.


    *Edited to add: Ok, it’s now 11:20am and after going to bed at 3:30 and just getting up about an hour ago I’m slightly more coherent. Slightly. So enjoy the adorable little boys below. They are super cute and although they were finished with me rather quickly on a chilly morning down by the water we did manage a few smiles and giggles anyway.

    Just love his little expression here. I’m not sure if I should smile or if you are annoying me.And every time this little guy smiled I had a split millisecond to snap a photo before he layed his head down. Every time.