the schm family {mini session}
Been editing my brains out (fingers off? eyes out?) and trying to get at least one session done a day. Which brings us to these handsome boys in their awesomely awesome outfits. My second time photographing them and it’s always an adventure with these two who have more energy put together than one small sun!
the stal family {mini session}
Photographed this fantastic family for the second time- last year at the beach, this year at the park. Loved seeing them again and it was so fun for me to see how they’ve grown and changed. Especially the littlest one.
Gorgeous, much?
For my family, my friends, our health, making dreams into realities, and all my fantastic bsquared clients (who actually fall into the friends category). More on Thanksgiving festivities after today (with pictures of course) but for today, enjoy our apple picking adventures from much earlier this fall.
Hope everyone’s day is fantastic, filled with love and friendship and great food!
And Timmy.
After seeing the pictues of his cousins in their mustaches, Timmy had to have one too.
the coll family {mini session}
I’m sure you’ll remember this young man from his communion photos earlier this year. I was lucky enough to photograph him and his mom again for a holiday mini session. And holiday it was…
And I’m off and running to get Thanksgiving together here for tomorrow. We’re hosting but it’ll be small this year- only 14 people! And Nelson will be in charge of cooking the turkey so I’ll have more time to edit between greenbean casserole, stuffing, brownies, paper bag cookies and apple pie making.
the feeh family
Aka, my nephews. Two out of the three loathe getting their picture taken. Can you guess which ones?
And John has a long standing joke with all of the boys, but especially Sean about mustaches. In other words, he tortures the poor kid about mustaches not stop. Mustache shirts, mugs, jokes. So I couldn’t resist. Not to worry, there is a regular photo with no mustaches, but it’s just not as much fun.