• children & families

    the mcsh family

    I photographed this family a while back (2 years ago I think, maybe 3?) and missed a few years in there, but now we’re back and better than ever! They were so cute and so much fun to photograph and mom & dad couldn’t be any nicer. I love clients that are so easy going and fun!

    Thanks for a great session. So glad everything worked out this year!!

  • personal,  pets

    holly the dog

    My really good friend Jen and her family have a brand new addition. A gorgeous golden retriever puppy (about 7 mo old) who is the sweetest, easiest going, quietest, most docile dog I’ve ever met- especially for a 7 month old. Even Timmy who is somewhat skittish around dogs loooooves Holly. And with Holly living in a house with three very busy boys 6 and under, I guess she’s already quite acclimated to the chaos. Makes my boys so jealous, but I just tell them they can go by Jen’s house at any time to visit. Cause that’s as close to getting a dog is they’re going to get.

    Had to snap a few of Timmy & his BFF Jack too of course!And after a house full of boys, Holly needs a nice sparkly pink collar!

  • babies,  children & families

    the felb family

    This is this sister of yesterday’s blog post- I love families who all love bsquared!! I’ve photographed them a few times in the past, starting with their engagement party. It’s been great watching their family grow! They even included their other baby- their dog Yogi. As you can see, their son is enamored with the dog and I’m sure they’ll grow up to be best buds!!

    And seriously? The hat? Totally looooove it.

  • children & families

    the mcdo family

    Another long time bsquared family and I cannot even believe how big the baby got since last year. He’s like a real little person now!! Always a pleasure to see and photograph (and chase after) these guys!

    Please excuse the short narrative, just trying to keep my head above water and keep on editing so everyone has their photos by the holidays!!

    Someone was getting sleepy. It was past his naptime but he hung in there. Mom’s sister and her family came by and we took a few of them together for Grandma.

    Stay tuned for the other half of the family’s session on the blog tomorrow.