• baseball,  personal

    rvc royals

    This year the boys are playing on a NJBL (national junior baseball league) travel team and loving every minute. So yes, that means that they are playing on two baseball teams and one football team. We’re a little busy!

    After a rough start to the season, they’ve been winning some games and getting to be much more of a team. Even the losses in the beginning weren’t so terrible score wise, but winning is always so much more fun, right? After the parents asked me at the last game if the pictures from the game the week before didn’t come out good, I figured it was (past) time to get them edited and posted. So here are some from their games vs. Lynbrook & vs. Franklin Square.

    Celebrating their first win against Lynbrook.And the game against Franklin Square:

    And celebrating another win!We’ll be traveling to Cooperstown next summer for the boys to play up there. Very exciting for them!! And I’ll be there with my camera for sure.

    I’m off to Central Park today for a full day of sessions. Lots more client’s sessions coming to the blog this week…stay tuned!

  • baseball,  bsquared business,  personal,  product

    6 for Saturday {including a little bsquared business}

    First, the business stuff:

    1. Any of my clients who are interested in purchasing Organic Bloom framing- they are taking about 4 weeks from order to delivery so if you are looking for the frames to be here in time for the holidays (to decorate your house with all your fabulous bsquared images in super cool frames so your holiday guests can ooooh and aaaahhh over them. or to give as awesome gifts!) you should probably place your orders soon. I’m happy to come over and help measure your walls, lay out your galleries and help choose images and frame colors. You know, in my free time!

    2. Holiday card orders have come in from a few bsquared clients and are starting to arrive from my printer. And they are looking fabulous! The earlier you order your cards, the sooner you can have one more thing checked off your holiday to do list!!
    I will be accepting holiday card orders thru Friday, December 9th for guaranteed holiday delivery. If you order after December 9th, there will be an additional charge for expediting your order. No orders will be accepted after December 16th. Sorry, no exceptions. (**if you have one of the later November bsquared sessions and your gallery isn’t ready to view by December 9th there will be no additional charge to expedite your order and you’ll still have your cards in time for the holidays.)

    You can find the bsquared holiday card collection by clicking on the b2 products link in the menu bar above.

    3. Because I don’t have quite enough on my plate this time of year, I’m working on lots of changes for bsquared photography in 2012. I can’t wait to share everything with you! Watch out for new announcements in December and January.

    4. It’s been a very ummm….interesting? month around here with the big boys. We’ve got quite the streak of losses and I’m hemorrhaging money. In the last month they’ve:

    lost a cell phone (which I found 3 weeks later after ordering the replacement- of course- but returned the replacement and got my $ back),

    lost a kindle (and the person who then took said kindle downloaded the Bible on it. Irony, much? My uncle said they must have been from the church of the 9 commandments. Whoever has it now has a very expensive piece of plastic that does nothing.         We deactivated it so nothing shows up on the screen, nothing can be read or purchased. How’s that working out for you?)

    dropped a macbook (which then needed it’s screen replaced)

    dropped a stapler on my macbook pro and killed the entire harddrive. dead. (it was burning a disc and uploading pictures when that happened so with all the moving parts inside moving it killed everything. and wiped out all of my quickbooks accounting from Jan 1- now. I did back it up but only until mid April so I spent the better part of 2 days this week re-entering all my accounting. Not fun. Especially not in October when I’m already going crazy with busy season. I didn’t lose anything else on it really- everything else is backed up elsewhere. It’s just a ginormous pain in the ass replacing all of it. And the $700 I had to pay for the 2 computers to be fixed was not a thrill either.)

    lost ONE sneaker. or it was stolen. But seriously- wtf are you going to do with ONE sneaker?


    5. Timmy and I got our flu shots earlier this week (J&P got theirs last week) and this year he only cried for 5 minutes. Which was a vast improvement over last year’s HOUR of hysterics. Literally one hour of hysterical screaming AFTER the shot was over. The kid was pissssssed. This year was much better and he got chocolate lollipops as a reward for being brave. Maybe next year there will be no tears? We also hit Timmy’s BFF Jack’s house last weekend for his JDRF walk party. The kid who cannot stand needles and blood and the kid who is diabetic are BFF’s. Life’s funny like that.


    6. Finally some baseball little league photos from the last few weeks. This was the third of a triple header day for the boys- they’ve been playing SO hard this year. That’s a really good thing.

    The boys friend Stephen was pitching a few innings for the opposing team, so I caught a few of him for his mom. Timmy had the best seat in the house. 

    Hope everyone has a great Saturday. I’m off to photograph my oldest friends daughter’s Bat Mitzvah today. How did we get so old?!

  • children & families

    the reil family {mini session}

    We were supposed to do a full session out near their summer home in Wading River. But with the weather this year and two cancellations due to the rain, we had to settle on a mini session at Tanglewood. The rain this year has really been killing me, but I’m hoping we’re out of that rut. Just glad I got to finally photograph this family- they were worth the wait!

    I loved the interaction between the (much older) brothers and their little sister. So amazing. She’s a lucky girl!!

    Hope you think it was worth the wait too!

  • children & families

    the palm family {mini session}

    Another repeat bsquared family that I love watch growing up! The kids have changed so much since the last time I photographed them and are a total pleasure to work with! And the cuteness factor is pretty much off the charts!

    Great to see you all again this year!! Hope you enjoy your pictures!

  • children & families

    the ricc family {mini session}

    My fabulous pilates trainer and her equally fantastic kids make their bsquared blog appearance today. And I’m reeeeeeally hoping she likes her pictures since I see her this morning for an hour. I could be paying the price (moreso than normal) if she doesn’t like them. Hmmm….maybe I should’ve waited to post until tomorrow…

    My favorite part of the shoot was when I asked Karen to do something and she said no. Cause that’s my line during pilates. All the time. Just no.

    Hope you like the pictures Karen. Don’t kill me today.