• children & families

    the leho family

    A new to bsquared family who I already consider friends! They were just ‘those’ kind of people that you just click with immediately. We spent a good hour just chatting after our session was over- so fun! And as it turns out, we have a few friends in common too. We had a fun session- I think the kids were surprised that we could actually have fun while taking some pictures. They are soooo cute and sweet and a joy to photograph.

    Yeah, he was pretty happy he got to throw the football at my head.

  • babies,  beach,  children & families

    the baul family

    This adorable little guy and his parents were gifted with a bsquared session and I was so looking forward to photographing them down at the beach. The weather was ‘meh’ at best that day, but it did make for pretty pictures and we had NO rain (which was a slight miracle since we’ve seemed to have it for like every other shoot scheduled!). As it turns out, dad is a teacher at the boys middle school and while they don’t have him as their teacher for any classes this year, he knows them from their often worn RedSox gear, which Mr. B does NOT like. The boys do like him though, even though he’s a Yankee’s fan.

    Anyway, without further ado here’s the ‘baul’ family in all their cuteness!

    See you around school, Mr. B! Hope you enjoy your photos!

  • children & families

    the trav family

    Another high school friend’s family, but this family is making their bsquared blog debut today. Loved these fun, spunky, way athletic and gorgeous girls who were a blast to photograph. And the dog who gave me possibly the best doggy face I ever captured!

    (please excuse the lack of narrative- it might be like this for a while as I’m in the thick of busy season and between designing & ordering cards and iphone cases and frames and the crazy volume of shoots I have to edit, I figure you’d much rather see the pictures than read what I have to say anyway!)

  • personal & corporate branding {headshots}

    my photografriend Kate

    Who was a blast to photograph and even more fun to work with at the wedding we shot together on Friday night. I’m so happy that I belong to a great group of LI (and the surrounding area) group of talented, friendly, supportive and WAY fun photographers- that’s where I met Kate. And we live in the same town. Awesome! She needed a few quick headshots for her website and I was more than happy to oblige. You can see more about Kate on her website http://www.katemeyerphotography.com


  • beach,  children & families

    the cast family

    One of my most fun families to photograph, always on the beach, always at the end of the summer and always a great time! I love arriving at their home as I always get big hello’s including hugs and kisses from all the kids. They’re awesome!!!!!

    And believe it or not, we actually did this shoot at 11:30am on the beach! Which completely goes against every beach shoot rule but the sky was 100% cloud cover with no breaks of the sun, so we not only got away with it, but rocked it!

    See what I mean about them being awesome!?Hope to do it all again next year. With colored shirts though, okay C?