the stac family
While the first go at this shoot was pretty much rained out after about 20 minutes, we agreed to meet back at Pt. Lookout the next day for a retry. And it all worked out for the best! The first day was like a mini hurricane- freezing with a really strong wind and intermittent rain. Good times. But the weather gods made it all up to us the next day with a really pretty sunset. And good kids!
It was someone’s birthday. Can you guess who?
We only were allowed limited time with the hat shots.
The two pretty birthday princesses.
(you can tell this shot is from the first day with the winds!)
Sweet baby!!
Thanks to all of you for braving the weather the first day and coming back the next! Love you guys so much it was a bonus to see you two days in a row!!
swimmy timmy
There’s a photographer that I really admire and love all of her work. So this was my attempt to do a styled shoot inspired by her work. And, Timmy really had a great time so it was fun for both of us.
A big thank you goes out to Aunt Ivy for the pool loan, Clare and Tammy for the flipper loans. It was a group effort.
Ok, did any of my blog stalkers ever see the documentary movie about Dogtown & Z-boys? I totally think Timmy looks like the b/w pictures of Jay Adams as a kid. Except minus the whole future ex-con thing.
Doin the butt dance. A perfect ending (ha, ending– get it? sorry. I think I’m a little slaphappy from editing for hours on end.)
And one little announcement…I have one MINI session available tomorrow, Friday 9/30 at 4pm at Tanglewood Preserve. Email me or leave a comment below if you are interested.
the nevi family
Always a pleasure (but also always added pressure) to take photos of friends. But I had a great time with one of my BFF’s Jen who happens to be the mom of Timmy’s very BFF in the whole wide world. We headed down to Pt. Lookout for some quick family photos. The boys are always NOT into it until there is jumping and running involved so we did as much of that as possible- and ended up with (mostly) happy boys with real smiles!
Gorgeous momma!! And Timmy’s BFF Jack. Trying hard not to smile for me.
Happy boys!
Someone was in a mood. This one is my biggest challenge to shoot. He’s literally happy one minute, looking to kill you the next. And has the best smiles and worst dirtiest looks ever!
Hope you like them Jen! Love you guys!!
the rior family
Although I’ve know this fantastic family of 7 for a while now, it was my first time photographing them and I loved every minute of the whole shoot. They are the nicest family and I adored all the blondness!!
This was my first session with the new camera. What a perfect way to break it in!
Love them!
Told ya they were fun!
The two men of the family. Kinda feel a little bad for them. That’s alot of girls!
They are a HUGE lacrosse family. Dad coaches, all the kids play. I was so happy they brought their sticks. Along with the attitude!
Ok, I admit I was more than a little afraid with all 5 of them charging me.
The best thing? They really do all love eachother and you can see it all the time.
Even when they are tackling eachother.
I would pay zillions for that hair.
Cutest ever, right?
And at the end of a fabulous shoot, they had surprise homebaked cupcakes and a chorus of happy birthday for me!! Could they be more thoughtful?! And the cupcakes were delish!!
Thanks to all of you for a great shoot, a super fun time, helping me break in my new camera, the laughs and the cupcakes! xo
the sylv family
My 4th?, 5th? (lost count) time photographing this fantastic family of now 4 boys. Love seeing them and watching the boys grow every year. They are very busy boys and I always have a fun time photographing them all.
Thanks for another great session!